Saturday, February 17, 2007

Sectional Results

Division III
Team Standings
1, Liberty Center 221. 2, Delta 208. 3, Archbold 181. 4, Montpelier 162. 5, Ayersville 115. 6, Tinora 108½. 7, Edgerton 89. 8, Stryker 87. 9, Fairview 72. 10, Paulding 67. 11, Hicksville 66. 12, Patrick Henry 62.
Championship Matches
103 — Aranjo (D) pinned Adams (H), 2:28.
112 — Lopez (PH) maj. dec. Ry. Rayfield (D), 19-7.
119 — Karnes (E) dec. Reyna (M), 4-3.
125 — Carrisalez (D) dec. Almanza (PH), 9-4.
130 — Pfaff (D) dec. Bernath (Arch), 9-7, OT.
135 — Hill (LC) dec. Roerig (M), 15-9.
140 — Gombash (D) pinned Levy (H), 1:25.
145 — Burris (Arch) dec. Krill (E), 6-2.
152 — Schroeder (M) dec. Short (Arch), 14-7.
160 — Knipp (Arch) by default over Tammerine (LC).
171 — Perez (S) pinned Fitch (D), 5:53.
189 — Godsey (D) tech. fall Evans (S), 19-2.
215 — McClory (LC) pinned Bostelman (Arch), 1:52.
275 — Schwab (LC) dec. Pendleton (F), 3-2.
103 — Ferguson (M) dec. Rohn (Ayer), 12-5.
112 — Varner (T) dec. Miller (F), 12-5.
119 — Bodenbender (T) maj. dec. Biddle (LC), 9-1.
125 — Redd (Arch) dec. Carnahan (P), 3-2.
130 — Elkins (Ayer) dec. McKenzie (M), 12-6.
135 — Jorkos (Ayer) dec. Goebel (E), 7-4.
140 — Wyckhouse (LC) pinned Mumma (P), :37.
145 — Blake (T) dec. Baldwin (LC), 10-7.
152 — Tracy (P) dec. Hageman (Ayer), 10-4.
160 — Yant (D) tech. fall Meyer (F), 16-1.
171 — Butler (LC) pinned Britenriker (Arch), 1:41.
189 — Snyder (T) dec. Stacey (LC), 9-6.
215 — Castillo (Ayer) dec. Clauson (S), 8-6.
275 — Howard (M) dec. Schwiegel (S), 12-9.

At Plymouth
Team Standings
1, Sandusky St. Mary’s 219. 2, Seneca East 163. 3, Western Reserve 155½. 4, New London 122. 5, Ashland Crestview 118½.. 6, South Central 114. 7, Margaretta 111½. 8, Plymouth 101. 9, Huron 93. 10, Norwalk St. Paul 84. 11, Monroeville 80.
Championship Matches
103 — Stieber (Mon) pinned D. Harrington (SM) :40.
112 — Opfer (SM) pinned Johnson (Mon) 1:03.
119 — P. Harrington (SM) pinned Oney (SC), 5:32.
125 — Fleetwood (Mar) dec. Tanner (SE) 7-2.
130 — Essenmacher (NL) dec. McDonald (P) 6-3.
135 — Cawley (NSP) maj. dec. McAllister (H) 18-9.
140 — Hermes (SM) maj. dec. J. Shepherd (SC) 12-4.
145 — Ortolani (SM) dec. Grys (NL) 14-8.
152 — Reer (WR) pinned Schaffer (SE) 2:18.
160 — Wasylik (SM) dec. S. Chandler (SC) 10-3.
171 — Reed (AC) pinned Blodgett (H) 1:20.
189 — Hughes (SE) pinned Endicott (P) 3:53.
215 — Hamilton (SC) pinned Mahl (SE) 1:19.
275 — Steward (AC) pinned Romick (H) 4:28.
Consolation Finals
103 — Supeck (WR) pinned Winters (AC) 1:22.
112 — Butcher (WR) dec. T. Crapo (SE) 10-6.
119 — Puder (NL) pinned Manning (WR) 1:14.
125 — McGinn (NSP) dec. Ferber (SC) 4-0.
130 — Craft (SE) dec. Beekman (Mar) 4-0.
135 — Young (SE) by default over Ackerman (Mar).
140 — Collinsworth (H) by default over M. Swan (WR).
145 — C. Crapo (SE) dec. Meyers (Mar) 8-3.
152 — Dahs (SM) dec. Keathley (NL) 8-6.
160 — Boyce (WR) dec. Worthington (AC) 2-1 OT.
171 — Chamberlain (SM) dec. Means (P) 11-6.
189 — Cheesman (AC) pinned Welfle (NSP) 4:00.
215 — Guerra (SM) pinned Cox (WR) :47.
275 — Gregory (NL) pinned Doughty (NSP) :42.

At Elmwood
Team Standings
1, Genoa 215. 2, Elmwood 193½. 3, Otsego 150. 4, Toledo Christian 112½. 5, Cardinal Stritch 107. 6, Swanton 90½. 7, Woodmore 88½. 8, Evergreen 85.9, Fremont St. Joseph 84. 10, Northwood 76. 11, Lakota 72. 12, Gibsonburg 41.
Championship Matches
103 — Glenn (O) pinned S. Traver (Ge), 3:37.
112 — Pennington (Ever) dec. Teneyck (Ge), 8-6.
119 — Pezzin (S) dec. Stasa (Ever), 7-5, OT.
125 — M. Curcio (TC) dec. Alexander (Elm), 2-0, OT.
130 — La. Foos (O) pinned Gladieux, 1:45.
135 — Reindel (CS) dec. Johnson (O), 8-5.
140 — Franks (FSJ) dec. Grigson (Nor), 9-5.
145 — Hessick (FSJ) dec. Wagner (Ge), 6-4.
152 — M. Lee (Elm) dsec. A. Espinoza (Ge), 12-6.
160 — Ackley (Elm) dec. Hrabak (Ge), 9-3.
171 — Wolff (Ge) tech. fall M. Kleman (L), 18-1.
189 — Purdue (Ge) won by default over Ault (W).
215 — Buckner (W) dec. Aurand (Elm), 6-0.
275 — Southwick (O) dec. Tahy (Elm), 1-0.
Consolation Finals
103 — W. Lee (Elm) dec. Bloomfield (Nor), 7-0.
112 — Glosser (O) pinned Lorenc (Nor), 1:48.
119 — J. Curcio (TC) pinned J. Traver (Ge), 2:13.
125 — Roach (Gi) dec. Smith (Ever), 6-3.
130 — Berryman (FSJ) dec. Whittaker (TC), 12-5.
135 — Vogelpohl (Ge) dec. M. Casey (Elm), 6-4.
140 — Betts (Elm) dec. Fleming (O), 5-3.
145 — E. Yunker (TC) deec. B. Casey (Elm), 5-3, OT.
152 — Reiner (S) dec. C. Kleman (L), 7-1.
160 — Shattuck (CS) dec. Artressia (W), 7-4.
171 — Wolfe (W) dec. Rogers (CS), 12-7.
189 — Bayly (TC) pinned Griffin (Elm), 1:36.
215 — McKibben (Nor) pinned McNutt (S), :52.
275 — Widman (FSJ) dec. Bergman (CS), 2-1.
Fifth-Sixth Place
103 — Bacon (CS) dec. Heineman (S), 6-1.
112 — Knieriem (FSJ) won by forfeit.
119 — Meinhardt (N) maj. dec. Kepling (O), 12-0.
125 — Mazza (Ge) dec. Roachman (S), 7-6, OT.
130 — T. Espinoza (Ge) pinned Fisher (Gi), 2:06.
135 — Johnson (S) piinned Phelps (TC), 2:17.
140 — Core (Ge) by default over A. Yunker (TC).
145 — McClafin (Lak) pinned Ferris (Ever), :47.
152 — Faunce (Gi) maj. dec. Miller (TC), 10-1.
160 — Perdue (Ever) dec. Breitigam (Lak), 8-2.
171 — Strausbaugh (Elm) dec. Bundy (O), 7-2.
189 — Hineline (CS) dec. Froman (O), 3-1.
215 — Steele (Lak) pinned Widmer (Gi), 2:17.
275 — St. John (W) pinned Smith (S), 1:57.

