Friday, February 02, 2007

Working on the Bakeman

Too busy writing the annual BAKEMAN REPORT to post today.
Here are some results though and newslinks...

Brakeman predicts success for Ashland area grapplers
Rossford’s Espinoza is Athlete of the Week
Home sweet home in Liberty Center
Defiance pins loss on Kenton
Tiebreaker not kind to Delphos Jefferson
Blue Jays beat Lima C.C.
Lakota rebounds to beat Gibsonburg
PC Redskins get swept
Wapakoneta pins loss on Shawnee
Anthony Wayne 44, Rossford 30
103 – Brown (A) maj. dec. Jewell 10-2
112 – Irwin (A) tech. fall Bryant 17-2
119 – Shawn Bryant (Ro) won by forfeit
125 – McCulloch (A) dec. Ilrich 9-2
130 – Switzer (A) pinned Shaw :41
135 – Espinoza (Ro) pinned Olsavsky 1:12
140 – Bischoff (A) won by forfeiut
145 – Wray (Ro) pinned Miles 3:11
152 – Myers (A) pinned Meadows 1:42
160 – Munson (A) pinned Shaffer 3:59
171 – Benner (A) pinnede Stone 4:46
189 – Seely (Ro) pinned Perkins 1:43
215 – Warnecke (A) dec. Okonski 8-5
285 – Seely (Ro) pinned Perkins 1:43

Perrysburg 39, Sylvania Southview 23
103 – double forfeit
112 – Jordan (P) pinned Keblesh 4:49
119 – Mori (P) won by forfeit
125 – Latham (SS) pinned Bair 4:47
130 – Jakes (SS) dec. Buehler 6-2
135 – Burkhart (P) dec. Bradley 6-5
140 – Richardson (P) dec. Craford 5-0
145 – Sarno (P) pinned Duanhauer :45
152 – Grayson (P) dec. Darrin 6-4
160 – Helminiak (SS) maj. dec. Forgash 15-3
171 – Zellers (S) maj. dec. Garcia 14-5
189 – Isley (SS) pinned Moyer 2:13
215 – Laing (P) pinned Marley :39
285 – Middleton (P) pinned Lowe 1:03

Sylvania Northview 42, Bowling Green 29
103 – Jones (SN) won by forfeit
112 – Bentley (SN) maj. dec. Zimmerman 12-0
119 – Boileau (SN) won by forfeit
125 – Sharer (SN) pinned Morrman 1:36
130 – Miller (BG) pinned Callejas 4:57
135 – Carr (BG) dec. Box 8-6
140 – Ritzenthaler (SN) pinned Herrera 1:42
145 – Hendon (BG) pinned Kunar 1:16
152 – Henry (BG) tech. fall Cole 19-4
160 – Kirkbride (BG) dec. Goellenitz 7-4
171 – Zipfel (SN) tech. fall Reynolds 18-1
189 – Sickler (BG) pinned Graves 1:20
215 – Wisniewski (SN) won by forfeit
285 – Urban (SN) dec. Cox 5-2

Defiance 53, Kenton 24
103 – Miller (D) tech. fall Long 19-1
112 – Hurst (D) won by forfeit
119 – Gonzales (D) pinned Sheldon
125 – Carnahan (D) pinned Taylor
130 – Mannon (D) pinned Whitaker
135 – Wagenhauser (D) pinned Collins
140 – Swanson (D) won by forfeit
145 – Baldwin (K) pinned Millern
152 – Bay (K) pinned Ramirez
160 – double forfeit
171 – Ward (D) pinned Sheperd
189 – Myers (K) pinned Alvarado
215 – Hainline (K) won by forfeit
285 – Rodriguez (D) pinned King

Springfield 54, Maumee 12
103 – Manley (S) dec. Warren 4-2
112 – Jackson (S) dec. Schlegel 5-2
119 – Cole (S) pinned Waldron :33
125 – Smith (S) won by forfeit
130 – Dennis (S) pinned U. Johnson 2:34
135 – Byers (S) pinned Nickey 2:27
140 – Ferguson (S) dec. M. Johnson 8-3
145 – Graves (M) pinned Nikolakos 1:245
152 – Meek (S) dec. Scott 7-2
160 – Rhoades (S) pinned Brower :46
171 – Carter (M) dec. Guercio 13-11
189 – Krajicek (S) pinned Gochenour 1:14
215 – Rippke (M) dec. J. Guercio 13-11
285 – Holland (S) pinned Miller 1:15

Bryan 42, Edgerton 32
103 – Ramos (B) won by forfeit
112 – Brown (E) pinned Shook 5:46
119 – Crowe (E) pinned Apple 1:23
125 – Karnes (E) dec. Dewitt 7-1
130 – Goebel (E) dec. S. Combs 7-3
135 – Hernandez (B) pinned Broeke 1:11
140 – B. Combs (B) pinned Roose 1:31
145 – Krill (E) dec. Andrews 7-5
152 – Sheets (E) tech. fall Sidle 20-3
160 – Timmons (B) pinned Apple 1:30
171 – Wineland (E) pinned J. Hageman 3:11
189 – Piper (B) pinned Cape 1:02
215 – Wheeler (B) pinned Greutman 1:20
285 – Nowatokowski (B) won by forfeit

Delta 48, Bryan 27
103 – Aranjo (D) tech. fall Ramos 18-3
112 – Ry. Rayfield (D) pinned Shook 4:$5
119 – Tolson (D) dec. Apple 14-1
125 – Smith (D) pinned Dewitt 3:41
130 – Carrisalez (D) pinned S. Combs 1:32
135 – Pfaff (D) pinned Hernandez 3:01
140 – Gombash (D) dec. B. Combs 8-2
145 – Andrews (B) pinned Re. Rayfield :36
152 – Sidle (B) dec. Robertson 12-8
160 – Yant (D) pinned Timmons 1:33
171 – Hageman (B) pinned Fitch 2:31
189 – Godsey (D) pinned L. Hageman 3:27
215 – Wheeler (B) pinned Balicki 5:09
285 – Nowatkowski (B) won by forfeit

Stryker 48, Gibsonburg 23
103 – double forfeit
112 – Schlosser (S) won by forfeit
119 – double forfeit
125 – Perez (S) pinned Garcia 3:39
130 – Fisher (G) pinned Peters 2:30
135 – Roach (G) won by forfeit
140 – Collum (G) pinned Kunkle :28
145 – Sponseller (G) tech. fall Meyers 15-0
152 – Matter (S) dec. Null 9-2
160 – Bell (S) won by forfeit
171 – Perez (S) pinned A. Garcia 1:48
189 – Evans (S) pinned Garza :38
215 – Clauson (S) pinned Repp 3:26
285 – Schweigel (S) pinned Widmer 3:14

Stryker 45, Lakota 22
103 – double forfeit
112 – Schlosser (S) won by forfeit
119 – double forfeit
125 – Peters (S) won by forfeit
130 – Perez (S) pinned Manns :43
135 – Peeler (L) won by forfeit
140 – McClafin (L) pinned Meyers 3:39
145 – Kunkle (S) won by forfeit
152 – C. Kleman (L) maj. dec. Matter 15-6
160 – Bell (S) pinned Fritz 1:20
171 – Perez (S) pinned M. Kleman 4:41
189 – Evans (S) pinned Podach :18
215 – Steele (L) pinned Clauson 5:27
285 – Schwiegel (S) dec. Foutz 7-3

Delphos Jefferson 46, Columbus Grove 15
103 – double forfeit
112 – double forfeit
119 – Etzkorn (DJ) tech. fall Goedde 16-1
125 – double forfeit
130 – Burritt (DJ) won by forfeit
135 – Siefker (DJ) won by forfeit
140 – McElroy (DJ) won by forfeit
145 – Tourjee (CG) dec. Andrews 9-7
152 – Kruse (DJ) won by forfeit
160 – Harnishfeger (CG) pinned Wollenhaupt 2:54
171 – Harshman (CG) pinned Bevington :40
189 – Miller (DJ) pinned Oney 3:32
215 – Swick (DJ) tech. fall Vorst 232-8
285 – Osting (DJ) pinned Bell :56

McComb 34, Delphos Jefferson 33
103 – Herrera (M) won by forfeit
112 – double forfeit
119 – Williams (M) pinned Etzkorn 4:30
125 – double forfeit
130 – VanAtta (M) pinned Burritt 1:24
135 – Siefker (DJ) pinned Delacerda 2:35
140 – Cramer (M) dec. McElroy 9-7
145 – Andrews (DJ) dec. Harden 8-7
152 – Hill (M) pinned Kruse 1:19
160 – Wollenhaupt (DJ) won by forfeit
171 – Brickner (M) pinned Bevington 1:47
189 – Miller (DJ) won by forfeit
215 – Swick (DJ) won by forfeit
285 – Osting (DJ) won by forfeit

McComb 41, Columbus Grove 30
103 – Herrera (M) won by forfeit
112 – Double forfeit
119 – Williams (M) pinned Goedde 2:24
125 – VanAtta (M) won by forfeit
130 – Delacerda (M) won by forfeit
135 – Cramer (M) won by forfeit
140 – Harden (M) won by forfeit
145 – Hill (M) tech. fall Tourjee 15-0
152 – double forfeit
160 – Harnishfeger (CG) won by forfeit
171 – Harshman (CG) pinned Brickner 3:44
189 – Oney (CG) won by forfeit
215 – Vorst (CG) won by forfeit
285 – Bell (CG) won by forfeit

Norwalk 55, Port Clinton 17
103 — Johansen (PC) pinned Olvera 3:47
112 — Arnold (N) dec. Cook 7-6
119 — Hurst (N) pinned Clemons :50
125 — Double forfeit
130 — Teeters (N) won by forfeit
135 — Ratliff (N) won by forfeit
140 — Ringle (N) dec. Snyder 12-7
145 — Pfeifer (N) won by forfeit
152 — Rolen (PC) tech fall Cooper 16-1
160 — Johnson (N) pinned McMurray 3:15
171 — Cook (N) pinned Smith :47
189 — Torrence (N) won by forfeit
215 — Lund (N) won by forfeit 285:
285 — Brady (PC) pinned Dominguez 1:35

Fremont Ross 34, Norwalk 31
103 — Rodriguez (R) pinned Olvera 2:24
112 — Migeras (R) pinned Arnold 1:10
119 — Flores (R) tech fall Hurst 20-7
125 — Double forfeit
130 — Mezager (R) pinned Teeters 1:22
135 — Rojares (R) pinned Ratliff 1:15
140 — Ringle (N) pinned Weaver :21
145 — Pfeifer (N) won by forfeit
152 — Cooper (N) dec. Grubb 7-4
160 — Johnson (N) maj. dec. Bies 9-0
171 — Cook (N) dec. Whitwright 9-5
189 — Torrence (N) maj. dec. Beihler 9-1
215 — Lund (N) pinned Chudzinski 1:55
285 — Gates (R) pinned Dominguez 1:43

New London 54, Hillsdale 30
103 — McGrail (NL) won by forfeit
112 — Strine (H) won by forfeit
119 — Curtis Puder (NL) won by forfeit
125 — Fannin (NL) won by forfeit
130 — Bret Essenmacher (NL) pinned Cover :35
135 — Cory Essenmacher (NL) pinned Early :50
140 — Vermillion (NL) won by forfeit
145 — Grys (NL) won by forfeit
152 — Keathley (NL) won by forfeit
160 — Grilley (H) pinned Cory Puder 1:12
171 — Kimball (H) pinned Cook :56
189 — Stoner (H) won by forfeit
215 — Hess (H) won by forfeit
285 — Gregory (NL) pinned Taylor 1:29

Mansfield Senior 34, New London 28
103 — Henderson (M) pinned McGrail 1:13
112 — Thompson (M) won by forfeit
119 — Stevens (M) maj. dec. Curtis Puder 16-7
125 — Fannin (NL) maj. dec. Morley 15-1
130 — Kososky (M) d. Bret Essenmacher 8-3
135 — Longood (M) pinned Cory Essenmacher 5:32
140 — Vermillion (N) pinned Stevens 2:38
145 — Grys (NL) pinned Brumfield 5:13
152 — Hoskins (M) pinned Keathley 3:35
160 — Cory Puder (NL) won by forfeit
171 — Cook (NL) won by forfeit
189 — Double forfeit
215 — Double forfeit
285 — Tufts (M) d. Gregory 10-5

Bellevue 42, Sandusky Perkins 18
103 — Ackerman (B) pinned Kilbury 2:09
112 — Munafo (P) maj dec. Justice15-2
119 — Moyer (B) dec. Urso 5-4
125 — Baxter (P) dec. Hogue, 8-5
130 — Kidd (B) tech. fall Kidd 18-3
135 — Riedy (B) maj. dec. McGookey 12-3
140 — Pelton (B) pinned Trautman 1:48
145 — Pisano (P) dec. Pena 9-7
152 — Yingling (B) maj. dec. Peters 16-5
160 — Zenowicz (B) dec. Lazzara 6-5
171 — Erf (B) tech. fall Crum 17-0
189 — Fischer (P) tech. fall Rhine, 18-3
215 — Lorcher (P) dec. C. Brooks 8-2
285 — M. Brooks (B) pinned Painter :31

