OK I has a stack of CDs and I didn’t know what was one them. On one of them was an old black and white picture of me so I thought I’d share it with you. I’m facing the camera. It was taken in the finals of the Van Buren Invitational was back in the year 1986. I was wrestling McComb’s Harold Lora in the finals of the 275-pound division.
Interestingly enough I beat Lora at the VBI and in the sectional, regional and state finals. He hated me.
Call this entry my early Wrestling Christmas List.
1, More wrestling officials for the Northwest District. There always seems a shortage of officials in the NW and the more the merrier. I’m going to take Ron Nieset;s class next season but I won’t be wearing the stripes I want to know and understand the rules better than the officials do especially if I coach again next season.
2, A rebirth of old wrestling programs. Buckeye Central reinstated its wrestling program a few years ago after a 20-year hiatus I’d love to see some other programs reborn. Liberty-Benton, Wynford, Crestline, Hilltop, Fayette, Ottawa Hills, Mansfield St. Peter’s, Mansfield Christian, North Central are all Northwest District schools that had wrestling programs at one time but for whatever reason dropped them.
After Liberty-Benton turned in their football equipment the coaches asked how many would like to try wrestling. 15 underclassmen indicated they would. Anyone have an extra mat I could borrow this winter for an intramural and biddy program there or have any ideas for me. St. Peter’s in particular had a rich wrestling history it was sad to see that program fold.
3, More kids involved. It’s a tough sport and a tough sell. But there’s nothing I’d like to see more than bodies filling all 14 weight classes at the high school level. A warm body with no knowledge or experience is better than no body at all.
4, More results. Newspapers seem to be cutting back and coaches aren’t reporting many of their results. Just one Thursday night I’d love to see all of the dual meet summaries in The Blade and other newspapers. What woul they do if they actually got all 20 dual meets that happened on a Thursday night in their coverage area. As it is now, the suburban schools in the NLL and the City League teams don’t even report their results. It takes five minutes by email or phone to get it done. Just do it coaches…promote the sport.
5, A safe and happy holiday season to everyone reading this blog. There’s a lot of great people out there involved in wrestling and we want to keep you around and involved as long as we can.
6, More feedback. Do you read this blog? Do you like it? What I can I do better? What do you want to read about? Give me some topics and let me know you are out there. Also what’s on your wrestling Christmas wish list for this year….I want to know.
Margaretta falls short in dual with Woodmore
Woodmore 42, Margaretta 39
103 — Brad Reynolds (W) pinned Ethan Wilson, 2:55.
112 — Jim Wiedenheft (M) won by forfeit.
119 — David Siesel (M) pinned Tim Cooper :36.
125 — Warren Fleetwood (M) won by forfeit.
130 — Josh Beekman (M) pinned Aaron Rowlands 1:23.
135 — Dusty Ashbaucher (W) won by default.
140 — Cory Westgate (M) pinned Matt Travis,1:10.
145 — Chris Jones (M) won by forfeit.
152 — Josh Meyers (M) dec. Joe Braun,7-6.
160 — Tim Artesia (W) pinned Mike Carpenter, 3:02.
171 — Glenn Smith (W) pinned Rob Steel,4:54.
189 — Travis Ault (W) pinned Bryant Haggermaker, :45
215 — Woodmore won by forfeit.
275 — Ryan Buckner (W) pinned Kevin Bye (M), 1:04.
Coldwater Duals
Coldwater 52, Troy 21
Third Place
St. Marys Memorial 57, Allen East 15
Fifth Place
Tinora 46, Miamisburg 30
Seventh Place
Edgerton 39, Milton-Union 30
Ninth Place
Lincolnview 42, Carey 36
As a fellow sports reporter, I would also love to have so many wrestling results that I have to beg for more space to publish them. However, not all coaches turn in their results, or when some do, they don't provide full names.
Why is it so hard to get the full names of the kids your wrestlers compete against, especially in a dual? I've seen the books, all you have to do is write the full name. Each team's stat person (usually a girl who knows each and every wrestler for her school) almost always sit next to each other at the scorer's table.
I can see that it would be a little more difficult to do that at a regular tournament, but then all a coach has to do is fax me a copy of the results or drop one off.
The more information we as writers get, the more we can write about. It's really a simple process.
Jamie, keep up the good work. The results you post are a HUGE help.
Your former writing partner in Fostoria.
What is the e-mail address for reporting sports news to the Fostoria Papers? If I get them to you, Jamie, will they get in there? I looked last week and could not find them.
The E-mail for the Fostoria Focus is newsjohn@fostoriafocus.com. I don't know the one for the Review Times.
The site is great Jamie, keep it up. Also, as the season gets rolling, you should do your Bakeman on here, maybe on a weekly basis. If you have the time. That would be neat and I think a lot of people would come here and talk about it (even more than already visit). This site helps coaches as well, it helps prepare for the upcoming teams better.
On my wish list is another individual state title for my school. It would be nice to get the team one, but that is a long shot. It would be real nice.
John is right news paper space is a big consideration that's one of the reasons I started this blog and The Buzz to write more about local sports.
Plus maybe it will make me a better writer.
Rob let me know which email addresses you need I have them here in the office somewhere for all NW Ohio Newspapers
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