At Carey
Team Standings
1, Tiffin Calvert 179½. 2, Mohawk 154½. 3, Arcadia 138. 4, Hopewell-Loudon 114½. 5, McComb 92. 6, Carey 75. 7, Riverdale 73½. 8, Fostoria St. Wendelin 46. 9, North Baltimore 30½. 10, Van Buren 15. 11, Buckeye Central 12½.
Championship Finals
103 — Elchert (A) dec. Bloom (Moh), 9-7.
112 — Dandurand (H-L) dec. Correll (TC), 6-3.
119 — Kuzma (H-L) dec. Phillips (NB), 8-4.
125 — VanAtta (McC) maj. dec. Chapman (H-L), 11-0.
130 — Schumaker (A) maj. dec. Shearer (R), 17-5.
135 — Clouse (Moh) dec. Jo. Scherger (TC), 3-2.
140 — Hoerig (Moh) pinned Ja. Scherger, 5:06.
145 — Hill (McC) tech. fall Degollado (H-L), 17-0.
152 — K. Kwiat (TC) dec. M. True (A), 4-0.
160 — B. Sowers (Moh) maj. dec. Lehman (A), 15-6.
171 — Cartwright (Moh) maj. dec. Brickner (McC), 19-10.
189 — Kirian (Moh) maj. dec. White (TC), 15-3.
215 — Hunt (TC) pinned Conley (A), 1:22.
275 — Stover (TC) pinned Wiseman (A), 1:14.
Consolation Matches
103 — Finsel (FSW) maj. dec. Yeater (R), 12-2.
112 — Reidlinger (A) pinned Curlis, 2:13, 2:13.
119 — Lewis (A) dec. Jo. Walter (C), 3-2.
125 — D. Kwiat (TC) pinned Galbraith (NB), 1:55.
130 — Delacerda (McC) maj. dec. Keefe (TC), 13-5.
135 — Cavinder (R) pinned Cramer (McC), 3:49.
140 — Kapelka (H-L) maj. dec. Nye (BC), 12-4.
145 — Hunter (C) dec. E. Sowers (Moh), 11-10.
152 — Arbogast (H-L) dec. Perkins (Moh), 12-9.
160 — El. Eatherton (C) dec. Bell (TC), 7-2.
171 — Seislove (A) pinned Camper (R), 4:08.
189 — St. Clair (FSW) pinned Book (R), 2:30.
215 — Case (C) pinned Sullivan (VB), 2:58.
275 — Galvan (FSW) pinned Shrider (R), 2:43.
Fifth-Sixth Place
103 — Je. Walter (C) dec. Herrera (McC), 8-6.
112 — Fredritz (C) pinned Potteiger (VB), 1:58.
119 — Williams (McC) maj. dec. Williams (TC), 15-3.
125 — Bjorling (C) pinned Rehus (VB), :16.
130 — Wickham (H-L) dec. Szczublewski (FSW), 4-3.
135 — Swartzmiller (H-L) pinned Sadler (FSW), 4:06.
140 — Et. Eatherton (C) dec. D. True (A), 8-2.
145 — Mack (TC) maj. dec. Hepperly (R), 15-3.
152 — A. Rodabaugh (R) pinned Lunn (C), 1:40.
160 — Grine (VB) pinned Stockmaster (BC), 2:53.
171 — Eaton (VB) dec. Lawrence (A), 9-3.
189 — Miller (BC) won by default over Moore (C).
215 — Shirk (R) won by forfeit.
275 — Jones (NB) won by forfeit.

At Lima Central Catholic
Team Standings
1, Coldwater 245½. 2, Bluffton 187. 3, Allen East 173½. 4, Delphos Jefferson 122½. 5, Spencerville 122. 6, Delphos St. John's 111. 7, Lima Central Catholic 90. 8, Columbus Grove 80. 9, Lincolnview 71. 10, Wayne Trace 60. 11, Cory-Rawson 56. 12, Ottawa-Glandorf 29½.
Championship Matches
103 — Merschman (DSJ) pinned Beck (L), 3:34.
112 — Begg (B) pinned Freeman (AE), 1:44.
119 — Domer (B) pinned Kohn (C), 1:36.
125 — Timmerman (C) dec. Nuzum (B), 5-4.
130 — Clum (S) pinned Tr. Kunk (C), 2:35.
135 — Rayl (B) dec. White (WT), 6-3.
140 — Falk (B) tech. fall Hahn (LCC), 16-0.
145 — Ford (AE) by default over Kaiser (C).
152 — Kayatin (LCC) dec. A. Uhlenhake (C), 12-7.
160 — Sneary (AE) dec. Harnishfeger (CG), 9-7.
171 — Ty. Kunk (C) dec. Dues (AE), 12-9.
189 — Miller (DJ) dec. Homan (C), 8-3.
215 — Swick (DJ) dec. N. Uhlenhake (C), 14-7.
275 — Grieshop (C) dec. Fritz (DSJ), 5-3.
Consolation Finals
103 — Grandstaff (C) maj. dec. Johnston (B), 10-1.
112 — Caudill (S) pinned Schimmoeller (O-G), :40.
119 — Vonderwell (DSJ) pinned White (LCC), 4:15.
125 — Fisher (AE) pinned Cress (CG), 1:42.
130 — Siefker (DJ) pinned Geiger (LCC), 2:22.
135 — Muhlenkamp (C) dec. Stanfield (S), 4-2.
140 — Neumeier (DSJ) dec. McElroy (DJ), 10-7.
145 — Freeman (B) dec. Tourjee (CG), 5-3.
152 — Lutz (B) dec. Holmes (S), 7-6.
160 — Backus (DSJ) dec. Herr (B), 9-2.
171 — Thomason (LCC) maj. dec. Reuille (WT), 19-6.
189 — A. Caudill (S) pinned K. Walter (C-R), 4:44.
215 — Obringer (S) pinned Fields (AE), :40.
275 — Osting (DJ) pinned Cunningham (L), 2:15.
Fifth-Sixth Place
103 — Clemens (WT) pinned Russell (S), 4:31.
112 — Hanf (L) pinned Hamburg (C), 2:07.
119 — Etzkorn (DJ) pinned Prater (AE), 1:35.
125 — Mathews (WT) pinned Klausing (O-G), 2:40.
130 — McDaries (O-G) won by forfeit.
135 — Walters (AE) pinned Bockrath (O-G), 1:23.
140 — Kuether (C) pinned Brake (L), 1:55.
145 — Andrews (DJ) dec. West (WT), 12-5.
152 — Falk (C-R) pinned Hutchinson (AE), 4:43.
160 — Bonifas (L) dec. G. Homan (C), 4-1.
171 — Boss-Hummel (C-R) pinned Harshman (CG), 3:34.
189 — Oney (CG) pinned Stephens (AE), 2:49.
215 — S. Walter (C-R) pinned Vorst (CG), 4:08.
275 — Binkley (S) dec. Pryer (AE), 5-0, OT.