Allen East 46, Delphos St. John’s 23
103 – Merschman (DSJ) pinned Krueger :18
112 – Freeman (AE) won by forfeit
119 – Prater (AE) won by forfeit
125 – Fisher (AE) won by forfet
130 – double forfeit
135 – Reindel (DSJ) won by forfeit
140 – Neumeier (DSJ) won by forfeit
145 – Ford (AE) maj. dec. DeWitt 14-5
152 – Hutchinson (AE) won by forfeit
160 – Backus (DSJ) dec. Sneary 8-6
171 – Dues (AE) won by forfeit
189 – Stephens (AE) pinned Michel 5:12
215 – Burkey (AE) won by forfeit
285 – Fritz (DSJ) pinned Pryer 1:29

Allen East 45, Lima Central Catholic 27
103 – Krueger (AE) won by forfeit
112 – Freeman (AE) pinned Patterson 1:29
119 – White (LCC) pinned Prater 1:00
125 – Fisher (AE) won by forfeit
130 – double forfeit
135 – Geiger (LCC) won by forfeit
140 – Hahn (LCC) won by forfeit
145 – Ford (AE) pinned Hinegardner 1:00
152 – Kayatin (LCC) pinned Hutchinson 5:16
160 – Sneary (AE) pinned McCormick :50
171 – Dues (AE) dec. Thomason 12-5
189 – Wise (AE) pinned O’Brien 3:02
215 – Tremoulis (LCC) dec. Burley 7-6
285 – Pryer (AE) pinned Shanahan 1:06

Wapakoneta 38, Lima Shawnee 31
103 – Kennedy (W) maj. dec. Parsons
112 – Croft (LS) won by forfeit
119 – Thomas (LS) pinned Zwiebel 4:41
125 – B. Bailey (W) tech. fall Nichols
130 – Beemer (W) pinned Miron 1:10
135 – Claybaugh ()W) tech. fall Pellegrini
140 – Rider (LS) dec. Poppe
145 – C. Bailey (W) pinned Carter 3:39
152 – Washam (LS) maj. dec. Matte
160 – Long (W) dec. Coon
171 – Shipp (W) pinned Downard 2:”56
189 – Patrick (LS) won by forfeit
215 – Hurlburt (LS) won by forfeit
285 – Byrne (W) dec. Geiger

Elida 54, St. Marys Memorial 12
103 – Hunlock (E) tech. fall Knous 27-12
112 – Brunk (E) won by forfeit
119 – Diglia (E) dec. Hedrick 3-0
125 – Troyer (E) dec. Price 5-2
130 – Dunham (SM) won by forfeit
135 – Overholt (E) pinned Ginter 1:18
140 – Mabry (SM) pinned Morris :51
145 – Leis (E) pinned Hardee 3:58
152 – Ladd (E) pinned Wietholter 3:54
160 – Fricke (E) pinned Sawmiller :24
171 – Saffle (E) dec. Lauth 4-3
189 – double forfeit
215 – Wittkamp (E) pinned Brown 1:50
285 – VanVoorhis (E) dec. Neal 5-2

Western Reserve 41, Tiffin Columbian 28
103 – Supeck (WR) pinned Desjardins 2:41
112 – Burns (TC) won by forfeit
119 – Schneider (TC) maj. dec. Manning 14-3
125 – Combs (WR) pinned Fonseca 2:47
130 – McDole (TC) tech. fall Stoll 15-0
135 – Reis (TC) maj. dec. Beat 16-6
140 – M. Swan (WT) tech. fall Satyanthan 17-0
145 – Zaborski (WR) pinned Droll 1:03
152 – double forfeit
160 – Williams (TC) dec. Boyce 3-2
171 – Boyd (WR) pinned Traxler 3:10
189 – Stoll (WR) won by forfeit
215 – Cox (WR) won by forfeit
285 – Donna (TC) pinned Jones 2:00

Clyde 49, Tiffin Columbian 27
103 – Rawson (Cly) maj. dec. Dejardins 16-5
112 – Gerber (Cly) pinned Schneider 1:42
119 – Riley (TC) dec. Stiffler 17-15
125 – Fonseca (TC) won by forfeit
130 – McDole (TC) pinned Flores 3:21
135 – Pumphrey (Cly) pinned Reis 1:22
140 – Rex (Cly) pinned Santhayan 2:44
145 – Droll (TC) won by forfeit
152 – Schwartz (Cly) won by forfeit
160 – Thurn (Cly) dec. Williams 3-1
171 – Ortolani (Cly) pinned Traxler 1:30
189 – Andrews (Cly) won by forfeit
215 – Selvey (Cly) won by forfeit
285 – Donna (TC) pinned Hammons 2:41

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Brakeman is out...

As if all of you didn’t already know, the 36th annual edition of the Brakeman Report has been released.
No one does it better than he does.
Picking the best wrestlers in three divisions isn’t an easy task. People will question and nit pick the predictions. My advice to all those nit pickers is do your own damn report.
Good luck.
There are nearly 600 wrestling schools in Ohio. Keeping track of that is nearly impossible. I try and do what I can with the 100 or so schools in the NW District and that task is daunting enough.
Plus Mr. Brakeman has a great track record and his report does nothing but promote Ohio High School wrestling. It gets people talking wrestling and keeps them interested in it.
Anyway that’s my little nugget for today.

Got some tournament information for the NWOAL, NWC and SLL. But am still missing the following leagues and conferences anyone with the starting times, site, admission prices etc. Please drop me an email ASAP:

Midland Athletic League
North Central Conference
Northern Ohio League
Toledo City League
Firelands Conference
Western Buckeye League
Sandusky Bay Conference
Ohio Cardinal Conference
Greater Buckeye Conference
Green Meadows Conference
Northern Lakes League

McComb 47, Columbus Grove 27
103 -- Herrera (McC) won by forfeit.
112 -- Double forfeit.
119 -- Williams (McC) pinned Goedde, :42.
125 -- VanAtta (McC) won by forfeit.
130 -- DeLaCruz (McC) won by forfeit.
135 -- Cramer (McC) won by forfeit.
140 -- Harden (McC) won by forfeit.
145 -- Hill (McC) tech. fall, Tourjee, 15-0.
152 -- Double forfeit.
160 -- Harnisfeger (CG) won by forfeit.
171 -- Brickner (McC) pinned Harshman, 3:44.
189 -- Oney (CG) won by forfeit.
215 -- Vorst (CG) won by forfeit.

Genoa 45, Fostoria 21
103 -- Double forfeit.
112 -- Double Forfeit.
119 -- Heiser (Fos) pinned Teneyck, 1:46.
125 -- August (Fos) pinned deStazio, 3:13.
130 -- Leonard (Fos) dec. T. Espinoza, 15-8.
135 -- Markoff (Fos) pinned Schneider, 5:18.
140 -- Eckel (Gen) def. Solether, 7-2.
145 -- Adams (Gen) won by forfeit.
152 -- A. Espinoza (Gen) won by forfeit.
160 -- Hrabak (Gen) won by forfeit.
171 -- Hirt (Gen) won by forfeit.
189 -- Martin (Gen) won by forfeit.
215 -- Schreuder (Gen) won by forfeit.
275 -- D'clute (Gen) won by forfeit.

Toledo Waite 39, Fostoria 21
103 -- Bauer (TW) won by forfeit.
112 -- Double forfeit.
119 -- Heiser (Fos) pinned Enright, 2:43.
125 -- August (Fos) won by forfeit.
130 -- Leonard (Fos) maj. dec. Mowery, 11-2.
135 -- Carmona (TW) dec. Markoff, 14-11.
140 -- Lorah (Fos) won by forfeit.
145 -- Herrick (TW) won by forfeit.
152 -- Gooden (TW) won by forfeit
160 -- Double forfeit.
171 -- Saldaviar (TW) won by forfeit.
189 -- Benton (TW) won by forfeit.
215 -- Double forfeit.
275 -- Double forfeit.

Toledo Start 34, Toledo St. Francis 30
103 -- D. Hanus (SF) pin Green 1:40
112 -- B. Leedy(S) dec D. Cook 6-1
119 -- K. Leedy(S) dec Marzec 4-2
125 -- A. Cook(SF) dec Abitua 9-8
130 -- Sutter (S) pin N. Brown 3:17
135 -- Dietsch(SF) by forfeit
140 -- Julious (S) pin E. Brown 5:01
145 -- Jones (S) pin Laney 1:08
152 -- Brubaker(S) maj dec Westhoven 8-1
160 -- Babuder (SF) dec Doty 3-2
171 -- Kayser (S) pin C. Hanus 1:00
189 -- Cardone (SF) dec Duncan 8-7
215 -- Fedynich (SF) by forfeit
285 -- Krontz (SF) dec Augustyniak (S) 7-3.

Toledo St. Francis 33, Toledo Whitmer 29
103 -- Moore (W) dec D. Hanus 6-3
112 -- D. Cook (SF) pin Dorn 0:56
119 -- Bowman (W) dec Marzec 9-2
125 -- Gramza (W) dec A. Cook 8-7
130 -- N. Brown (SF) dec A. Eltataway 7-2
135 -- Dietsch (SF) pin Geary 1:14
140 -- Edwards (W) maj dec E. Brown 9-1
145 -- Laney (SF) dec Escamilla 5-3 OT
152 -- Westhoven (SF) by forfeit
160 -- Babuder (SF) by forfeit
171 -- H. Eltataway pin C. Hanus 3:40
189 -- Samson (W) pin Cardone 0:51
215 -- Fedynich (SF) dec Ball 3-1
285 -- Ernst (W) dec Krontz 3-2 OT.

Toledo Start 38, Toledo Whitmer 34
103 -- Moore (W) dec Green
112 -- B. Leedy by forfeit
119 -- Bowman (W) dec K. Leedy 2-0
125 -- Abitua (S) dec Gramza 6-3
130 -- Sutter pin Eltataway
135 -- Geary (W) by forfeit
140 -- Julious (S) pin Edwards
145 -- Jones (S) tech fall Escamilla 19-4
152 -- Brubaker (S) by forfeit
160 -- Doty (S) by forfeit
171 -- H. Eltataway (W) maj dec Kayser 14-2
189 -- Samson (W) forfeit
215 -- Duncan (S) pin Watts 1:36
285 -- Ernst (W) pin Augustyniak 4:47.

Scores Only
Western Reserve 41, Tiffin Columbian 28
Clyde 49, Tiffin Columbian 27
Bellevue 42, Sandusky Perkins 18

Weekly Coaches’ Poll
State coaches poll
1, Lakewood St. Edward (9) 90
2, Cin. Moeller 80
3, Massillon Perry 63
4, W. Chester Lakota W. 56
5, Mentor 48
6, Brecksville-Broadview Hts. 32
7, Wadsworth 24
8, Young. Austintown-Fitch 20
9, Reynoldsburg 18
10, Hilliard Davidson 14

1, St. Paris Graham (8) 80
2, Eastwood 71
3, Cols. DeSales 51
4, Oak Harbor 48
5, Ravenna 45
6, Millersburg W. Holmes 39
7, CVCA 26
8, Uhrichsville Claymont 18
9, Clyde 14
10, Cuya. Falls Walsh Jesuit 12

1, Troy Christian (5) 95
2, Marion Pleasant (5) 94
3, Bedford Chanel 69
4, Sandusky St. Mary 67
5, Burton Berkshire 55
6, West Jefferson 47
7, Galion Northmor 32
8, Genoa 31
9, Mechanicsburg 19
10, Delta 12

Ashland falls to No.5 Pitt-Johnstown
Espinoza is one tough Bulldog
McDole, Donna win twice for Tiffin Columbian

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Thoughts on the OHSAA state tournament

Sports writing keeps a roof over my head and the payments on my red Ford Ranger current.
I have gotten to attend nearly every state tournament the OHSAA conducts at some point or another.
While I love wrestling, I have to admit I get a little tired by the end of the state tournament.
I’m usually at the arena from about an hour before the preliminary round starts Thursday night until the end of wrestling because I’m writing my stories.
Friday usually consists of watching the action in the morning because what I’m going to write about won’t happen until later that night when the semifinals take place.
Saturday if I have a guy in the finals I’ll write the story about the placers and maybe write a column at Value City Arena while they are setting up for the finals. By the time I get back home…man I’m whipped and don’t want to see another wrestling mat for at least a month.
So what’s it like for all of you out there? I know you all love watching the state tournament but are you tired of it by the end its 3 day run. I’m curious.
Anyway, I was sidetracked for a moment so back to my original point.
While I love the state tournament and appreciate its history, sometimes I think we go a little overboard. No other OHSAA state tournament celebrates its history like wrestling does. I have been to track and cross country those are the individual sports I cover and they don’t compare to the pagentry and pomp of the OHSAA state wrestling tournament.
Hell there’s even a book on press row that lists every single state placer in the history of the tournament.
While I enjoy it…sometimes I think it’s too much.
But then again, that’s what makes Ohio HS wrestling second to none I guess.

No results today…The schedule was a whitewash literally with snow wiping out the entire slate.
I imaging many of the matches lost last night won’t be made up with league tournaments on the horizon.
Anyone that has the tournament information for the following leagues can submit them to me and I’ll post the dates, locations, times, teams involved, admission prices etc. next week. You can reach me at

I already have the information on the new Ohio Wrestling League.