Division II
At Shelby
Team Standings
1, Lexington 255½. 2, Willard 179½. 3, Galion 149. 4, Shelby 138½. 5, Edison 133½. 6, Norwalk 125½. 7, Upper Sandusky 76. 8, Clear Fork 74. 9, Bucyrus 56½/ 10, Ontario 31.
Championship Matches
103 — Gould (L) dec. Worthington (S), 11-5.
112 — Rumple (G) maj. dec. Majoy (E), 14-2.
119 — Devito (L) dec. Jackson (S), 2-0.
125 — McClintock (G) maj. dec. McQuillen (L), 10-2.
130 — Jewell (G) maj. dec. J. Neuberger (E), 12-4.
135 — R. Neuberger (E) dec. Bond (L), 7-5.
140 — Cavello (W) pinned Ringle (N), 1:38.
145 — Pfeiffer (N) by default over Wagers (W).
152 — Neely (US) dec. Jordan (L), 10-8, OT.
160 — DeLong (L) dec. Geiger (E), 4-1.
171 — Hamons (W) dec. Lochtefeld (L), 10-3.
189 — Stoll (E) dec. Hudak (L), 4-3.
215 — Clum (G) dec. Mathias (W), 11-4.
275 — Britt (CF) dec. Fraley (L), 3-1.
Consolation Finals
103 — Olvera (N) pinned Longstreth (G), 4:11.
112 — Arnold (N) dec. Gambucci (L), 4-0.
119 — Hurst (N) pinned Kostoff (W), 1:16.
125 — Barnhart (S) pinned Crozier (CF), 2:06.
130 — Fulwider (S) dec. Beilstein (L), 9-7, OT.
135 — Long (B) pinned Butler (S), 2:20.
140 — Ahmed (L) pinned Markwell (S), 2:08.
145 — Bishop (L) pinned Roth (CF), 4:01.
152 — Gayheart (W) pinned Wolfel (G), 2:43.
160 — Novicky (W) pinned Coxe (CF), :53.
171 — Webster (US) by default over Cook (N).
189 — Taylor (S) dec. Torrence (N), 6-1.
215 — Opfer (E) pinned Farrell (L), 1:49.
275 — Tolar (G) pinned Charlton (B), 5:39, OT.
Fifth-Sixth Place
103 — Knoll (W) pinned Garza (US), 1:48.
112 — Lemaster (US) dec. Nickelson (B), 13-8.
119 — Oswalt (CF) maj. dec. Leibengood (B), 10-0.
130 — Kenner (US) pinned Boone (W), 2:51.
135 — Goines (W) pinned Marth (CF), 3:22.
140 — Hicks (CF) pinned Roberts (E), 2:28.
145 — Stroup (S) dec. Shaw (US), 6-5.
152 — Head (S) dec. Rader (O), 8-5.
160 — Schradely (S) maj. dec. Booth (G), 10-1.
171 — Ulmer (G) dec. Kenny (B), 5-3.
189 — Kamann (W) pinned Wilson (O), 1:44.
215 — Rickert (O) pinned Jackson (B), 2:42.
275 — Brown (S) pinned Razo (N), 2:08.

At Fostoria
Team Standings
1, Eastwood 250. 2, Elida 183½. 3, Van Wert 145½. 4, Bryan 123½. 5, Tiffin Columbian 117. 6, St. Marys Memorial 114. 7, Wapakoneta 103½. 8, Lima Bath 90. 9, Fostoria Senior 87. 10, Lima Shawnee 74. 11, Kenton 19.
Championship Matches
103 — Hunlock (Eli) dec. Hahn (Ea), 9-2.
112 — Cisco (SM) dec. Brunk (Eli), 7-3.
119 — Flores (East) pinned Beemer (LB), 2:54.
125 — Ulinski (East) by default over Sully (VW).
130 — Beemer (W) dec. McDole (TC), 3-1.
135 — Overholt (Eli) dec. Claybaugh (W), 9-2.
140 — Taylor (East) dedc. B. Combs (Bry), 8-2.
145 — Shiff (Fos) maj. dec. Hoffman (East), 13-2.
152 — Cubberly (East) pinned Hirschy (VW), 1:25.
160 — Williams (TC) dec. Fricke (Eli), 6-1.
171 — Foster (East) dec. Shipp (W), 9-5.
189 — Wittkamp (Eli) won by forfeit over Custar (VW).
215 — McIntosh (VW) dec. Hale (East), 3-2.
275 — Donna (TC) maj. dec. VanVoorhis (Eli), 8-0.
Consolation Finals
103 — Desjardins (TC) dec. Ramos (Bry), 8-2.
112 — Schneider (TC) dec. LaCourse (East), 6-2.
119 — Diglia (Eli) maj. dec. Heiser (F), 14-1.
125 — Hefner (LB) dec. Leonard (F), 14-1.
130 — Markoff (F) dec. Eaton (East), 7-4.
135 — Bible (LB) pinned Lorah (F), 2:27.
140 — Mabry (SM) maj. dec. Rider (LS), 13-1.
145 — Dettrow (VW) dec. Andrews (Bry), 14-10.
152 — Washam (LS) dec. Green (Eli), 5-2.
160 — Evans (East) dec. Noggle (VW), 4-2.
171 — Lauth (SM) dec. Saffle (Eli), 2-1.
189 — Eschenbrenner (East) pinned Painter (LB), 2:17.
215 — Wheeler (Bry) maj. dec. Brown (SM), 12-3.
275 — Bettenbrock (East) dec. Byrne (W), 3-1.
Fifth-Sixth Place
103 — Knous (SM)( pinned Craig (VW), 3:00.
112 — Croft (LS) dec. Smith (VW), 4-2.
119 — Hedrick (SM) pinned Carlin (Bry), 1:33.
125 — Bailey (W) dec. Zedaker (Bry), 7-0.
130 — S. Combs (Bry)dec. McGinnis (LB), 8-2.
135 — Hernandez (Bry) pinned Heath (VW), 5:58.
140 — Thomas (VW) dec. Solether (F), 5-2.
145 — Carter (LS) pinned Leis (Eli), 1:57.
152 — Sidle (Bry) dec. Ray (K), 13-11.
160 — Long (W) dec. Timmons (Bry), 7-2.
171 — Roop (VW) maj. dec. J. Hageman (Bry), 12-0.
189 — Ziegler (TC) maj. dec. L. Hageman (Bry), 14-0.
215 — Hurlburt (LS) pinned Hainline (K), 2:27.
275 — Geiger (LS) dec. Neal (SM), 6-5.

At Oak Harbor
Team Standings
1, Oak Harbor 281. 2, Bellevue 209½. 3, Napoleon 196. 4, Sandusky Perkins 169½. 5, Clyde 122. 6, Toledo Central Catholic 78½. 7, Lake 74. 8, Rossford 73½. 9, Defiance 65. 10, Wauseon 58½. 11, Port Clinton 26.
Championship Matches
103 — Stone (OH) dec. Johannsen (PC), 5-2.
112 — Lynch (N) pinned Perez (W), 2:38.
119 — Campbell (SP) dec. Gonzalez (D), 9-3.
125 — Hogue (B) dec. Baxter (SP), 7-4.
130 — Espinoza (R) tech. fall Kidd (B), 19-1.
135 — Pelton (B) tech. fall McGookey (SP), 17-1.
140 — Riedy (B) dec. Pressley (OH), 6-2.
145 — Tank (OH) dec. Michaels (C), 10-4.
152 — Baker (OH) dec. Schwartz (C), 6-5, OT.
160 — Thurn (C) dec. Witt (OH), 6-3.
171 — Magrum (PH) pinned Erf (B), 1:58.
189 — Fisher (SP) by default over Lipstraw (OH).
215 — Pickerel (TCC) dec. Scherf (OH), 3-2 OT.
275 — Ishmael (OH) pinned M. Brooks (B), 1:08.
Consolation Finals
103 — Miller (D) dec. Ward (N), 8-3.
112 — Munafo (SP) dec. Bergman (OH), 3-0.
119 — Banda (OH) dec. Moyer (Bell), 8-2.
125 — Reed (N) dec. Duckett (TCC), 11-5.
130 — Mallernee (OH) dec. Schuette (W), 2-0.
135 — Norden (N) pinned Waters (OH), 4:05.
140 — Wray (R) dec. Pisano (SP), 5-3.
145 — Pahl (N) dec. Pena (B), 4-3.
152 — Tippey (Lake) dec. Drummond (N), 4-1.
160 — Nino (TCC) pinned Brown (N), 1:52.
171 — Flory (N) dec. Henderson (TCC), 2-0.
189 — Andrews (C) pinned Gilgenbach (N), 1:55.
215 — Sanchez (N) dec. Lorcher (SP), 3-2.
275 — J. Hummel (Lake) dec. Painter (SP), 8-4.
Fifth-Sixth Place
103 — Rawson (C) pinned Jewell (R), 2:03.
112 — Justice (B) by default over Baker (Lake).
119 — Hughes (Lake) by default over Frey (W).
125 — Andrews (C) dec. Ulrich (R), 4-3.
130 — Fisher (N) pinned Kidd (SP), 2:23.
135 — Wagenhauser (D) dec. Espinoza (Lake), 11-7.
140 — Vocke (N) pinned Conner (W), 3:41.
145 — Heath (Lake) dec. Mossing (TCC), 8-7.
152 — Yingling (B) dec. Peters (SP), 6-2.
160 — Adkinson (B) maj. dec. An. Emans (W), 12-3.
171 — Ortolani (C) dec. Smith (PC), 10-3.
189 — Seely (R) pinned M. Hummel (Lake), 2:36.
215 — C. Brooks (B) dec. Mann (C), 14-10.
275 — Rodriguez (D) by default over Hammons (C)

Division I
At Oregon Clay
Team Standings
1, Toledo Waite 194. 2, Toledo Whitmer 172. 3, Sandusky 163. 4, Toledo St. John's 158. 5, Marion Harding 138½. 6, Findlay 133. 7, Oregon Clay 123. 8, Fremont Ross 99½. 9, Sylvania Northview 74. 10, Toledo Woodward 54. 11, Lima Senior 52. 12, Ashland 49. 13, Toledo Bowsher 25½. 14, Toledo Scott 4.
Championship Matches
103 — Watson (TSJ) pinned Rodriguez (FR), 2:25.
112 — Guerra (Wai) pinned Stentz (A), 5:07.
119 — Fuller (Wai) dec. Bowman (Whit), 1-0.
125 — Carmona (Wai) dec. Mezinger (FR), 3-2.
130 — Countryman (MH) dec. Eltatawy (Whit), 5-1.
135 — Lopez (Wai) dec. Webb (S), 7-2.
140 — Herrick (Wai) maj. dec. Gushard (MH), 15-3.
145 — Gooden (Wai) maj. dec. Miracle (C), 15-4.
152 — Roth (Whit) maj. dec. Winters (MH), 11-1.
160 — Mohr (TSJ) dec. Mi. Alexander (Fin), 11-1.
171 — Spearman (S) dec. Harpel (TSJ), 10-5.
189 — Ma. Alexander (Fin) dec. Samson (Whit), 3-2, OT.
215 — Metzger (Fin) pinned Mueller (TSJ), 1:05.
275 — Ernst (Whit) dec. Urban (SN), 9-3.
Consolation Finals
103 — J. Wright (LS) pinned Whitt (OC), :10.
112 — Measimer (FR) maj. dec. Walters (OC), 15-1.
119 — McLaughlin (S) pinned McLaughlin (OC), 5:32.
125 — Vanderhoff (MH) dec. Gramza (Whit), 7-3.
130 — Smith (TSJ) dec. Kish (OC), 7-3.
135 — Rojas (FR) dec. Zapadka (Whit), 8-2.
140 — Fisher (OC) dec. Shambaugh (A), 7-5.
145 — Vaillant (S) pinned Orth (OC), 4:48.
152 — Cole (SN) pinned Bro. Warren (S), 2:41.
160 — Bias (FR) by default ovber Knapp (MH).
171 — Zipfel (SN) dec. H. Eltatawy (Whit), 3-0.
189 — Moore (S) dec. Benton (Wai), 3-1, OT.
215 — Torres (LS) by default over Sandoval (Wood).
275 — Williams (Wood) pinned Rupert (Wai), 4:49.
Fifth-Sixth Place
103 — Caston (S) dec. Moore (Whit), 7-0.
112 — Jackson (F) maj. dec. D. Wright (LS), 18-7.
119 — Boileau (SN) dec. Espinoza (TSJ), 13-6.
125 — Castilleja (OC) pinned Landrum (A), 4:57.
130 — Mostafa (TB) pinned Busick (Fin), :54.
135 — Alessi (Fin) dec. Ondrus (OC), 6-4.
140 — Bry. Warren (S) pinned Caven (LS), 4:02.
145 — Beltz (F) dec. Escamilla (Whit), 11-4.
152 — Thomas (Wood) dec. McGeorge (TSJ), 4-3 OT.
160 — Fink (TB) by default over Morrissey (OC).
171 — Thomas (MH) by default over Kapostasy (Fin).
189 — McCartney (TSJ) by default over Biehler (FR).
215 — McDonald (S) dec. Smith (Wai), 11-4.
275 — Purcell (S) pinned Szalkowski (TSJ), 1:50.

At Toledo Rogers
Team Standings
1, Springfield 192. 2, Toledo Start 160. 3, Toledo St. Francis 157½. 4. Sylvania Southview 133½. 5, Celina 132½. 6, Mansfield Madison 128. 7, Anthony Wayne 120½. 8, Maumee 110½. 9, Mansfield Senior 98. 10, Bowling Green 74. 11, Perrysburg 51. 12, Toledo Libbey 15. 13, Toledo Rogers 3.
Championship Matches
103 — Manley (Spr) dec. Warren (Mau), 6-3.
112 — B. Leedy (Star) dec. Schlegel (Mau), 7-2.
119 — K. Leedy (Star) dec. Thees (Cel), 6-1.
125 — Latham (SS) maj. dec. Smith (Spr), 12-1.
130 — Dennis (Spr) dec. N. Gray (Cel), 7-5.
135 — Speelman (MM) pinned Byers (Spr), 3:15.
140 — Graszl (MM) pinned Brumfield (MS), 1:51.
145 — Jones (Star) tech. fall Hendon (BG), 24-9.
152 — Garcia (SS) dec. Henry (BG), 5-0.
160 — Helminiak (SS) dec. LaClair (Mau), 10-5, OT.
171 — Baumgartner (TSF) dec. Zellars (SS), 5-3.
189 — Isley (SS) dec. Krajicek (Spr), 5-1.
215 — Tufts (MS) maj. dec. Warnecke (AW), 13-0.
275 — Holland (Spr) pinned Mosier (MM), 5:15.
Consolation Finals
103 — Henderson (MS) dec. Baskett (Cel), 8-4.
112 — Speelman (MM) maj. dec. Cook (TSF), 13-4.
119 — Mori (Per) dec. Marzec (TSF), 5-3.
125 — McCulloch (AW) dec. Cook (TSF), 6-0.
130 — Sutter (Star) dec. Yetzer (MM), 1-0.
135 — Johnson (Mau) dec. Dietsch (TSF), 5-3.
140 — Ferguson (Spr) dec. Bischoff (AW), 4-2.
145 — Dues (Cel)Myers (AW) maj. dec. Sarno (Per), 16-3.
152 — Myers (AW) dec. Ramirez (TSF), 7-0.
160 — Munson (AW) pinned Kirkbride (BG), 2:07.
171 — Trisel (Cel) dec. Benner (AW), 11-5.
189 — Cardone (TSF) dec. Stoker (Cel), 1-0.
215 — Lampkin (Lib) dec. Fedynich (TSF), 9-4.
275 — Cox (BG)( maj. dec. Wilkins (Cel), 14-3.
Fifth-Sixth Place
103 — Brown (AW) pinned Jester (MM), 2:17.
112 — Jackson (Spr) dec. Stevens (MS), 3-1.
119 — Seifert (AW) dec. Cole (Spr), 5-4.
125 — Abitua (Star) dec. Schuerer (MM), 9-2.
130 — Koskosky (MS) dec. Brown (TSF), 4-2.
135 — Longood (MS) dec. Burkhart (Per), 5-2.
140 — Julious (Star) maj. dec. Bradley (SS), 17-4.
145 — Graves (mau) dec. Janke (TSF), 7-4.
152 — Brubaker (Star) maj. dec. Meek (Spr), 11-0.
160 — Doty (Star) dec. Babuder (TSF), 4-3, OT.
171 — Carter (Mau) dec. Garcia (Per), 10-3.
189 — Klupp (MM) dec. Duncan (Star), 3-2.
215 — Rippke (Mau) dec. Guercio (Spr), 5-4.
275 — Krontz (TSF) pinned Augustiniak (Star), 4:47.