Midland Athletic League
North Central Conference
Northern Ohio League
Toledo City League
Firelands Conference
Western Buckeye League
Northwest Ohio Athletic League
Sandusky Bay Conference
Ohio Cardinal Conference
Greater Buckeye Conference
Northwest Conference
Green Meadows Conference
Northern Lakes League
Suburban Lakes League

Bryan sweeps Evergreen, PH

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Coaching is the difference

What makes Ohio wrestling different?
There are so many reasons I’m not sure I can list them all here.
I have friends coaching in other states and that officiate elsewhere too.
The reason they tell me Ohio is consistently among the top five prep wrestling states in the country boils down to a single reason…coaching.
That’s right, Ohio’s success is thanks to all those guys sitting in folding chairs matside now and in the past.
I guess the first time I realized that Ohio was special was when I was a freshman in college at Wright State University. We were wrestling the No.1 team in the country at that time Southern Illinois-Edwardsville. Our 118 pounder was a one-time fifth place finisher in Class AA and he scored a technical fall against a kid from SIUE that was a three-time Florida state champion.
Sure it was only one match but that showed me a lot of the differences between Ohio and Florida wrestling.
The last I checked Ohio had more high school wrestlers than any states except for California and Illinois. So tradition passed down from generation to generation plays a significant role too.
But coaches are the key. Ohio coaches are knowledgeable and committed and perhaps demand a little more than coaches in some other states.
I was talking to John Jeffire, former University of Findlay wrestling coach who is now a HS coach at Chippewa Valley, Mich., and he told me the difference between Michigan and Ohio HS wrestling is like night and day.
The top couple of kids in each weight class in Michigan are as good as any Ohio kids he confided. But it’s those other kids after the top couple, the depth in Michigan isn’t comparable to the depth in Ohio. And it’s like that or worse in a lot of other states. There are a lot of fifth and sixth place finishers in Ohio that could be state champs in places like Delaware, South Carolina or Kentucky.
That’s just the way it is.

Ashland area wrestling roundup
An undersized heavyweight: Ashland University’s Josh Ohl
Shelby wrestlers are sixth at West Holmes

Dual Meet ResultsP
atrick Henry 42, Evergreen 27
103 -- McKitrick (PH) pinned Pahres 2:49
112 -- Lopez (PH) tech. fall Pennington 23-7
119 -- Stasa (E) pinned Ramos 3:36
125 -- Almanza (PH) dec. Smith 6-4
130 -- Pierce (E) pinned Melchor 3:16
135 -- Geer (PH) pinned Boerger :23
140 -- Reese (PH) maj. dec. Heilman 19-6
145 -- Ferris (E) dec. Buenger 6-4
152 -- Lark (PH) won by forfeit
160 -- Purdue (E) pinned Miller 1:22
171 -- Kuesel (PH) pinned Anthony 2:14
189 -- Volkman (PH) pinned Tonjes 2:54
215 -- Grobogge (PH) pinned Ryan :43
285 -- Double forfeit

Bryan 65, Patrick Henry 12
103 -- D. Ramos (B) pinned McKitrick 2:54
112 -- Lopez (PH) pinned Shook 2:41
119 -- Carlin (B) pinned R. Ramos 3:33
125 -- Almanza (PH) dec. DeWitt 7-4
130 -- Zedaker (B) pinned Melchor 1:25
135 -- S. Combs (B) pinned Geer 3:31
140 -- B. Combs (B) tech. fall Reese 16-1
145 -- Andrews (B) pinned Buenger 3:14
152 -- Sidle (B) pinned Lark 1:26
160 -- Timmons (B) pinned Miller :36
171 -- J. Hageman (B) pinned Kuesel 3:02
189 -- L. Hageman (B) pinned Tonjes 5:18
215 -- Grobogge (PH) dec. Wheeler 3-2
285 -- Nowakowski (B) won by forfeit

Sandusky St. Mary’s 41, West Jefferson 22
103 -- Householder (WJ) maj. Dec. D. Harrington 14-0
112 -- Opfer (SM) maj. dec. M. Gualteiri 10-2
119 -- P. Harrington (SM) dec. V. Gualtieri 4-0
125 -- Lawler (WJ) maj. dec. Costello 16-6
130 -- Crispin (WJ) pinned Smith :37
135 -- Martin (WJ) maj. dec. McCormick 9-0
140 -- Hermes (SM) pinned Cochran 1:19
145 -- Ortolani (SM) pinned Lemon 1:46
152 -- Dahs (SM) dec. Pearson 13-7
160 -- Wasylik (SM) tech. fall Mickle 17-2
171 -- Inks (WJ) maj. dec. Bostater 13-0
189 -- Chamberlain (SM) dec. Skaggs 5-4
215 -- Guerra (SM) tech. fall Fabray 18-2
285 -- Bellamy (SM) pinned Cordle 3:17

Sandusky St. Mary’s 59, Tinora 13
103 -- D. Harrington (SM) dec. Brown 4-3
112 -- Opfer (SM) pinned Meyer :06
119 -- P. Harrington (SM) maj. dec. Bodenbender 15-2
125 -- Costello (SM) pinned Zolman 1:54
130 -- Mangas (T) pinned Smith 5:51
135 -- McCormick (SM) pinned McDonald :35
140 -- Hermes (SM) pinned Fuller 2:32
145 -- Ortolani (SM) pinned Blake 3:02
152 -- Dahs (SM) pinned Behrman 5:55
160 -- Wasylik (SM) maj. dec. Blake 18-7
171 -- Moser (T) maj. Dec. Bostater 9-1
189 -- Snyder (T) dec. Chamberlain 8-7
215 -- Guerra (SM) pinned DeAngelo 1:11
285 -- Bellamy (SM) won by forfeit

Sandusky St. Mary’s 62, Madison Plains 12
103 -- Adams (MP) dec. D. Harrington 9-7 OT
112 -- Opfer (SM) won by forfeit
119 -- double forfeit
125 -- D. Harrington (SM) pinned Vance 1:#5
130 -- Costello (SM) maj. dec. Evans 12-4
135 -- Patton (MP) pinned McCormick 1:42
140 -- Hermes (SM) won by default
145 -- Ortolani (SM) pinned Garrett 4:18
152 -- Dahs (SM) dec. Monst 13-6
160 -- Wasylik (SM) pinned Fletcher 1:09
171 -- Bostater (SM) won by forfeit
189 -- Simmons (MP) dec. Chamberlain 7-4
215 -- Guerra (SM) won by forfeit
285 -- Rohrbacher (SM) pinned Simon 3:23

Sandusky St. Mary’s 57, Versailles 13
103 -- D. Harrington (SM) pinned DeMange 1:56
112 -- Double forfeit
119 -- Opfer (SM) pinned Dirksen 1:13
125 -- P. Harrington (SM) pinned Bruns 1:56
130 -- Costello (SM) pinned Cox 1:28
135 -- McCormik (SM) dec. Trump 7-6
140 -- Hermes (SM) pinned Knapke 3:20
145 -- Ortolani (SM) pinned Coons 2:34
152 -- Dahs (SM) pinned Schmitmeyer 5:12
160 -- Wasylik (SM) pinned Cox 1:41
171 -- D. Oliver (V) maj. Dec. Bostater 17-3
189 -- E. Oliver (V) dec. Chamberlain 4-0
215 -- Guerra (SM) pinned Cain 2:41
285 -- Treon (V) pinned Bellamy 4:27

Sandusky St. Mary’s 46, Ashland Crestview 35
103 -- Tra. Stone (AC) pinned D. Harrington 3:06
112 -- Opfer (SM) pinned Tre. Stone 1:56
119 -- P. Harrington (SM) won by forfeit
125 -- Costello (SM) won by forfeit
130 -- Daniels (AC) pinned Smith 2:13
135 -- McCormick (SM) won by forfeit
140 -- Hermes (SM) pinned Willis 3:57
145 -- Ortolani (SM) won by forfeit
152 -- Worthington (AC) pinned Dahs 1:50
160 -- Wasylik (SM) maj. dec. Howman 13-3
171 -- Reed (AC) tech. fall Bostater 15-0
189 -- Cheeseman (AC) pinned Chamberlain 3:13
215 -- Guerra (SM) pinned Bratton 1:13
285 -- Steward (AC) pinned Bellamy 2:55

Delta 37, Sandusky St. Mary’s 35
103 -- Aranjo (D) pinned D. Harrington 2:33
112 -- Opfer (SM) tech. fall Ry. Rayfield 21-6
119 -- P. Harrington (SM) pinned Tolson :50
125 -- Carrizales (D) maj. eec. Costello 12-4
130 -- Pfaff (D) pinned Smith :26
135 -- Re. Rayfield (D) dec. McCormick 5-0
140 -- Gombash (D) dec. Hermes 3-2
145 -- Ortolani (SM) pinned Colvin :23
152 -- Dahs (SM) pinned Robertson 1:44
160 -- Yant (D) dec. Wasylik 9-6
171 -- Fitch (D) pinned Chamberlain 1:08
189 -- Godsey (D) pinned Bostater 1:55
215 -- Guerra (SM) pinned Myers :56
285 -- Bellamy (SM) won by forfeit

Sandusky St. Mary’s 50, Genoa 24
103 -- S. Traver (G) pinned D. Harrington 5:18
112 -- Opfer (SM) pinned Teneyck :41
119 -- P. Harrington (SM) pinned J. Traver 1:27
125 -- Costello (SM) pinned Mazza 1:03
130 -- Smith (SM) won by forfeit
135 -- Vogelpohl (G) maj. dec. McCormick 12-1
140 -- Hermes (SM) pinned Echel 1:10
145 -- Ortolani (SM) won by forfeit
152 -- Espinoza (G) dec. Dahs 6-5
160 -- Wasylik (SM) dec. Hrabak 10-7
171 -- Wolff (G) tech. fall Bostater 16-0
189 -- Purdue (G) pinned Chamberlain 2:08
215 -- Guerra (SM) tech. fall Schreuder 15-0
285 -- Bellamy (SM) pinned D’Clute 2:54

Troy Christian 41 Sandusky St. Mary’s 28
103 -- Hancock (TC) maj. dec. D. Harrington 20-8
112 -- Opfer (SM) dec.Sergent 1-0
119 -- P. Harrington (SM) won by forfeit
125 -- Hancock (TC) pinned Costello :34
130 -- J. Thome (TC) pinned Smith :31
135 -- C. Thome (TC) pinned McCormick :54
140 -- Toal (TC) dec. Hermes 6-2
145 -- Ortolani (SM) dec. Burns 11-9
152 -- Campbell (TC) won by forfeit
160 -- Burns (TC) maj. dec. Dahs 14-3
171 -- Wasylik (SM) maj. dec. Akins 12-3
189 -- Keplinger (TC) pinned Chamberlain 1:58
215 -- Guerra (SM) pinned Daly 5:12
285 -- Bellamy (SM) pinned Delver 3:20

Scores Only
Bellaire 49, New London 27
Canton South 48, New London 27
Peninsula Woodridge 55, New London 22

Napoleon Junior High Invitational
Team Scores
1 Delphos St. John 159.0
2 Liberty Center 145.0
3 Swanton 141.0
4 Napoleon A 136.0
5 Archbold 130.0
6 Defiance 125.5
7 Bryan 122.0
8 Norwalk 107.0
9 Elida 93.5
10 Patrick Henry 47.5
11 McTigue 45.0
12 Tinora 37.0
13 Napoleon B 25.0

MVP- Xavier Dye Patrick Henry

80 pounds
1 Lukas Kern Liberty
Center MajDec 11-2
2 Jordan Teeters Norwalk
3 Dylan Krendl DSJ fall 0.55
4 Zach McCarthy Defiance
86 pounds
1 Kyle Stacey
Center dec 9-5
2 Aaron Merschman DSJ
3 Jalen Paxton Napoleon fall 2.50
4 Tyler Sparks Norwalk
92 pounds
1 Tyler Estes Swanton fall 0.41
2 TJ Weirauch Archbold
3 Nate Walker Napoleon B dec 10-8
4 Adam Troyer Elida
98 pounds
1 Oliver Stuckey Archbold fall 0.42
2 Dale Hancock Napoleon
3 Zach Green Elida dec 8-7
4 Adam Bates Defiance
104 pounds
1 Kyle Neumeier DSJ dec 10-4
2 Jordan Cowell Archbold
3 Nate Rodriguez Defiance dec 9-3
4 Ben Martinez Liberty Center
110 pounds
1 John Engelhardt Swanton fall 4.02
2 Skyler Anderson Napoleon
3 Cody Knapp Liberty Center dec 4-0
4 Austin Ripke Archbold
116 pounds
1 Jacob Robb Bryan fall 1.56
2 Cody Brinkman DSJ
3 Tyler Rufenacht Archbold fall 0.18
4 Justin Cox Liberty Center
122 pounds
1 Ryan Musser DSJ fall 2.17
2 Dylan Goebel
3 Tom Leahey Swanton dec 5-4
4 Patrick Bleile
128 Pounds
1 Xavier Dye Patrick Henry T-fall 16-1
2 Carl Hokes Norwalk
3 Matt Chaney Bryan dec 6-4
4 Zach Driver Archbold
134 pounds
1 Robert Gilson Napoleon fall 1.23
2 Ian Dukehart Elida
3 Jordan Duncan
Norwalk fall 2.43
4 Joey Miller Swanton
142 pounds
1 Bryan Hefflinger Liberty Center fall 1.04
2 Cody Robinson
3 Jonah Wulff Napoleon fall 2.26
4 Caleb Sanders Tinora
150 pounds
1 Gary Johnson McTigue dec 10-5
2 Nathan McCalla Defiance
3 Kaleb Eck
Bryan fall 0.35
4 Justin Gillen Liberty Center
160 pounds
1 Joey Grubbenhoff DSJ fall 1.19
2 Mike Ramirez Defiance
3 Easton Lewis Patrick Henry dec 4-1
4 Nick Rogers Elida
172 pounds
1 Andy Call Defiance MajDec 17-8
2 Chris Pohlman DSJ
3 Dustin Arnold Swanton dec 11-9
4 Trevor Leis Elida
1 Derek Johnson Swanton fall 1.17
2 Brandon Dennie Archbold .
3 Anthony Sager Napoleon fall 0.52
4 Mark Moser

Monday, January 29, 2007

Another great weekend

Another great weekend of wrestling is in the books.
We’re inching ever closer to the postseason and news keeps trickling in. I was going to do some more rankings but I think since sectionals are just a few weeks away, I’ll hunker down and hold off until I make my Division III district forecast.
Honestly after seeing some of the results from the LCC Invitational, I’m thoroughly confused and befuddled.
It was a milestone day in Lima though as Arcadia juniors Mason True and Lee Schumaker got their 100th career wins along with Coldwater’s Tyler Kunk and Spencerville’s Patrick Holmes.
This upcoming weekend’s action is kind of a lull.
It’s the week before league tournaments and most teams, if they compete at all, opt for smaller tournaments.

Anyway here’s what you will find below today…
-- Newslinks for Monday
-- The rest of the results I could round up including: Woodmore Invitational, Eastlake North Invitational, some assorted dual meets.
-- NW Ohio composite schedule
-- Lima Area Coaches Rankings

NOTEWORTHY: If anyone has access to the Division III Duals at Sandusky St. Mary’s shoot me an email so I can get them posted in the next couple of days or so I can at least look at them and use them for my rankings.

Getting the Royal Treatment
Arcadia duo get career milestones
Ashland, Northwestern lead youth qualifiers
BG Sentinel Prep Wrestling Roundup
Defiance Crescent News wrestling roundup
Pleasant wins Sally George Crown
Cavello is four-time champ at Willard Invite
St. Marys falls to Troy Christian in duals
West Holmes Invitational
Team Standings
1, Millersburg West Holmes 2631/2. 2, Galion Northmor 234. 3, Avon Lake 1551/2. 4, Medina Highland 146. 5, Orrville 135. 6, Shelby 1291/2. 7, Loudonville 107. 8, Lagrange Keystone 67. 9, Licking Valley 591/2. 10, Strongsville "B" 51.

Woodmore Invitational
Team Standings
1, South Central 2381/2. 2, Patrick Henry 197. 3, Hopewell-Loudon 194. 4, Woodmore 1581/2. 5, Grafton Midview 1451/2. 6, Stryker 140. 7, Oregon Clay “B” 136. 8, Northwood 135. 9, Fostoria St. Wendelin 1081/2. 10, Toledo Woodward 961/2. 11, Ottawa-Glandorf 951/2.
Championship Matches
103 — Finsel (SW) pinned Bloomfield (Nor) 4:34.
112 — Lopez (PH) maj. dec. Dandurand (H-L) 17-7.
119 — Oney (SC) pinned Kuzma (H-L) 1:33.
125 — Almanza (PH) dec. Chapman (H-L) 9-2.
130 — Kish (OC) pinned Kiefer (TW) 2:42.
135 — J. Chandler (SC) maj. dec. Resendez (OC) 12-2.
140 — Grigson (Nor) maj. dec. Shepherd (SC) 9-1.
145 — Smith (SC) dec. Degollado (H-L) 6-2.
152 — Arbogast (H-L) dec. Smith (Wood) 6-2.
160 — S. Chandler (SC) maj. dec. Smith (GM) 12-0.
171 — Perez (Stry) pinned Dodson (GM) 1:12.
189 — Ault (Wood) maj. dec. Grobogge (PH) 16-6.
215 — Buckner (Wood) dec. McKibben (Nor) 8-1.
275 — Galvan (SW) dec. Schwiegel (Stry) 3-1.
Consolation Finals
103 — Slinker (OC) pinned McKitrick (PH) 1:44.
112 — Schimmoeller (O-G) pinned Lorenc :46.
119 — Meinhardt (Nor) dec. Kutsch (OC) 6-0.
125 — Ferber (SC) dec. Scczublewski (SW) 8-4.
130 — Wise (GM) pinned Wickham (H-L) 3:56
135 — Lemons (GM) pinned Geer (CS) 2:42.
140 — Kapelka (H-L) dec. Fisher (OC) 6-4.
145 — Recker (O-G) pinned Banhart (GM) 2:54.
152 — Thomas (TW) maj. dec. Matter (Stry) 14-4.
160 — Artressia (Wood) pinned Bell (Stry) 3:04.
171 — Kuesel (PH) pinned Wolfe (Wood) :56.
189 — Evans (Stry) pinned St. Clair 1:22.
215 — Hamilton (SC) by forfeit over Sandoval (TW).
285 — Cutcher (SC) pinned Dundar (TW) 2:59.

Eastlake North Invitational
Team Standings
1. Lexington 300. 2. Olmsted Falls 243. 3. Mentor Lake Catholic 197. 4. Lyndhurst Brush 173; 5. Villa Angela-St. Joseph 163; 6. Eastlake North 160.5; 7. North Ridgeville 115; 8. Avon 102.5; 9. Willoughby South 102.5; 10. Cleveland Heights 101; 11. Garfield Heights 86.5; 12. Cleveland East 10; 13. Richmond Heights 6.
Championship Matches
103 -- Duhigg (VASJ) d. Holy (LC) 7-2
112 -- Ciccarello (B) d. Westfall (LC) 5-3
119 -- Bencivenni (EN) d. Randazzo (LC) 12-8
125 -- Romeo (LC) d. McQuillen (L) 9-6
130 -- Fee (LC) d. Georgian 3-1
135 -- Webb (EN) d. Foster (VASJ) 8-2
140 -- Ahmed (L) d. Zupancic (OF) 4-3
145 -- Groudle (VASJ) d. Bishop (L) 8-2
152 -- Hough (OF) d. Kovach (B) 11-6
160 -- Delong (L) p. Smith (OF) 2:48
171 -- Lochtefeld (L) d. Friend (NR) 2-0
189 -- Iammarino (B) d. Hudak (L) 4-2
215 -- Booker (CH) d. Schecter (OF) 9-5
285 -- Fraley (L) d. Windom (L) 4-2
Consolation Finals
103 -- Gould (L) p. Miles (WS) 1:58
112 -- Arnone (WS) p. Hutchinson 2:46
119 -- Devito (L) d. Kardasz 8-3
125 -- Hauser (B) d. Varga (OF) 3-2
130 -- Diekman (OF) p. Chounramany (G) 4:50
135 -- Whitson (OF) d. Opatrny (LC) 10-2
140 -- Theriot (OF) d. Russell (G) 6-4
145 -- Crowl (B) d. Goodman (G) 3-1
152 -- Saladonis (A) p. Wheeler (LC) 2:03
160 -- Lozano (NR) d. Waiwood (WS) 3-1
171 -- Castro (OF) m.d. Buck (A) 14-0
189 -- Knapp (OF) p. Creel (CH) 4:19
215 -- Gayle (B) p. Farrell (L) 4:49
285 -- Thornton (CH) d. Byrd (NR) 4-2.

Worthington Christian Invitational
Top 10 Team Standings
1, Central Crossing 2721/2. 2, Delaware Hayes 126. 3, Clinton Massie & Toledo Christian 119. 5, Columbus Hartley 118. 6, Bloom-Carroll 1031/2. 7, Columbus Brookhaven 1011/2. 8, Worthington Christian 85. 9, Columbus East 81. 10, Columbus Ready 61.
103 — Tinch (MG) dec. Wimer (CC) 6-2
112 — Thomas (BC) dec. Borton (CM) 13-3
119 — Flaglor (DH) pinned Curcio 5:22
125 — Channel (CC) dec. Halko (CR) 23-13
130 — Brice (E) dec. Sanders (CC)
135 — Irwin (WC) dec. Deaton (BH) 9-4
140 — Petrella (CH) dec. Bazerbashi (CA) 12-3
145 — Lesley (CC) dec. Yunker (TC) 7-2
152 — Foley (WC) dec. Payne (BH) 10-2
160 — Heasley (WC) dec. Panzano (CA) 7-2
171 — Schwab (CM) pinned Tatum (WR) 3:43
189 — Running (CM) pinned Wadlington (WR) 2:27
215 — Beatty (CC) dec. Bayly (TC) 10-6
285 — Addis (H) pinned Swallen (CHC) 5:13

Utica Invitational
Team Standings
1, Mount Vernon 226. 2, Utica 205. 3, Johnstown Northridge 1471/2. 4, West Muskingum 1311/2. 5, Heath 1291/2. 6, Fredericktown 1191/2. 7, East Knox 115. 8, Clear Fork 101. 9, Centerburg 371/2.

Dual Meet Summaries
Sandusky Perkins 54, Otsego 17
103 — Glosser (O) maj. dec. Kilbery 15-5.
112 — Munafo (SP) pinned Glenn 4:12.
119 — Campbell (SP) pinned Kepling 2:45.
125 — Baxter (SP) pinned Johnson 1:14.
130 — La. Foos (O) dec. Kidd 5-1.
135 — McGookey (SP) maj. dec. Johnson 15-5.
140 — Fleming (O) maj. dec. Trautman 12-4
145 — Pisano (SP) maj. dec. Lo. Foos 12-1.
152 — Peters (SP) maj. dec. S. Glenn 14-1
160 — Lazzara (SP) won by forfeit
171 — Crum (SP) pinned Bundy 2:20.
189 — Fisher (SP) pinned Froman 1:08
215 — Lorcher (SP) won by forfeit.
285 — Southwick (O) pinned Painter 3:58.

Napoleon 37, Sandusky Perkins 25
103 — Ward (N) pinned Kilbury 1:38.
112 — Lynch (N) maj. dec. Munafo 16-3.
119 — Urso (SP) won by forfeit.
125 — Campbell (SP) dec. Reed 3-2.
130 — Baxter (SP) maj. dec. Casten 13-5
135 — Norden (N) maj. dec. Kidd 10-1.
140 — McGookey (SP) dec. Vocke 4-1.
145 — Pahl (N) maj. dec. Pisano 11-3.
152 — Drummond (N) pinned Peter :52.
160 — Brown (N) maj. dec. Lazzara 9-1.
171 — Flory (N) tech. fall Crum 20-3.
189 — Fisher (SP) dec. Gilgenbach 3=2.
215 — Sanchez (N) maj. dec. Lorcher 10-1.
285 — Painter (SP) pinned Pivnicko :52.

Columbus DeSales 54, Sandusky Perkins 15
103 — Fishking (CD) pinned Kilbury 1:10.
112 — McGovern (CD) dec. Munafo 6-4.
119 — Campbell (SP) tech. fall Caito 18-3.
125 — Vaughn (CD) tech. fall Baxter 19-2.
130 — Bernado (CD) pinned Kidd 5:05.
135 — McGookey (SP) pinned Canty 5:54.
140 — McGovern (CD) maj. dec. Pisano 18-4.
145 — Carfagna (CD) maj. dec. Trautman 17-3.
152 — Croosman (CD) tech. fall Peters 15-0
160 — Fisher (CD) pinned LAzzara 1:56.
171 — Stygier (CD) pinned Crum 1:46.
189 — Fisher (SP) maj. dec. Brandenkamp 14-4.
215 — Whitehead (CD) dec. Lorcher 3-2.
285 — Hiles (CD) pinned Painter 1:16.

Reynoldsburg 43, Sandusky Perkins 16
103 — Li (R) tech. fall Killbury 16-1.
112 — Few (R) maj. dec. Munafo 12-3.
119 — Campbell (SP) dec. Nein 3-2.
125 — Baxter (SP) maj. dec. Lester 14-4.
130 — Sasfy (R) tech. fall Kidd 15-0.
135 — McGookey (SP) dec. Kovelski 6-4.
140 — Sasfy (R) pinned Pisano 5:20.
145 — Cook (R) dec. Trautman 8-3.
152 — Peters (SP) dec. B. Shalash 6-4.
160 — M. Shalash (R) tech. fall Lazzara 17-2.
171 — Sasfy (R) pinned Crum 1:36.
189 — Fisher (SP) dec. Cook 4-3.
215 — Havarilla (R) dec. Lorcher 4-2.
285 — Hartshorn (R) pinned Painter 3:04.