Friday, February 16, 2007

It starts

Many thanks to tournament managers who sent us results. You won't find more wrestling anywhere than The Courier.

Here are the semifinal pairings from seven of the sectionals. I have the info from Rogers and Oak Harbor and will post them Saturday morning. Don't have any info on Plymouth.

Also here is a link to a webpage I set up myself with the Richmond Heights Sectional on it...
Division III at Richmond Heights

Division I
At Oregon Clay
1, Toledo St. John's 75. 2, Sandusky 63. 3, Toledo Whitmer 61½. 4, Toledo Waite 61. 5, Findlay 60. 6, Marion Harding 55. 7, Oregon Clay 47. 8, Fremont Ross 34½/ 9, Toledo Woodward 31. 10, Lima Senior 25. 11, Sylvania Northview 23. 12, Ashland 11. 13, Toledo Scott 2. 14, Toledo Bowsher 0.
103 — Javon Wright (LS) 23-9 vs. Tony Rodriguez (FR) 28-12; Josh Whitt (OC) 27-9 vs. Derek Watson (TSJ) 24-14.
112 — Justin Guerra (Waite) 18-4 vs. Richard Walters (OC) 19-15; Mike Stentz (Ash) 24-11 vs. Marcus Measimer (FR) 31-6.
119 — Todd Bowman (Whit) 15-3 vs. Marcus Espinoza (TSJ) 25-5; Cortez McLaughlin (San) 34-4 vs. Scott Fuller (Waite) 15-1.
125 — Josh Carmona (Waite) 27-4 vs. Aaron Gramza (Whitmer) 18-7; Devon Mezinger (FR) 34-7 vs. Callen Vanderhoff (MH) 32-7.
130 — Larry Countryman (MH) 30-12 vs. Drew Kish (OC) 12-6; Ali El Hatatawy (Whit) 15-15 vs. Connor Smith (TSJ) 21-19.
135 — Nick Webb (San) 25-2 vs. Anthony Alessi (Fin) 19-10; Yohe Rojas (FR) 35-5 vs. Vinny Lopez (Waite) 25-3.
140 — Alex Herrick (Waite) 25-4 vs. Bryson Warren (San) 14-12; Kyle Caven (LS) 22-9 vs. Andrew Gushard (MH) 35-6.
145 — Justin Gooden (Waite) 17-5 vs. James Beltz (Fin) 21-15; Jerrell Vaillant (San) 27-10 vs. Kyle Miracle (MH) 29-13.
152 — Evan Roth (Whit) 31-2 vs. Javar Thomas (Wood) 12-9; Brock Warren (San) 17-17 vs. DaVell Winters (MH) 32-12.
160 — Michael Alexander (Fin) 33-5 vs. Max Morrisey (OC) 13-8; Mike Knapp (MH) 10-9 vs. Brian Mohr (TSJ) 34-10.
171 — Travis Zipfel (SN) 33-4 vs. Jon Spearman (San) 27-10; John Kapostasy (Fin) 22-4 vs. Nick Harpel (TSJ) 29-6.
189 — Matt Alexander (Fin) 35-3 vs. Josh Moore (San) 25-12; Kevin McCartney (TSJ) 26-11 vs. Tim Samson (Whit) 35-1.
215 — Drew Metzger (Fin) 27-5 vs. Aaron Torres (LS) 11-10; Daniel Sandoval (Wood) 18-7 vs. John Mueller (TSJ) 23-15.
285 — Matt Urban (SN) 36-1 vs. Darnall Williams (Wood) 6-2; Chris Szalkwoski (TSJ) 25-10 vs. Ryan Ernst (Whit) 26-6.
Division II
At Fostoria Senior
1, Eastwood 86. 2, Elida 70. 3, Van Wert 55½. 4, St. Marys Memorial 43. 5, Bryan 41. 6, Fostoria Senior 39½. 7, Lima Bath & Tiffin Columbian 37. 9, Wapakoneta 35½. 10, Lima Shawnee 28. 11, Kenton 14.
103 — Tyler Hahn (East) 38-9 vs. Donny Ramos (Bry) 24-12; Andrew Desjardins (TC) 24-16 vs. Jason Hunlock (Eli) 26-7.
112 — Josh Cisco (SM) 28-0 vs. Andy Smith (VW) 18-15; Kasey LaCourse (East) 36-15 vs. Shawn Brunk (Eli) 28-8.
119 — Justin Flores (East) 35-9 vs. Isaac Heiser (Fos) 33-10; Josh Beemer (LB) 26-11 vs. Chris Diglia (Eli) 30-9.
125 — Jan Ulinski (East) 41-3 vs. Matt Hefner (LB) 38-5; Jake Leonard (Fos) 25-2 vs. Zach Sully (VW) 28-4.
130 — J.R. McDole (TC) 32-2 vs. Chance Markoff (Fos) 30-12; David Eaton (East) 32-2 vs. Mitchell Beemer (Wap) 26-5.
135 — Jaden Overholt (Eli) 31-7 vs. Jeff Lorah (Fos) 13-16; Joel Claybaugh (Wap) 19-15 vs. Rikky Hernandez (Bry) 15-8.
140 — Kyle Taylor (East) 37-9 vs. Ryan Rider (LS) 30-10; Daryl Mabry (SM) vs. Broc Combs (Bry) 34-9.
145 — Sam Shiff (Fos) 31-7 vs. Nathan Andrews (Bry) 31-13; Seth Hoffman (East) 28-13 vs. Brad Dettrow (VW) 23-8.
152 — Eric Cubberly (East) 43-1 vs. Cody Green (Eli) 9-3; Craig Hirschy (VW) 25-8 vs. Kyle Washam (LS) 33-9.
160 — Dayne Williams (TC) 36-3 vs. Dan Evans (East) 22-20; Matt Noggle (VW) 22-11 vs. Jordan Fricke (Eli) 33-4.
171 — Jeremy Foster (East) 42-1 vs. Paul Lauth (SM) 32-7; John Saffle (Eli) 13-3 vs. Tyler Shipp (Wap) 32-6.
189 — Cody Wittkamp (Eli) 32-7 vs. Zach Painter (LB) 25-8; Adam Custer (VW) 23-8 vs. Luke Eschenbrenner (East) 31-12.
215 — Austin McIntosh (VW) 30-6 vs. Nathan Brown (SM) 21-10; Adam Wheeler (Bry) 17-8 vs. Grant Hale (East) 28-13.
275 — Shane VanVoorhis (Eli) 12-0 vs. Adam Byrne (Wap) 26-9; Corey Bettenbrock (East) 31-21 vs. Doug Donna (TC) 32-7.
At Shelby
1, Lexington 83. 2, Willard 54. 3, Edison 50. 4, Shelby 46. 5, Norwalk 45. 6, Galion 43½. 7, Upper Sandusky 32. 8, Clear Fork 24. 9, Bucyrus 23½. 10, Ontario 15.
103 — John Gould (Lex) 36-2 vs. Ben Longstreth (Gal) 8-10; A.J. Olvera (Nor) 11-19 vs. John Worthington (Shel) 36-2.
112 — Brandon Rumple (Gal) 31-4 vs. Brandon Gambucci (Lex) 24-15; Vincent Nickelson (Buc) 25-7 vs. Tim Majoy (Edi) 20-13.
119 — Simon Devito (Lex) 33-5 vs. Phil Hurst (Nor) 22-15; Dirk Kostoff (Will) 17-16 vs. Taylor Jackson (Shel) 32-8.
125 — Drew McQuillen (Lex) 32-5 vs. Carl Crozier (CF) 13-18; Logan Barnhart (Shel) vs. Tyler McClintock (Gal) 29-6.
130 — Justin Neuberger (Edi) 28-7 vs. Cody Fulwider (Shel) 11-14; Dustin Jewell (Gal) vs. Andrew Beilstein (Lex) 26-14.
135 — Kyle Bond (Lex) 24-15 vs. Adam Long (Buc) 24-11; Ryan Neuberger (Edi) 23-14 vs. Jeremy Butler (Shel) 16-10.
145 — Lawrence Cavello (Will) 34-6 vs. Dustin Markwell (Shel) 12-13; Trent Ringle (Nor) 29-10 vs. Amir Ahmed (Lex) 27-9.
145 — Tyler Wagers (Will) 15-3 vs. Cory Shaw (US) 25-13; Brad Bishop (Lex) 29-7 vs. James Pfeiffer (Nor) 9-2.
152 — Bill Jordan (lex) 35-7 vs. Jesse Wolfel (Gal) 15-11; Arin Neely (US) 27-8 vs. Seth Gayheart (Will) 21-7.
160 — Zach DeLong (lex) 36-4 vs. Frank Novicky (Will) 17-8; Cameron Coxe (CF) 21-16 vs. Jeremy Geiger (Ed) 31-9.
171 — Dan Lochtefeld (Lex) 36-5 vs. Josh Cook (Nor) 14-3; Aaron Webster (US) 26-9 vs. Anthony Hamons (Will) 20-7.
189 — Tristan Stoll (Edi) 12-1 vs. Jared Torrence (Nor) 30-9; B.J. Taylor (Shel) 26-7 vs. Mark Hudak (Lex) 34-5.
215 — Matt Clum (Gal) 35-0 vs. Adam Opfer (Edi) 23-9; Brock Rickert (Ont) 32-7 vs. Cory Mathias (Will) 25-6.
275 — Dalton Britt (CF) 34-10 vs. Kody Charlton (Buc) 24-11; Gage Tolar (Gal) 19-13 vs. Zach Fraley (Lex) 31-8.
Division III
At Lima Central Catholic
1, Coldwater 94½. 2, Bluffton 69. 3, Allen East 63. 4, Delphos St. John’s 54. 5, Spencerville 49. 6, Delphos Jefferson 45½. 7, Lima Central Catholic 39. 8, Columbus Grove 31. 9, Lincolnview 30. 10, Cory-Rawson 19. 11, Wayne Trace 18. 12, Ottawa-Glandorf 3.
103 — Brian Merschman (DSJ) 27-9 vs. Ryan Johnston (Blu) 9-13; Chris Beck (Lin) 24-12 vs. Matt Grandstaff (Cold) 32-10.
112 — Kyle Begg (Blu) 34-4 vs. Cole Hanf (Lin) 17-15; Justin Caudill (Spen) 21-9 vs. Garret Freeman (AE) 22-7.
119 — Zach Domer (Blu) 34-4 vs. Marcus White (LCC) 13-16; Preston Vonderwell (DSJ) 16-14 vs. Jarred Kohn (Cold) 27-18.
125 — Brock Timmerman (Cold) 31-10 vs. Andrew Cress (CG) 8-16; Trey Fisher (AE) 23-10 vs. Tyrel Nuzum (Blu) 27-13.
130 — Zac Clum (Spen) 33-4 vs. Adam Geiger (LCC) 9-17; Jay Siefker (DJ) 17-17 vs. Trevor Kunk (Cold) 25-16.
135 — Tyler Rayl (Blu) 26-10 vs. Alex Stanfield (Spen) 15-18; Trent Muhlenkamp (Cold) 29-13 vs. Colten White (WT) 15-5.
140 — Josh Falk (Blu) 35-1 vs. Eric Neumeier (DSJ) 15-10; Mark McElroy (DJ) 26-19 vs. Cory Hahn (LCC) 12-8.
145 — Dylan Ford (AE) 31-3 vs. Travis Tourjee (CG) 12-17; Lucas Freeman (Blu) 22-12 vs. Ryan Kaiser (Cold) 9-3.
152 — Aaron Lutz (Blu) 34-9 vs. Alex Uhlenhake (Cold) 35-9; Pat Holmes (Spen) 29-11 vs. Scott Kayatin (LCC) 16-5.
160 — Brian Backus (DSJ) 32-5 vs. Jeremy Harnishfeger (CG) 12-7; Gregg Homan (Cold) 22-16 vs. Tyler Sneary (AE) 26-4.
171 — Tyler Kunk (Cold) 38-3 vs. Phillip Thomason (LCC) 20-12; Matt Dues (AE) 29-7 vs. Jake Reuille (WT) 32-9.
189 — Stuart Miller (DJ) 43-1 vs. Kurt Walter (C-R) 16-11; Adam Caudill (Spen) 25-10 vs. Lucas Homan (Cold) 36-8.
215 — Andrew Swick (DJ) 44-2 vs. Kyle Fields (AE) 15-14; Tyler Obringer (Spen) 22-10 vs. Nick Uhlenhake (Cold) 36-5.
275 — Jeff Fritz (DSJ) 35-4 vs. Josh Osting (DJ) 32-14; Shane Binkley (Spen) 13-8 vs. Adam Grieshop (Cold) 29-5.
At Carey
1, Mohawk 25. 2, McComb 22. 3, Carey 21½. 4, Hopewell-Loudon 20. 5, Tiffin Calvert 20. 6, Fostoria St. Wendelin 16. 7, Riverdale 12½. 8, Arcadia 13. 9, North Baltimore 7½. 10, Van Buren 4. 11, Buckeye Central 0.
103 — Anthony Elchert (Arc) vs. Andrew Yeater (Riv); Nicholas Finsel (FSW) vs. Mitch Bloom (Moh).
112 — Mitchell Dandurand (H-L) vs. Steve Curlis (Moh); Darris Correll (TC) vs. Lyle Riedlinger (Arc).
119 — Ben Kuzma (H-L) vs. Jon Walter (Car); James Williams (McC) vs. Eric Phillips (NB).
125 — Jason VanAtta (McC) vs. Ashton Bjorling (Car); Miles Chapman (H-L) vs. Dillon Kwiat (TC).
130 — Lee Schumaker (Arc) vs. Joe Szczublewski (FSW); Cody DeLaCerda (McC) vs. Luke Shearer (Riv).
135 — Cody Cavinder (Riv) vs. Chris Clouse (Moh); Jesse Cramer (McC) vs. Joe Scherger (TC).