Kenston 61, Oregon Clay 5
103 — Kazimir (K) dec. Whitt 5-2
112 — Tutedo (K) dec. Walters 5-2
119 — Kocheff (K) maj. dec. McLaughlin 15-4
125 — Denson (K) won by forfeit
130 — Savage (K) dec. Ganues 6-3
135 — Ondrus (OC) pinned Newell 5:51
140 — Potts (K) pinned Campos 3:37
145 — Schobel (K) dec. Orth 5-3
152 — Olson (K) won by forfeit
160 — Polz (K) dec. Morrissey 15-12
171 — Valvoda (K) won by forfeit
189 — Saks (M) pinned Ward :50
215 — Rigg (M) pinned Hmelewsky 2:30
285 — Spisak (K) won by forfeit

Mentor 74, Oregon Clay 1
103 — Whitt (OC) dec. Young 9-4
112 — Schilling (M) pinned Walters 5:30
119 — Skilton (M) pinned McLaughlin 1:11
125 — Zivcic (M) won by forfeit
130 — J. Schreiner (M) won by disqualification
135 — E. Schreiner (M) pinned Ondrus 1:41
140 — Lowe (M) tech. fall Campos 1:54
145 — McLaughlin (M) dec. Orth 11-4
152 — Nemec (M) won by forfeit
160 — Hastings (M) pinned Morrissey :39
171 — Harasyn (M) won by forfeit
189 — Schilling (M) tech. fall Ward 16-0
215 — Molder (M) pinned Hmelewsku 2:38
285 — Matas (M) won by forfeit

Mentor Gray 38, Oregon Clay 24
103 — double forfeit
112 — Stevens (M) pinned Whitt 2:19
119 — McClatcher (M) maj. dec. Walters 14-3
125 — McLaughlin (OC) maj. dec. Grant 10-2
130 — Ganues (OC) pinned Sweeney 1:46
135 — Ondrus (OC) dec. Brandenburg 8-6
140 — Small (M) dec. Campos 7-0
145 — Green (M) maj. dec. Orth 11-2
152 — Henschel (M) won by forfeit
160 — Morrissey (OC) tech. fall Scigliano 21-4
171 — Hendershott (M) won by forfeit
189 — Brody (M) dec. Ward 12-6
215 — Hmelewsky (OC) pinned Svigel 1:59
285 — Sharp (M) won by forfeit

Oregon Clay 57, North Ridgeville 12
103 — Whitt (OC) pinned Rozar 3:52
112 — Walters (OC) pinned Herbawi :56
119 — double forfeit
125 — McLaughlin (OC) won by forfeit
130 — Ganues (OC) dec. Slaman 11-5
135 — Ondrus (OC) pinned Beard :21
140 — Orth (OC) pinned Martin 3:49
145 — Campos (OC) won by forfeit
152 — Voras (NR) won by forfeit
160 — Morrissey (OC) pinned Hornby :15
171 — Novak (NR) won by forfeit
189 — Ward (OC) pinned Rodriguez :32
215 — Hmelewsku (OC) pinned Donnellon :26
285 — double forfeit

North Royalton 35, Oregon Clay 27
103 — Whitt (OC) won by forfeit
112 — Yurkovich (NR) dec. Walters 10-3
119 — double forfeit
125 — Calavco (NR) dec. McLaughlin 8-3
130 — Ganues (OC) dec. Collins 4-2
135 — Ondrus (OC) won by forfeit
140 — Syrz (NR) pinned Campos 1:00
145 — Orth (OC) pinned English 3:00
152 — Henderson (NR) won by forfeit
160 — Bulovich (NR) tech. fall Morrissey 17-1
171 — Porardish (NR) won by forfeit
189 — Snyder (NR) pinned Ward 3:00
215 — Hmelewsky (OC) pinned Bures 1:25
285 — double forfeit

Sandusky St. Mary's 69, Western Reserve 12
103 — Supeck (WR) won by forfeit
112 — D. Harrington (SM) won by forfeit
119 — Opfer (SM) pinned Wiseman 1:27
125 — P. Harrington (SM) pinned Combs :41
130 — Costello (SM) pinned Stoll :48
135 — McCormick (SM) pinned Beat 2:17
140 — Hermes (SM) won by default
145 — Ortolani (SM) pinned Zaborski 2:56
152 — Dahs (SM) won by forfeit
160 — Wasylik (SM) dec. Boyce 7-2
171 — Chamberlain (SM) pinned Swan 1:22
189 — Guerra (SM) pinned Boyd 2:53
215 — Cox (WR) won by forfeit
285 — Bellamy (SM) pinned Jones 3:30

Sandusky St. Mary's 51, Seneca East 26
103 — D. Harrington (SM) won by forfeit
112 — Opfer (SM) pinned T. Crapo :36
119 — P. Harrington (SM) pinned Naugle 3:07
125 — Costello (SM) pinned Tanner 3:07
130 — Craft (SE) pinned Smith 2:59
135 — Young (SE) tech. fall McCormick 15-0
140 — Hermes (SM) pinned Dunbar :33
145 — Ortolani (SM) pinned C. Crapo 4:29
152 — Dahs (SM) dec. Schaffer 14-12
160 — Wasylik (SM) won by forfeit
171 — McMillian (SE) pinned Chamberlain 3:01
189 — Hughes (SE) pinned Bostater 1:39
215 — Mahl (SE) dec. Guerra 5-3
285 — Bellamy (SM) won by forfeit

Seneca East 48, Western Reserve 22
103 — Supeck (WR) won by forfeit
112 — T. Crapo (SE) won by forfeit
119 — Naugle (SE) maj. dec. Wiseman 19-4
125 — Tanner (SE) tech. fall Combs 19-4
130 — Lewis (SE) pinned Stoll 3:01
135 — Craft (SE) dec. Beat 9-2
140 — Young (SE) pinned Swan 4:41
145 — Zaborski (WR) maj. dec. C. Crapo 17-5
152 — Schaffer (SE) won by forfeit
160 — Boyce (WR) won by forfeit
171 — McMillian (SE) dec. Swan 6-5
189 — Hughes (SE) pinned Stoll 1:02
215 — Mahl (SE) dec. Cox 10-4
285 — Jones (WR) won by forfeit

Watkins Memorial 70, Lima Senior 9
103 — Boehm (W) maj. dec. J. Wright 16-2
112 — Kunzi (W) pinned D. Wright 5:07
119 — Erwin (W) pinned Evans :10
125 — Esmonde (LS) dec. Kennedy 11-0
130 — Pfeifer (W) pinned Dunifon :40
135 — Huffman (W) won by forfeit
140 — Caven (L) pinned Brady 1:41
145 — Westhoff (W) won by forfeit
152 — Lowery (W) won by forfeit
160 — Brooks (W) won by forfeit
171 — Roddy (W) pinned McClinton 1:27
189 — Tudor (W) won by forfeit
215 — Chaffin (W) pinned Torres 5:42
285 — Cameron (W) won by forfeit

Scores Only
Tuslaw 64, New London 10
Napoleon 51, Tiffin Columbian 25
Troy Christian 60, Archbold 12
Archbold 55, Montpelier 22
Archbold 51, West Salem Northwestern 19
Archbold 75, Paulding 0
Archbold 54, Ashland Crestview 24
Archbold 58, Madison Plains 3
Archbold 54, Cuyahoga Heights 22
Archbold 60, Western Reserve 12
Archbold 55, Versailles 9
West Jefferson 40, Archbold 36

NW Ohio Composite Schedule
Monday's Matches
Evergreen & Patrick Henry at Bryan

Tuesday's Matches
Arcadia, Lincolnview & Bluffton at Elmwood
Cardinal Stritch at Lake
Norwalk & Port Clinton at Fremont Ross
Edgerton & Wayne Trace at Paulding
St. Marys Memorial at Elida
Lakota & Stryker at Gibsonburg
Lima Bath at Van Wert

Wednesday's Matches
Allen East & Lima Central Catholic at Delphos St. John's
Sandusky Perkins at Bellevue
Tiffin Columbian & Western Reserve at Clyde
Columbus Grove & McComb at Delphos Jefferson
Fostoria & Toledo Waite at Genoa
Galion at Mansfield Madison
Toledo Start & Toledo Whitmer at Toledo St. Francis

Thursday's Matches
Anthony Wayne at Rossford
Wauseon at Archbold
Delta & Edgerton at Bryan
Sylvania Northview at Bowling Green
Buckeye Central & Ontario at Bucyrus
Ottawa-Glandorf at Celina
Defiance at Kenton
Swanton & Toledo Christian at Evergreen
Lima Senior at Celina
Wapakoneta at Lima Shawnee
Margaretta & Mohawk at River Valley
Springfield at Maumee
New London & Hillsdale at Mansfield Senior
Perrysburg at Sylvania Southview
Upper Sandusky & Springfield Shawnee at Bellefontaine

Friday's Matches
Mohawk & Otsego at Galion
Oak Harbor & Sandusky at Willard

Saturday's Matches
Marion Pleasant, Allen East & Elmwood at Sandusky St. Mary's
Ashland , Clear Fork, Lexington, Mansfield Madison, Mansfield Senior at Ohio Cardinal Conference Tournament
Ayersville, Coldwater, Fremont Ross, Port Clinton , Toledo
St. John's at Celina Invitational
Bluffton at St. Paris Graham Invitational
Buckeye Central, South Central, Tiffin Columbian at Seneca East Duals
Fairview, Hicksville, Kenton, Riverdale, Van Buren at Carey Classic
Clyde, Marion Harding at Delaware Hayes Inv.
Wapakoneta, Toledo Central Catholic, Tiffin Columbian at Eastwood Duals
Perrysburg, Edison, Norwalk , St. Marys Memorial, Toledo Bowsher,
Toledo Start, Toledo Whitmer at Rossford Inv.
Gibsonburg, Edgerton & Woodmore at Napoleon
North Baltimore at Hopewell-Loudon
Huron at River Valley Duals
Lake at Columbus St. Charles Inv.
McComb, Plymouth at New Lewisburg Triad Inv.
Monroeville, Western Reserve at Loudonville Inv.
Norwalk St. Paul, Willard at Olentangy Inv.
Sandusky Perkins & Cleveland St. Ignatius at University School
Oregon Clay JV Inv.

Rated Teams: (AE) Allen East, (B) Bath, (Bl) Bluffton, (Cel) Celina,
(Cold) Coldwater, (CG) Columbus Grove, (CR) Cory Rawson, (D) Defiance,
(DJ) Delphos Jefferson, (DSJ) Delphos St. Johns, (E) Elida, (F)
Findlay, (LCC) Lima Central Catholic, (LS) Lima Senior, (Linc)
Lincolnview, (McC) McComb, (P) Paulding, (Sh) Shawnee, (Sp)
Spencerville, (SM) St. Marys, (VW) Van Wert, (W) Wapakoneta, (WT) Wayne

103 lbs.
1. Javon Wright (LS)
2. Jason Hunlock (E)
3. B. J. Miller (D)
4. Brian Merschman (DSJ)
5. Matt Grandstaff (Cold)

112 lbs.
1. Josh Cisco (SM)
2. Shawn Brunk (E)
3. Kyle Begg (Bl)
4. Garett Freeman (AE)
5. Zach Hurst (D)

119 lbs.
1. Zach Domer (Bl)
2. Tyler Thees (Cel)
3. Jordan Gonzales (D
4. Chris Diglia (E)
5. Josh Beemer (B)

125 lbs.
1. Zac Sulley (VW)
2. Jason VanAtta (McC)
3. Dustin Carnahan (P)
4. Brian Bailey (W)
5. Matt Hefner (B)

130 lbs.
1. Nick Gray (Cel)
2. Zach Clum (Sp)
3. Mike Beemer (W)
4. Walt McGinnis (B)
5. Trever Kunk (Cold)

135 lbs.
1. Tyler Rayl (Bl)
2. Anthony Alessi (F)
3. Joel Claybaugh (W)
4. Jaden Overholt (E)
5. Trent Wagenhouser (D)

140 lbs.
1. Josh Falk (Bl)
2. Daryl Mabry (SM)
3. Craig Thomas (VW)
4. Ryan Rider (Sh)
5. Kyle Caven (LS)

145 lbs.
1. Dylan Ford (AE)
2. Derrick Hill (McC)
3. Brad Dettrow (VW)
4. Jason Carter (Sh)
5. Tony Dewitt (DSJ)

152 lbs.
1.Craig Hirshy (VW)
2. Lucas Tracy (P)
3. (tie) Pat Holmes
Alex Ulhenhake (Cold)
Tyler Washam (Sh)
Aaron Lutz (Bl)

160 lbs.
1. Mike Alexander (F)
2. Tyler Sneary (AE)
3. Jake Reville (WT)
4. Brian Backus (D
5. Jordan Fricke (E)

171 lbs.
1. Tyler Kunk (Cold)
2. Paul Lauth (SM)
3. Ben Roop (VW)
4. John Saffle (E)
5. (tie)Tyler Shipp (W)
Chris Brickner (McC)

189 lbs.
1. Stuart Miller (DJ)
2. Matt Alexander (F)
3. Lucas Homan (Cold)
4. Adam Caudill (Sp)
5. Cody Whitkamp (E)

215 lbs.
1. Drew Metzger (F)
2. Andrew Swick (DJ)
3. Austin Mcintosh (VW)
4. Nick Ulhenhake (Cold)
5. Tyler Obringer (Sp)

1. Shane VanVoorhis (E)
2. Jeff Fritz (DSJ)
3. Adam Grieshop (Cold)
4. Zach Thomas (VW)
5. Chris Wilkins (Cel)

Div. I
1. Van Wert . 2, Elida. 3, Celina.
Division III
1, Coldwater. 2, Bluffton. 3, Allen East.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Early Sunday Morning!

Here's what you'll find below:
Lima C.C. Invite
Marion Pleasant Sally George Invite
Eaton Invite
Willard Invite
Complete results from Elmwood's Joe Szymczak Duals....