140 — Shane Hoerig (Moh) vs. Dylan True (Arc); Jake Scherger (TC) vs. Ethan Eatherton (Car).
145 — Derrick Hill (McC) vs. Jeff Hunter (Car); Eric Sowers (Moh) vs. Jose Degollado (H-L).
152 — Kyle Kwiat (TC) vs. Ryan Perkins (Moh); Aaron Arbogast (H-L) vs. Mason True (Arc).
160 — Brock Sowers (Moh) vs. Jared Bell (TC); Elijah Eatherton (Car) vs. Shane Lehman (Arc).
171 — Jordan Cartwright (Moh) vs. Cody Camper (Riv); Zach Seislove (TC) vs. Chris Brickner (McC).
189 — Brock Kirian (Moh) vs. Jon St. Clair (FSW); Zack White (TC) vs. Graham Moore (Car).
215 — Brian Hunt (TC) vs. Jarrod Case (Car); Dan Sullivan (VB) vs, Weston Conley (Arc).
275 — John Stover (TC) vs. Nate Shrider (Riv); Brad Wiseman (Arc) vs. Michael Galvan (FSW).
At Elmwood
1, Elmwood & Genoa 77½. 3, Cardinal Stritch 47. 4, Otsego 46. 5, Toledo Christian 37½. 6, Woodmore 37. 7, Northwood & Fremont St. Joseph 36. 9, Evergreen 32. 10, Lakota 29. 11, Swanton 15. 12, Gibsonburg 9.
103 — Alex Glenn (Ots) 20-13 vs. Andy Bloomfield (North) 11-9; Westley Lee (Elm) 27-13 vs. Scott Traver (Gen) 30-16.
112 — Max Pennington (Ever) 17-8 vs. Kruiz Lorenc (North) 6-7; Kodie Glosser (Ots) 14-14 vs. Dustin Teneyck (Gen) 19-20.
119 — Matt Stasa (Ever) 26-2 vs. Jay Traver (Gen) 24-16; Joel Curcio (TC) 22-8 vs. Jacob Pezzin (Swan) 19-5.
125 — Matt Curcio (TC) 28-7 vs. Jeff Smith (Ever) 16-10; Devin Mazza (Gen) 19-23 vs. Cody Alexander (Elm) 23-14.
130 — Lance Foos (Ots) 26-10 vs. Nick Berryman (FSJ) 31-12; Kyle Gladieux (CS) 17-6 vs. Kyle Pierce (Ever) 6-17.
135 — Josh Reindel (CS) 30-4 vs. Matt Casey (Elm) 26-11; Andrew Johnson (Ots) 31-4 vs. Alec Vogelpohl (Gen) 29-15.
140 — Jake Grigson (North) 28-2 vs. Alex Betts (Elm) 24-9; Anthony Fleming (Ots) 25-5 vs. Matt Franks (FSJ) 38-7.
145 — Doug Wagner (Gen) 24-9 vs. Bill Casey (Elm) 20-15; Toby Hessick (FSJ) 28-7 vs. Eric Yunker (TC) 27-9.
152 — Mitchell Lee (Elm) 33-8 vs. Chris Kleman (Lak) 22-12; Alex Espinoza (Gen) 17-14 vs. Bo Faunce (Gib) 25-8.
160 — Jordan Ackley (Elm) 29-9 vs. Tim Artressia (Wood) 18-17; Chris Shattuck (CS) 19-12 vs. J.J. Hrabak (Gen) 21-10.
171 — Kurt Wolff (Gen) 34-6 vs. Andy Rogers (CS) 18-12; Josh Wolfe (Wood) 20-12 vs. Michael Kleman (Lak) 30-7.
189 — Nick Purdue (Gen) 34-3 vs. Jared Griffin (Elm) 27-14; Travis Ault (Wood) 22-13 vs. Nate Bayly (TC) 22-5.
215 — Ryan Buckner (Wood) 32-2 vs. Eric Steele (Lak) 27-12; P.J. McKibben (North) 27-7 vs. Jon Aurand (Elm) 33-6.
275 — Jacob Southwick (Ots) 28-5 vs. Scott Widman (FSJ) 19-7; Thomas Bergman (CS) 19-4 vs. Toby Tahy (Elm) 29-6.
At Archbold
1, Liberty Center 86½. 2, Delta 79. 3, Archbold 76½. 4, Montpelier 71. 5, Ayersville 63. 6, Stryker 45. 7, fairview 40. 9, Paulding 37½. 10, Edgerton 36. 11, Patrick Henry 34. 12, Hicksville 25.
103 — Oscar Aranjo (Del) 29-8 vs. D.J. Ferguson (Mont) 26-12; Joe Adams (Hick) 27-8 vs. Caitlin Rohn (Ayer) 24-6.
112 — Alex Lopez (PH) 37-0 vs. Terry Miller (Fair) 35-8; Jacob Varner (Tin) 26-8 vs. Ryan Rayfield (Del) 23-10.
119 — Jordan Karnes (Edg) 38-0 vs. Joey Bodenbender (Tin) 29-12; Justin Biddle (LC) 20-9 vs. Dustin Reyna (Mont) 35-9.
125 — Sam Carrizales (Del) 32-7 vs. Dustin Carnahan (Paul) 36-9; Ian Redd (Arch) 40-9 vs. Anthony Almanza (PH) 38-4.
130 — Lee Pfaff (Del) 28-9 vs. Tony McKenzie (Mont) 22-12; Derrick Elkins (Ayer) 27-5 vs. Austin Bernath (Arch) 40-4.
135 — Josh Goebel (Edg) 32-7 vs. Paul Roerig (Mont) 19-10; Clayton Hill (LC) 22-11 vs. Mike Jorkos (Ayer) 19-4.
140 — Tyler Gombash (Del) 37-3 vs. John Wyckhouse (LC) 16-8; Chad Rufenacht (Arch) 43-10 vs. Kreig Levy (Hick) 38-3.
145 — Scott Burris (Arch) 45-7 vs. Brian Porter (Pau) 21-11; Tom Blake (Tin) 31-12 vs. Frank Krill (Edg) 33-6.
152 — Tyler Short (Arch) 43-8 vs. Seth Wiechers (LC) 6-1; Richie Smith (Fair) 39-6 vs. Ben Schroeder (Mont) 36-7.
160 — Derrick Yant (Del) 36-1 vs. Nick Tammarine (LC) 22-11; Jeff Meyer (Fair) 43-2 vs. Wade Knipp (Arch) 52-2.
171 — Joel Perez (Stry) 29-3 vs. Brandon Butler (LC) 22-10; Matt Fitch (Del) 17-15 vs. Mickey Britenriker (Arch) 37-14.
189 — Adam Godsey (Del) 28-10 vs. Rick Custar (Mont) 23-18; Stewart Zachrich (Ayer) 11-13 vs. Storm Evans (Stry) 28-8.
215 — Kraig Bostelman (Arch) 51-1 vs. Mark Castillo (Ayer) 18-13; Joe Clauson (Stry) 25-1 vs. Chad McClory (LC) 25-9.
275 — Rich Cline (Ayer) 26-5 vs. Jared Pendleton (Fair) 24-17; Andrew Schwab (LC) 15-11 vs. Derek Schweigel (Stry) 21-13.