Lima Central Catholic Invitational
Team Standings
1, Mechanicsburg 206½. 2, Coldwater 141. 3, West Liberty Salem 135. 3, Tiffin Calvert 134. 5, Bluffton 127. 6, Allen East & Cincinnati Madeira 122½. 8, Arcadia 115. 9, Ayersville 112½. 10, Blanchester 109. 11, Carlisle 106. 12, McComb 97. 13, Plymouth 88. 14, Edgerton 85. 15, Casstown Miami East 82½. 16, Spencerville 81. 17, Delphos St. John’s 76½. 18, Jeromesville Hillsdale 75. 19, Jamestown Greeneview 66½. 20, Elyria Catholic 55. 21, Swanton 51. 22, Sidney LEhman 49. 23, Lincolnview 42. 24, Lakota 39. 25, Hicksville 33. 26, Lima Central Catholic 26½. 27, Columbus Grove 16. 28, Wayne Trace 15. 29, Dayton Christian 13. 30, Dayton Northridge 11½. 31, Cory-Rawson 4.
Championship Matches
103 -- Strine (JH) dec. Panno (Blan) 9-4
112 -- N. Ziegler (Mech) dec. Wooton (WLS) 5-1
119 -- Karnes (Edg) dec. Pezzin (Swan) 10-3
125 -- Carpenter (CM) maj. dec. VanAtta (McC) 14-6
130 -- Schumaker (Arc) dec. Gambill (ME) 7-6
135 -- Toney (Mech) dec. Eavers (JG) 12-6
140 -- Falk (Blu) tech. fall Levy (WLS) 23-5
145 -- Cloran (CM) dec. Hill (McC) 7-6
152 -- True (Arc) tech. fall Hageman (Ayer) 18-2
160 -- Z. Ziegler (Mech) dec. Lewis (WLS) 5-2
171 -- Klaus (Mech) dec. Kunk (Cold) 5-0
189 -- Homan (Cold) dec. Caudill (Spen), 4-3 OT
215 -- Hunt (TC) dec. Ward (SL) 9-3
285 -- Salyers (Mech) pinned Rankin (EC) 3:15
Consolation Finals
103 -- Goldberg (ME) maj. dec. Merschman (DSJ) 12-3
112 -- Begg (Blu) dec. Riedlinger (Arc) 5-3
119 -- Domer (Blu) tech. fall Kohn (Cold) 20-2
125 -- D. Kwiat (TC) dec. Nuzum (Blu) 5-4
130 -- Clum (Spen) maj. dec. Elkins (Ayer) 11-3
135 -- Hanson (CM) dec. Goebel (Edg) 7-4
140 -- McGilvary (ME) dec. Levy (Hick) 6-2
145 -- Ford (AE) dec. Lewis (WLS) 2-0
152 -- Lutz (Blu) dec. Thompson (WLS) 10-3
160 -- Sneary (AE) dec. K Kwiat (TC) 6-3
171 -- Brickner (McC) dec. Wineland (Edg) 5-0
189 -- Stoner (JH) dec. Endicott (Ply) 4-1
215 -- Swain (Car) dec. Uhlenhake (Cold) 9-7 OT
285 -- Fritz (DSJ) pinned Hassett (Car) 4:43
Fifth-Sixth Place
103 -- Toney (Mech) dec. Grandstaff (Cold) 9-4
112 -- Freeman (AE) maj. dec. Hoskins (JG) 12-3
119 -- Williams (McC) dec. Lewis (Arc) 5-0
125 -- Timmerman (Cold) pinned Gossard (DC) 4:30
130 -- Pike (JG) dec. Caesar (CM) 3-0
135 -- Jorkos (Ayer) by forfeit over Keene (Ply)
140 -- Balog (EC) by forfeit over Hayes (CM)
145 -- Krill (Edg) maj. dec. Washington (Car) 15-5
152 -- Holmes (SPen) pinned Hutchinson (AE) 1:40
160 -- Lehman (Arc) dec. Wiggins (Car) 5-3
171 -- Dues (AE) pinned Teeter (CM) 3:23
189 -- Brown (WLS) dec. McKnight (Car) 8-6
215 -- Smith (Blan) pinned Harris (Ply) 1:40
285 -- Earley (Blan) pinned Stover (TC) 4:22

Cardinal Stritch Invitational
Team Standings
1, Fairview 299. 2, Margaretta 261. 3, Cardinal Stritch 236. 4, Toledo St. Francis 206. 5, Carey 183. 6, Van Wert 182. 7, Port Clinton 179. 8, Toledo Libbey 116. 9, North Baltimore 78. 10, Toledo Scott 30.
Championship Matches
103 -- Bacon (CS) pinned Sidoti (Mar) 3:58
112 -- Miller (F) pinned McCarthy (TSF) 3:00
119 -- Phillips (NB) dec. Blackmore (VW) 8-5
125 -- Scully (VW) dec. W. Fleetwood (Mar) 2-1
130 -- Gladieux (CS) pinned Zepeda (TL) :49
135 -- Reindel (CS) tech. fall Snyder (PC) 17-2
140 -- Westgate (Mar) pinned Et. Etherton (Car) :50
145 -- Meyers (Mar) dec. Calvelage (VW 9-8
152 -- Smith (F) dec. Westhoven (TSF) 15-9
160 -- Meyer (F) pinned Patti (Mar) 5:51
171 -- Hanus (TSF) pinned Smith (PC) 1:27
189 -- Allenbaugh (VW) dec. Hineline (CS) 10-4
215 -- Lamkin (TL) dec. Bergman (CS) 9-6
285 -- Riblet (F) pinned Bye (Mar) 1:16
Consolation Finals
103 -- Clemons (PC) pinned Je. Walters (Car) 3:07
112 -- Cook (PC) pinned Torres (TL) 2:58
119 -- Brinkman (TSF) won by forfeit
125 -- Jo. Walter (Car) pinned Kaufman (NB) 2:30
130 -- Galbraith (NB) maj. dec. Westhoven (TSF) 12-4
135 -- Janke (TSF) pinned Caldwell (TL) 2:13
140 -- Meyer (F) dec. Jones (Mar) 11-0
145 -- Bernier (VW) pinned Hunter (Car) 2:12
152 -- Roelen (OC) dec. Steel (Mar) 5-2
160 -- Shattuck (CS) dec. Hanus (TSF) 6-4
171 -- Cusac (Car) dec. Barrera (F) 8-2
189 -- Batt (F) pinned Schwinkedorf (PC) 1:16
215 -- Pendleton (F) pinned St. John (CS) :52
285 -- Brady (PC) pinned Reynolds (TL) 4:51

Eaton Invitational
Team Standings
1, Eaton 192. 2, Germantown Valley View 167. 3, Franklin 163½. 4, Trenton Edgewood 133½. 5, Warren 128. 6, Simon Kenton, Ky. 118½. 7, Bellbrook 107. 8, Hamilton Ross 104½. 9, Camden Preble-Shawnee 102. 10, Dayton Carroll 96½. 11, West Milton Milton-Union 84½. 12, Xenia 68½. 13, Lima Bath 68. 14, Springfield Shawnee 65. 15, Lewisburg Tri County North 56. 16, Kettering Alter 48½. 17, Batavia 37. 18, Morrow Little Miami 19½. 19, North Bend Taylor 15. 20, Waynesville 4.
Championship Matches
103 -- McSorley (TE) maj. dec. Vaughn (SK) 15-5
112 -- Hembree (VV) dec. Robinson (MU) 13-8
119 -- Keller (DC) maj. dec. Unger (HR) 16-3
125 -- Hildenbrand (Fra) dec. Silvers (Eat) 8-6 OT
130 -- Johnson (MU) ma. dec. McHugh (Bell) 17-4
135 -- VonNeumann (DC) tech. fall Lu (KA) 19-4
140 -- Starr (Fra) pinned Neill (War) 5:20
145 -- Deer (HR) dec. Lee (War) 8-5
152 -- Pitsinger (VV) maj. dec. Meadows (PS) 16-4
160 -- Guthrie (Eat) dec. Sexton (Fra) 4-0
171 -- Westwood (VV) dec. Mershon (SS) 7-3
189 -- Hamilton (Fra) pinned Lange (TE) 3:39
215 -- Banks (TE) dec. Miller (SS) 5-4
285 -- Hale (PS) pinned Ison (Bat) 1:19
Consolation Finals
103 -- Storts (SS) dec. Maggard (Eat) 3-0
112 -- Schilling (Edge) maj. dec. Bolton (Bell) 13-1
119 -- Norbury )SK) dec. Kleinberg (Eat) 6-4
125 -- Wellbaum (VV) dec. Hefner (LB) 6-2
130 -- Newkirk (Eat) dec. Kopecky (Fra) 4-2
135 -- Carnes (War) dec. Hildenbrand (Fra) 9-3
140 -- Clark (Eat) dec. Winkler (SK) 6-2
145 -- Perkins (VV) dec. Schroeder (Edge) 4-3
152 -- Cooper (SK) maj. dec. King (MU) 14-1
160 -- Garrett (PS) dec. Dalton (VV) 7-2
171 -- Senter (Xen) dec. Neal (SK) 7-3
189 -- Fyffe (Bell) maj. dec. Parks (Xen) 13-5
215 -- Pummill (VV) dec. ZFoster (HR) 9-5
285 -- Geis (Xen) pinned Sailing (War) 1:33
Fifth-Sixth Place
103 -- Brower (Bell) dec. VonNeumann (DC) 5-2
112 -- Rider (Eat) pinned Osborne (Bat) 1:31
119 -- Shoemaker (PS) by default over Beemer (LB)
125 -- Henry (HR) pinned Adams (LM) 3:53
130 -- Bollinger (War) pinned B. Dudley (TCN) 4:07
135 -- Krummen (NBT) by default D. Dudley (TCN)
140 -- Schenck (MU) dec. Monesmith (PS) 11-5
145 -- Rumbaugh (LB) dec. Menker (Bell) 10-7
152 -- Meek (War) by default over Sperry (Fra)
160 -- Vaughn (SK) pinned Clack (TCN) 4:25
171 -- Bishop (Eat) maj. dec. Collins (Bell) 10-2
189 -- Herrin (DC) dec. Sebring (War) 5-2
215 -- Barnett (Eat) by default over Johnson (PS)
285 -- Wells (TE) pinned Unwin (HR) 2:37

Marion Pleasant Invitational
1, Marion Pleasant 289. 2, Marysville 219 ½. 3, Indian Lake 197. 4, Olentangy 174. 5, Liberty Center 130. 6, Columbus Hamilton Township 84½. 7, Columbus Grandview Heights 81 ½. 8, Richwood North Union 81. 9, Mohawk 69 ½. 10, Milford Center Fairbanks 56. 11, London 54. 12, Sparta Highland 42. 13, Jonathan Alder 39. 14, Upper Sandusky 37. 15, Caledonia River Valley 35. 16, Dayton Miami Valley 30. 17, Bucyrus & Ontario 21. 19, Marion Pleasant “B” 7½.
Championship matches
103 -- R, Reynolds (MP) pinned Morris (Lon) 2:55
112 -- McCombs (Marys) pinned Poling (NU) 4:31
119 -- M. Reynolds (MP) tech. fall Biddle (LC) 18-3
125 -- Kolodzik (MV) pinned Coomes (MP) 1:15
130 -- Palivoda (Marys) dec. Chappelear (IL) 5-1
135 -- McDaniel (MP) pinned Harmon (IL) 1:55
140 -- Andrews (Marys) dec. Wyckhouse (LC) 5-3
145 -- Davis (MP) dec. Albanese (Fair) 0-5
152 -- Moore (MP) maj. dec. Morley (Marys) 20-7
160 -- Wilson (MP) mak. dec. Sowers (Moh) 14-5
171 -- Cartwright (Moh) pinned Jump (GH) 3:00
189 -- Wasserbeck (NU) dec. Marshall (IL) 7-2
215 -- Albanese (Fair) dec. Bowers (MP) 8-7
285 -- Taylor (IL) dec. Cline (Ole) 3-2
Consolation Finals
103 -- Green (Marys) tech. fall McCath (HT) 18-3
112 -- Sheridan (HT) maj. dec. Farrand (JA) 11-0
119 -- Bivenour (Ole) maj. dec. Wirtz (Marys) 9-0
125 -- Witt (IL) dec. Duccilli (Ole) 9-4
130 -- Demas (MP) dec. Weaver (Ole) 9-2
135 -- Marsh (Marys) pinned Garner (MP) :58
140 -- Christman (IL) dec. McCoy (MP) 9-4
145 -- Cardenas (Ole) maj. dec Ray (IL) 12-1
152 -- Wright (IL) pinned Bivenour (Ole) 2:43
160 -- Mehling (GH) pinned Tammarine (LC) 4:56
171 -- Adams (MP) dec. Butler (LC) 8-3
189 -- Lanum (SH) dec. Tackett (Marys) 3-2
215 -- Rickert (Ont) dec. Spracklen (Ole) 6-4
285 -- Edgington (MP) pinned Charlton (Buc) 1:59
Fifth-Sixth Place
103 -- Bloom (Moh) by forfet over Markwalder (Ole)
112 -- Weiss (Ole) dec. Blackwell (GH) 9-6
119 -- Shepard (SH) dec. Wray (IL) 3-1
125 -- Lewis (RV) pinned Pryor (HT) 1:31
130 -- Wilbur (HT) maj. dec. Kenner (US) 17-5
135 -- Hill (LC) dec Schleich (GH) 7-2
140 -- Burbaugh (US) y forfeit over McCreary (Fair)
145 -- Buchanan (Marys) dec. Jones (Lon) 5-0
152 -- Elling (LC) pinned Neely (US) :33
160 -- Roshon (Marys) maj. dec. Cope (IL) 11-0
171 -- Witry (Marys) maj. dec. Boehler (IL) 14-4
189 -- Lane (GH) dec. McClory (LC) 10-5
215 -- Slee (LC) pinned Weeks (Marys) 2:51
285 -- Kelly (Lon) dec. Thompson (NU) 10-5

Willard East of Chicago Invitational
Team Standings
1, Anthony Wayne 147½. 2, Lakewood 129. 3, Piqua 127. 4, New Philadelphia 115. 5, Willard 110. 6, Mansfield Senior 96½. 7, Black River 93½. 8, Norwalk St. Paul 57. 9, Smithville 55. 10, Toledo Bowsher 21.
Championship Matches
103 -- Pummill (Piq) dec. Henderson (MS) 7-0
112 -- Stevens (MS) dec. Ball (Smith) 10-5
119 -- Sclimenti (Lake) pinned Kostoff (Wil) 2:27
125 -- McCulloch (AW) dec. Perry (Smith) 10-8
130 -- Duffy (Lake) maj. dec. Koskosky (MS) 14-2
135 -- J. Pfister (BR) dec. Nickolai (Piq) 15-13 OT
140 -- Cavello(Wil) maj. dec. C. Pfister (BR) 10-1
145 -- Smith (Lake) dec. C. Nickolai (Piq) 7-3
152 -- Hamidah (Lake) dec. Patrizio (Piq) 5-4
160 -- VanFossen (NP) pinned Munson (AW) 2:36
171 -- Benner (AW) maj. dec. Barbee (NP) 21-9
189 -- Schlarb (NP) pinned Kamann (Wil) :40
215 -- Tufts (MS) dec. Mathias (Wil) 5-3
285 -- Campbell (BR) pinned Kinder (Lake) 1:28
Consolation Finals
103 -- Brown (AW) dec. Tanner (Smith) 5-2
112 -- Irwin (AW) dec. Casey (Piq) 7-3
119 -- Seifert (AW) dec. Schlarb (NP) 3-2
125 -- Seldenright (NP) dec. C. Kemp (Piq) 9-8
130 -- Switzer (AW) dec. Z. Kemp (Piq) 12-7
135 -- Cawley (NSP) pinned Olsavsky (AW) 3:38
140 -- Brumfield (MS) dec. Bischoff (AW) 2-0
145 -- Ayers (NP) dec. Hainline (NSP) 9-2
152 -- Goines (Wil) won by disqualification
160 -- Deshner (Piq) dec. Fox (Lake) 8-5
171 -- Pawlus (BR) pinned Franks (Smith) 2:04
189 -- Welfle (NSP) pinned Miesner (TB) 2:34
215 -- Warnecke (AW) pinned Vannetta (NP) 2:00
285 -- Doughty (NSP) pinned Kiser (Piq) 2:36

Elmwood Joe Szymczak Duals
Team Standings
1, Apple Creek Waynedale 5-0. 2, Elmwood 4-1, 3, Dayton Northmont 3-2. 4, St. Marys Memorial 4-1. 5, Findlay 3-2. 6, Marion Harding 2-3. 7, Cincinnati Moeller “B” 3-2. 8, Clyde 2-3. 9, Rossford 1-4. 10, Dublin Jerome 2-3. 11, Fostoria 1-4. 12, Bowling Green 0-5.

Dual Meet Summaries
Findlay 51, Rossford 23
103 -- Jewell (Ro) won by forfeit
112 -- Jackson (F) pinned Shane Bryant 4:43.
119 -- Shawn Bryant (Ro) tech. fall Powell 15-0
125 -- Ulrich (Ro) dec. Castret 7-4
130 -- Busick (F) pinned Shaw :33
135 -- Espinoza (Ro) pinned Alessi 2:12
140 -- Wray (Ro) dec. Mathias 8-2
145 -- Beltz (F) pinned Maxwell 3:13
152 -- Brubeck (F) won by forfeit
160 -- Mi. Alexander (F) won by forfeit
171 -- Kapostasy (F) pinned Stone 2:59
189 -- Ma. Alexander (F) pinned Grueshaber 1:22
215 -- Metzger (F) pinned Okonski 5:01
285 -- Peterson (F) dec. Fleming 8-5

St, Marys Memorial 39, Findlay 31
103 -- Knous (SM) won by forfeit
112 -- Cisco (SM) pinned Jackson
119 -- Hendrick (SM) maj. dec. Powell 13-1
125 -- Price (SM) dec. Castret 6-1
130 -- Busick (F) pinned Owens 1:03
135 -- Alessi (F) maj. dec. Barnett 15-7
140 -- Mabry (SM) tech. fall Mathias 17-2
145 -- Beltz (F) pinned Hardee 1:47
152 -- Wietholter (SM) pinned Arrendondo 5:45
160 -- Mi. Alexander (F) dec. Sawmiller 7-3
171 -- Lauth (SM) dec. Kapostasy 6-4
189 -- Ma. Alexander (F) pinned Martin 1:41
215 -- Metzger (F) pinned Brown 2:56
285 -- Neal (SM) won by default

Findlay 62, Dublin Jerome 18
103 -- Bay (DJ) won by forfeit
112 -- Jackson (F) pinned Davis :52
119 -- Frabott (DJ) pinned Powell 3:07
125 -- Castret (F) tech. fall Benetti 17-1
130 -- Busick (F) pinned Rhinehart 1:26
135 -- Alessi (F) won by forfeit
140 -- Stephens (DJ) pinned Mathias 3:46
145 -- Beltz (F) pinned Otte 1:09
152 -- Brubeck (F) won by forfeit
160 -- Mi. Alexander (F) dec. Burkley 12-7
171 -- Kapostasy (F) won by forfeit
189 -- Ma. Alexander (F) pinned Arnold 1:25
215 -- Metzger (F) won by forfeit
285 -- Peterson (F) won by forfeit

Waynedale 43, Findlay 18
103 -- Hamilton (W) won by forfeit
112 -- Jackson (F) dec. Petersheim 9-7
119 -- Phillips (W) pinned Powell 2:49
125 -- Coblentz (W) pinned Castret 2:32
130 -- Vitallo (W) tech. fall Busick 22-5
135 -- Beam (W) dec. Alessi 9-2
140 -- Ash (W) pinned Mathias 2:59
145 -- Stiltner (W) dec. Beltz 8-4
152 -- Siegel (W) tech. fall Brubeck 18-3
160 -- Mi. Alexander (F) pinned Milner 3:49
171 -- Kapostasy (F) dec. Roeder 4-3
189 -- Neff (W) dec. Ma. Alexander 7-5
215 -- Metzger (W) dec. Beam 8-2
285 -- Peterson (F) dec. Donley 6-4

Findlay 45, Marion Harding 27
103 -- Double forfeit
112 -- Jackson (F) won by forfeit
119 -- Powell (F) won by forfeit
125 -- Castret (F) won by forfeit
130 -- Countryman (MH) pinned Busick 3:40
135 -- Alessi (F) dec. Ulery 11-4
140 -- Gushard (MH) pinned Mathias 2:19
145 -- Miracle (MH) pinned Beltz 3:05
152 -- Winters (MH) dec. Arredondo 10-5
160 -- Mi. Alexander (F) pinned Jaggers 1:13
171 -- Kapostasy (F) pinned Thomas 5:25
189 -- Ma. Alexander (F) won by forfeit
215 -- Peterson (F) won by forfeit
285 -- Williams (MH) won by default

Elmwood 48, St. Marys Memorial 23
103 -- W. Lee (E) maj. dec. Knous 14-2
112 -- Cisco (SM) won by forfeit
119 -- Headrick (SM) won by forfeit
125 -- Price (SM) maj. dec. Hernandez 14-4
130 -- Alexander (E) pinned Dunham 1:06
135 -- M. Casey (E) pinned Barnett :25
140 -- Mabry (SM) dec. Betts 9-2
145 -- B. Casey (E) pinned Hardee 2:36
152 -- M. Lee (E) tech. fall Wietholter 16-1
160 -- Ackley (E) dec. Sawmiller 6-2
171 -- Lauth (SM) tech. fall Sterling 20-3
189 -- Griffin (E) pinned Martin :40
215 -- Aurand (E) pinned Brown :17
285 -- Tahy (E) pinned Neal 2:57

Elmwood 39, Clyde 29
103 -- W. Lee (E) tech. fall Thurn 18-2
112 -- Double forfeit
119 -- Adkins (Cl) won by forfeit
125 -- Andrews (Cl) pinned Hernandez 5:10
130 -- Alexander (E) dec. Flores 7-1
135 -- M. Casey (E) pinned Pumphrey :35
140 -- Betts (E) pinned Rex 3:24
145 -- Michaels (Cl) tech. fall B. Casey 24-8
152 -- M. Lee (E) dec. Ortolani 7-2
160 -- Ackley (E) won by forfeit
171 -- Dencer (Cl) pinned Sterling 1:31
189 -- Mann (Cl) pinned Griffin 3:01
215 -- Aurand (E) maj. dec. Selvy
285 -- Tahy (E) pinned Lewis :38

Waynedale 46, Elmwood 20
103 -- W. Lee (E) tech. fall Hamilton 17-0
112 -- Petersheim (W) won by forfeit
119 -- Phillips (W) won by forfeit
125 -- Coblentz (W) tech. fall Hernandez 18-3
130 -- Vitallo (W) dec. Alexander 8-2
135 -- Beam (W) dec. M. Casey 6-0
140 -- Ash (W) pinned Betts 5:59
145 -- Stiltner (W) tech. fall B. Casey 22-7
152 -- M. Lee (E) tech. fall Siegel 15-0
160 -- Ackley (E) maj. dec. Milner 13-4
171 -- Roeder (W) pinned Sterling 3:59
189 -- Neff (W) pinned Griffin 2:38
215 -- Aurand (E) dec. Beam 10-3
285 -- Tahy (E) dec. Donley 7-1

Elmwood 49, Dayton Northmont 28
103 -- W. Lee (E) tech. fall Hartley 17-1
112 -- Phillips (DN) won by forfeit
119 -- Walker (DN) won by forfeit
125 -- Gron (DN) pinned Hernandez :20
130 -- Alexander (E) dec. Scarberry 10-4
135 -- M. Casey (E) won by forfeit
140 -- Betts (E) tech. fall Clark 16-0
145 -- B. Casey (E) pinned Cantrell 3:00
152 -- M. Lee (E) pinned Pfahl 2:38
160 -- Ackley (E) won by forfeit
171 -- Inkrott (DN) pinned Sterling 3:12
189 -- Griffin (E) pinned Huelsman 1:04
215 -- Aurand (E) pinned Brooks 5:45
285 -- Pritchard (DN) maj. dec. Tahy 10-0

Elmwood 53, Fostoria 19
103 -- W. Lee (E) won by forfeit
112 -- Double forfeit
119 -- Heiser (F) won by forfeit
125 -- August (F) dec. Hernandez 5-2
130 -- Markoff (F) pinned Alexander 1:50
135 -- M. Casey (E) pinned Lorah 3:29
140 -- Betts (E) tech. fall Solether 16-0
145 -- Shiff (F) maj. dec. B. Casey 11-2
152 -- M. Lee (E) won by forfeit
160 -- Ackley (E) won by forfeit
171 -- Sterling (E) won by forfeit
189 -- Griffin (E) won by forfeit
215 -- Aurand (E) won by forfeit
285 -- Tahy (E) won by forfeit

Clyde 51, Fostoria 13
103 -- Thurn (Cl) won by forfeit
112 -- doube forfeit
119 -- Heiser (F) dec. Adkins 8-1
125 -- Andrews (Cl) pinned August 3:35
130 -- Markoff (F) maj. dec. Flores 10-0
135 -- Solether (F) pinned Pumphrey 3:00
140 -- Rex (Cly) dec. Lorah 20-19
145 -- Michaels (Cl) pinned Shiff 5:15
152 -- Ortolani (Cl) won by forfeit
160 -- Double forfeit
171 -- Dencer (Cl) won by forfeit
189 -- Mann (Cl) won by forfeit
215 -- Selvey (Cl) won by forfeit
285 -- Lewis (Cl) won by forfeit

St. Marys Memorial 61, Fostoria 15
103 -- Knous (SM) won by forfeit
112 -- Cisco (SM) won by forfeit
119 -- Headrick (SM) dec. Heiser 7-4
125 -- Price (SM) maj. dec. August 11-3
130 -- Markoff (F) pinned Owens 1:54
135 -- Solether (F) dec. Barnett 13-8
140 -- Mabry (SM) pinned Lorah 1:03
145 -- Shiff (F) pinned Hardee 2:15
152 -- Wietholter (SM) won by forfeit
160 -- Sawmiller (SM) won by forfeit
171 -- Lauth (SM) won by forfeit
189 -- Martin (SM) won by forfeit
215 -- Brown (SM) won by forfeit
285 -- Neal (SM) won by forfeit

Dublin Jerome 39, Fostoria 25
103 -- Bay (DJ) won by forfeit
112 -- Davis (DJ) won by forfeit
119 -- Heiser (F) tech. fall Frabott 16-0
125 -- August (F) tech. fall Bonetti 15-0
130 -- Markoff (F) pinned Stoelk :18
135 -- Lorah (F) dec. Rhinehart 12-9
140 -- Stephens (DJ) dec. Solether 7-2
145 -- Shiff (F) pinned Otte 1:49
152 -- Wagner (DJ) won by forfeit
160 -- Leonard (DJ) won by forfeit
171 -- Burkley (DJ) won by forfeit
189 -- Arnold (DJ) won by forfeit
215 -- double forfeit
285 -- double forfeit

Fostoria 31, Bowling Green 30
103 -- double forfeit
112 -- double forfeit
119 -- Heiser (F) tech. fall Zimmerman 15-0
125 -- August (F) won by forfeit
130 -- Markoff (F) won by forfeit
135 -- Markoff (F) won by forfeit
140 -- Lorah (F) dec. Carr 9-5
145 -- Solether (F) pinned Herrera 4:34
152 -- Henry (BG) won by forfeit
160 -- Kirkbride (BG) won by forfeit
171 -- Reynolds (BG) won by forfeit
189 -- Sickler (BG) won by forfeit
215 -- double forfeit
285 -- Cox (BG) won by forfeit

Waynedale 67, Dublin Jerome 6
103 -- Hamilton (W) dec. Bay 9-2
112 -- Petersheim (W) dec. Davis 2-0
119 -- Phillips (W) tech. fall Frabott 18-2
125 -- Coblentz (W) pinned Benetti 1:30
130 -- Vitallo (W) tech. fall Rhinehart 22-7
135 -- Beam (W) won by forfeit
140 -- Ash (W) dec. Stephens 13-8
145 -- Stiltner (W) won by default
152 -- Siegel (W) pinned Otte :30
160 -- Burkley (DJ) pinned Milner 1:37
171 -- Roeder (W) won by forfeit
189 -- Neff (W) pinned Arnold 3:05
215 -- Beam (W) won by forfeit
285 -- Donley (W) won by forfeit

St. Marys Memorial 45, Clyde 34
103 -- Knous (SM) pinned Thurn 4:57
112 -- Cisco (SM) won by forfeit
119 -- Hedrick (SM) pinned Adkins 1:28
125 -- Price (SM) dec. Andrews 5-3
130 -- Flores (Cl) pinned Owens 3:21
135 -- Pumphrey (Cl) pinned Barnett 4:42
140 -- Mabry (SM) pinned Rex 1:22
145 -- Michaels (Cl) pinned Hardee 1:32
152 -- Ortolani (Cl) maj. dec. Wietholter 15-3
160 -- Sawmiller (SM) won by forfeit
171 -- Dencer (Cl) pinned Lauth 1:03
189 -- Mann (Cl) pinned Martin 4:14
215 -- Brown (SM) pinned Lewis 1:00
285 -- Neal (SM) pinned Selvey :51

Marion Harding 35, Bowling Green 18
103 -- Double forfeit
112 -- Zimmerman (BG) won by forfeit
119 -- Double forfeit
125 -- Vanderhoff (MH) won by forfeit
130 -- Countryman (MH) won by forfeit
135 -- Ulery (MH) dec. Carr 12-8
140 -- Gushard (MH) pinned Herrera :58
145 -- Miracle (MH) tech. fall Dotts 15-0
152 -- Henry (BG) dec. Winters 11-6
160 -- Kirkbride (BG) dec. Jagger 8-2
171 -- Thomas (MH) pinned Reynolds 1:53
189 -- Sickler (BG) won by forfeit
215 -- doule forfeit
285 -- Williams (MH) dec. Cox 3-2

Waynedale 52, Rossford 20
103 -- Jewell (Ro) pinned Hamilton 1:22
112 -- Petershein (W) dec. Shane Bryant 4-0
119 -- Phillips (W) maj. dec. Shawn Bryant 17-4
125 -- Coblentz (W) pinned Ulrich 1:42
130 -- Vitello (W) pinned Shaw 1:56
135 -- Espinoza (Ro) tech. fall Beam 17-1
140 -- Wray (Ro) maj. dec. Ash 14-5
145 -- Stiltner (W) pinned Maxwell :30
152 -- Siegel (W) won by forfeit
160 -- Milner (W) won by forfeit
171 -- Roeder (W) pinned Stone 1:28
189 -- Neff (W) pinned Shively 1:24
215 -- Beam (W) dec. Okonski 13-6
285 -- Fleming (Ro) pinned Donley 4:59

Dayton Northmont 35, Cin. Moeller 30
103 -- Hartley (DN) won by forfeit
112 -- Phillips (DN) pinned Quinn :49
119 -- Walker (DN) pinned Cowie 4:49
125 -- Groh (DN) dec, Benedetti 7-6
130 -- Holtman (CM) dec. Scarberry 10-5
135 -- King (CM) won by forfeit
140 -- McVeigh (CM) maj. dec. Clark 10-2
145 -- Rahm (CM) pinned Cantrell 1:33
152 -- Kemme (CM) pinned Pfahl 1:28
160 -- Newburg (DN) tech. fall Otmar 16-0
171 -- Hilton (CM) dec. Inkrott 6-3
189 -- Apking (CM) dec. Huelsman 10-5
215 -- Brooks (DN) dec. Emig 11-4
285 -- Prichard (DN) pinned Powell 1:40

Marion Harding 33, Cin. Moeller 31
103 -- Double forfeit
112 -- Quinn (CM) won by forfeit
119 -- McCormick (CM) won by forfeit
125 -- Benedetti (CM) won by forfeit
130 -- Countryman (MH) dec. Holtman 5-4
135 -- McVeigh (CM) dec. Ulery 7-4
140 -- Gushard (MH) pinned Etzkorn 3:01
145 -- Mayse (MH) dec. Rahm 10-3
152 -- Miracle (MH) dec. Otmar 10-4
160 -- Winter (MH) pinned Kemme 1:42
171 -- Hilton (CM) maj. dec. Jaggers 16-7
189 -- Thomas (MH) pinned Bruggeman 3:21
215 -- Emig (CM) won by forfeit
285 -- Williams (MH) pinned Powell 2:25

Dayton Northmont 64, Bowling Green 9
103 -- Hartley (DN) won by forfeit
112 -- Pitilles (DN) pinned Zimmerman :14
119 -- Walker (DN) won by forfeit
125 -- Gron (DN) won by forfeit
130 -- Scarberry (DN) won by forfeit
135 -- Waddle (BG) won by forfeit
140 -- Clark (DN) dec. Carr 4-3
145 -- Cantrell (DN) pinned Herrera 1:09
152 -- Pfahl (DN) maj. dec. Dotts 19-11
160 -- Newburg (DN) dec. Henry 4-3
171 -- Kirkbride (BG) dec. Inkrott 6-0
189 -- Huelsman (DN) pinned Reynolds 1:40
215 -- Brooks (DN) pinned Sickler 1:05
285 -- Prichard (DN) pinned Cox 1:27

Rossford 37, Dublin Jerome 33
103 -- Jewell (Ro) dec. Bay 8-5
112 -- Davis (DJ) pinned Shane Bryant 1:32
119 -- Shawn Bryant (Ro) maj. dec. Frabott 23-12
125 -- Ulrich (Ro) pinned Benedetti :43
130 -- Rhinehart (DJ) pinned Shaw :46
135 -- Espinoza (Ro) won by forfeit
140 -- Wray (Ro) dec. Stephens 5-1
145 -- Maxwell (Ro) dec Otte 3-2
152 -- Wagner (DJ) won by forfeit
160 -- Leonard (DJ) won by forfeit
171 -- Burkley (DJ) pinned Stone :24
189 -- Arnold (DJ) dec. Grushaber 5-0
215 -- Okonski (Ro) won by forfeit
285 -- Fleming (Ro) won by forfeit

Dayton Northmont 43, Marion Harding 31
103 -- Hartley (DN) won by forfeit
112 -- Phillips (DN) won by forfeit
119 -- Walker (DN) won by forfeit
125 -- Groh (DN) won byforfeit
130 -- Countryman (MH) dec. Scarberry 8-4
135 -- Ulery (MH) won by forfeit
140 -- Gushard (MH) maj. dec. Clark 15-4
145 -- Mayse (MH) pinned Cantrell 5:59
152 -- Miracle (MH) pinned Pfahl :52
160 -- Knapp (MH) won by forfeit
171 -- Inkrott (DN) dec. Winters 10-8 OT
189 -- Huelsman (DN) pinned Jaggers 1:22
215 -- Brooks (DN) maj. dec. Thomas 14-2
285 -- Prichard (DN) pinned Williams 3:03

Cin. Moeller 43, Bowling Green 27
103 -- Double forfeit
112 -- Quinn (CM) won by forfeit
119 -- McCormick (CM) won by forfeit
125 -- Schmitt (CM) won by forfeit
130 -- Siderits (CM) won by forfeit
135 -- King (CM) dec. Carr 10-5
140 -- Etzkorn (CM) pinned Herrera 1:41
145 -- Dotts (BG) pinned VanDenBenkin 3:21
152 -- Henry (BG) dec. Otmar 12-8
160 -- Kirkbride (BG) oinned Kemme 5:19
171 -- Reynolds (BG) pinned Guiffire 1:26
189 -- Apking (CM) pinned Sickler 4:45
215 -- Bruggeman (CM) won by forfeit
285 -- Cox (BG) pinned Emig 3:36

Cin. Moeller 42, Rossford 41
103 -- Jewell (Ro) won by forfeit
112 -- Shane Bryant (Ro) pinned Quinn :42
119 -- Shawn Bryant (Ro) tech. fall McCormick 19-2
125 -- Benedetti (CM) pinned Ulrich 2:08
130 -- Holtman (CM) pinned Shaw :48
135 -- McVeigh (CM) won by forfeit
140 -- Wray (Ro) pinned Etzkorn 1:42
145 -- Rahm (CM) pinned Maxwell 4:49
152 -- Otmar (CM) won by forfeit
160 -- Kemme (CM) won by forfeit
171 -- Stone (Ro) pinned Hilton 1:03
189 -- Apking (CM) pinned Shively :53
215 -- Okonski (Ro) pinned Bruggeman 2:53
285 -- Fleming (Ro) pinned Powell :53

St. Marys Memorial 45, Marion Harding 29
103 -- Knous (SM) won by forfeit
112 -- Cisco (SM) won by forfeit
119 -- Headrick (SM) won by forfeit
125 -- Price (SM) won by forfeit
130 -- Countryman (MH) pinned Dunham 2:56
135 -- Ulery (MH) dec. Barnett 6-3
140 -- Gushard (MH) maj. dec. Mabry 12-2
145 -- Miracle (MH) pinned Hardee 1:30
152 -- Winters (MH) maj. dec. Wietholter 15-3
160 -- Sawmiller (SM) pinned Knapp 4:55
171 -- Lauth (SM) dec. Thomas 4-3
189 -- Martin (SM) won by forfeit
215 -- Brown (SM) won by forfeit
285 -- Williams (MH) pinned Neal 4:40

Dublin Jerome 39, Bowling Green 35
103 -- Bay (DJ) won by forfeit
112 -- Davis (DJ) pinned Zimmerman 2:55
119 -- Frabott (DJ) won by forfeit
125 -- Bonetti (DJ) won by forfeit
130 -- Stoelk (DJ) won by forfeit
135 -- Rhinehart (DJ) pinned Waddle 1:00
140 -- Stephens (DJ) dec. Carr 11-8
145 -- Herrera (BG) pinned Otte 3:08
152 -- Dotts (BG) won by forfeit
160 -- Henry (BG) tech. fall Leonard 18-3
171 -- Kirkbride (BG) dec. Burkley 17-11
189 -- Reynolds (BG) dec. Arnold 15-10
215 -- Sickler (BG) won by forfeit
285 -- Cox (BG) won by forfeit

Cin. Moeller 41, Clyde 34
103 -- Thurn (Cly) won by forfeit
112 -- Quinn (CM) won by forfeit
119 -- Baule (CM) pinned Adkins 5:00
125 -- Andrews (Cly) maj. dec. Fricker 18-5
130 -- Flores (Cly) pinned Siderits 1:55
135 -- McVeigh (CM) pinned Pumphrey 5:37
140 -- Etzkorn (CM) pinned Rex :49
145 -- Michaels (Cly) pinned Rahm 3:35
152 -- Ortolani (Cly) dec. Otmar 9-7
160 -- Kemmer (CM) won by forfeit
171 -- Dencer (Cly) pinned Sweeney 1:30
189 -- Mann (Cly) dec. Apking 10-9
215 -- Bruggeman (CM) pinned Lewis :48
285 -- Powell (CM) pinned Selvey 4:48

Waynedale 55, Dayton Northmont 16
103 -- Hamilton (W) dec. Hartley 7-0
112 -- Phillips (DN) maj. dec. Petershein 11-0
119 -- Phillips (W) dec. Walker 8-7
125 -- Groh (DN) pinned Coblentz 2:39
130 -- Vitallo (W) pinned Scarberry 3:56
135 -- Beam (W) won by forfeit
140 -- Ash (W) maj. dec. Clark 10-0
145 -- Stiltner (W) pinned Cantrell 4:15
152 -- Siegel (W) pinned Pfahl 2:36
160 -- Milner (W) won by forfeit
171 -- Roeder (W) dec. Inkrott 14-9
189 -- Neff (W) pinned Huelsman 3:37
215 -- Beam (W) pinned Brooks 4:34
285 -- Prichard (DN) pinned Donley 1:01

Clyde 38, Rossford 33
103 -- Jewell (Ro) pinned Thurn 1:02
112 -- Shane Bryant (Ro) won by forfeit
119 -- Shawn Bryant (Ro) dec. Adkins 9-4
125 -- Andrews (Cl) dec. Ulrich 9-2
130 -- Flores (Cl) pinned Shaw 3:48
135 -- Pumphrey (Cl) won by forfeit
140 -- Wray (Ro) pinned Rex 1:43
145 -- Michaels (Cl) pinned Maxwell 3:42
152 -- Ortolani (Cl) won by forfeit
160 -- Double forfeit
171 -- Dencer (Cl) tech. fall Stener 17-2
189 -- Mann (Cl) pinned Shively :39
215 -- Okonski (Ro) pinned Selvey 5:58
285 -- Fleming (Ro) pinned Lewis :25