Disappointing....what's on tap for tonight

I'm disappointed that I'll be chained to the desk tonight and won't be able to get out and cover any wrestling. I'll be out though tomorrow bright and early to see some grappling. It's the first time I haven't seen some Friday sectional wrestling in 15 years.

Hopefully, this is what I am planning...

We're hoping to get the semifinal pairings and team scores from area for tomorrow's edition of The Courier. If I get them I'll post them here.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

3 Sectionals


Seeded WrestlERS
103 — 1, Anthony Elchert, Arcadia. 2, Mitchell Bloom, Mohawk. 3, Nicholas Finsel, Fostoria St. Wendelin. 4, Andrew Yeater, Riverdale.
112 — 1, Mitchell Dandurand, Hopewell-Loudon. 2, Lyle Riedlinger, Arcadia. 3, Darris Correll, Tiffin Calvert. 4, Eddie Fredritz, Carey.
119 — 1, Ben Kuzma, Hopewell-Loudon. 2, Eric Phillips, North Baltimore. 3, James Williams, McComb. 4, Lewis Walter, Carey. 5, Ridge Lewis, Arcadia. 6, Lee Allen, Buckeye Central.
125 — 1, Jason VanAtta, McComb. 2, Dillon Kwiat, Tiffin Calvert. 3, Miles Chapman, Hopewell-Loudon. 4, Austin Bjorling, Carey.
130 — 1, Lee Schumaker, Arcadia. 2, Luke Shearer, Riverdale. 3, Cody DeLaCerda, McComb. 4, Joe Sczublewski, Fostoria St. Wendelin. 5, Jarren Wickham, Hopewell-Loudon. 6, Andrew Keefe.
135 — 1, Cody Cavinder, Riverdale. 2, Joe Scherger, Tiffin Calvert; 3, Jesse Cramer, McComb. 4, Chris Clouse, Mohawk. 5, Austin Brookes, Buckeye Central. 6, Luke Swartzmiller, Hopewell-Loudon.
140 — 1, Shane Hoerig, Mohawk. 2, Aaron Kapelka, Hopewell-Loudon. 3, Jake Scherger, Tiffin Calvert. 4, Luke Nye, Buckeye Central.
145 — 1, Derrick Hill, McComb. 2, Jose Degollado, Hopewell-Loudon. 3, Eric Sowers, Mohawk. 3, Jeff Hunter, Carey.
152 — 1, Kyle Kwiat, Tiffin Calvert. 2, Mason True, Arcadia. 3, Aaron Arbogast, Hopewell-Loudon. 3, Ryan Perkins, Mohawk.
160 — 1, Brock Sowers, Mohawk. 2, Shane Lehman, Arcadia. 3, Elijah Eatherton, Carey. 4, Jared Bell, Tiffin Calvert.
171 — 1, Jordan Cartwright, Mohawk. 2, Chris Brickner, McComb. 3, Zack Seislove, Tiffin Calvert. 4, Cody Camper. Riverdale.
189 — 1, Brock Kirian, Mohawk. 2, Graham Moore, Carey. 3, Zack White, Tiffin Calvert. 3, Jon St. Clair, Carey.
215 — 1, Brian Hunt, Tiffin Calvert. 2, Weston Conley, Arcadia. 3, Donnie Shirk, Riverdale. 4, Jared Case, Carey.
285 — 1, John Stover, Tiffin Calvert. 2, Michael Galvan, Fostoria St. Wendelin. 3, Brad Wiseman, Arcadia. 4, Nate Shrider, Riverdale.
At Lima C.C.
Seeded Wrestlers
103 — 1, Brian Merschman, Delphos St. John, 26-9. 2, Matt Grandstaff, Coldwater, 31-10. 3, Chris Beck, Lincolnview, 24-12. 4, Ryan Johnston, Bluffton, 8-13.
112 — 1, Kyle Begg, Bluffton, 33-4. 2, Garret Freeman, Allen East, 21-7. 3, Justin Caudill, Spencerville, 21-9. 4, Cole Hanf, Lincolnview, 16-15.
119 — 1, Zach Domer, Bluffton, 33-4. 2, Jarred Kohn, Coldwater, 26-18. 3, Preston Vonderwell, Delphos St. John's, 15-14. 4, Seth Wisener, Lincolnview, 21-12.
125 — 1, Brock Timmerman, Coldwater, 31-10. 2, Tyrel Nuzum, Bluffton, 26-13. 3, Trey Fisher, Allen East, 22-10. 4, Robert Brenneman, Spencerville, 9-23.
130 — 1, Zac Clum, Spencerville, 33-4. 2, Trevor Kunk, Coldwater, 25-16. 3, Jay Siefker, Delphos Jefferson, 16-17. 4, Adam Geiger, Lima Central Catholic, 9-17.
135 — 1, Tyler Rayl, Bluffton, 25-10. 2, Colten White, Wayne Trace, 14-5. 3, Trent Muhlenkamp, Coldwater, 28-13. 4, Mike Walters, Allen East, 19-13.
140 — 1, Josh Falk, Bluffton, 34-1. 2, Cory Hahn, Lima Central Catholic, 11-8. 3, Mark McElroy, Delphos Jefferson, 24-19. 4, Eric Neumeier, Delphos St. John, 14-10.
145 — 1, Dylan Ford, Allen East, 29-3. 2, Ryan Kaiser, Coldwater, 8-3. 3, Lucas Freeman, Bluffton, 20-12. 4, Taylor Andrews, Delphos Jefferson, 20-19.
152 — 1, Aaron Lutz, Bluffton, 32-9. 2, Scott Kayatin, Lima Central Catholic, 15-5. 3, Pat Holmes, Spencerville, 28-11. 4, Alex Uhlenhake, Coldwater, 33-9.
160 — 1, Brian Backus, Delphos St. John's, 30-5. 2, Tyler Sneary, Allen East, 25-4. 3, Gregg Homan, Coldwater, 20-16. 4, Jesse Herr, Bluffton, 20-16.
171 — 1, Tyler Kunk, Coldwater, 37-3. 2, Jake Reuille, Wayne Trace, 30-9. 3, Matt Dues, Allen East, 28-7. 4, Phillip Thomason, Lima Central Catholic, 19-12.
189 — 1, Stuart Miller, Delphos Jefferson, 42-1. 2, Lucas Homan, Coldwater, 34-8. 3, Adam Caudill, Spencerville, 24-10. 4, Kurt Walter, Cory-Rawson, 15-11.
215 — 1, Andrew Swick, Delphos Jefferson, 42-2. 2, Nick Uhlenhake, Coldwater, 35-6. 3, Tyler Obringer, Spencerville, 21-10. 4, Kyle Fields, Allen East, 14-14.
285 — 1, Jeff Fritz, Delphos St. John's, 34-4. 2, Adam Grieshop, Coldwater, 28-5. 3, Shane Binkley, Spencerville, 12-8. 4, Josh Osting, Delphos Jefferson, 31-14.
At Elmwood
103 — 1, Glenn, Otsego. 2, Traver, Genoa. 3, Lee, Elmwood. 4, Bacon, Cardinal Stritch. 5, Bloomfield, Northwood. 6, Heinemann, Swanton.
112 — 1, Pennington, Evergreen. 2, Teneyck, Genoa. 3, Glosser, Otsego. 4, Lorenc, Northwood. 5, Knieriem, Fremont St. Joseph.
119 — 1, Stasa, Evergreen. 2, Pezzin, Swanton. 3, Curcio, Toledo Christian. 4, Meinhardt, Northwood. 5, Traver, Genoa. 6, Kepling, Otsego.
125 — 1, Curcio, Toledo Christian. 2, Alexander, Elmwood. 3, Mazza, Genoa. 4, Roach, Gibsonburg. 5, Smith, Evergreen. 6, Roachman, Swanton.
130 — 1, Foos, Otsego. 2, Espinoza, Genoa. 3, Gladieux, Cardinal Stritch. 4, Berryman, Fremont St. Joseph. 5, Whitaker, Toledo Christian. 6, Fisher, Gibsonburg.
135 — 1, Reindel, Cardinal Stritch. 2, Vogelpohl, Genoa. 3, Johnson, Otsego. 4, Casey, Elmwood. 5, Johnson, Swanton. 6, Phelps, Toledo Christian.
140 — 1, Grigson, Northwood. 2, Franks, Fremont St. Joseph. 3, Fleming, Otsego. 4, Betts, Elmwood. 5, Core, Genoa. 6, Yunker, Toledo Christian.
145 — 1, Wagner, Genoa. 2, Yunker, Toledo Christian. 3, Hessick, Fremont St. Joseph. 4, McClafin, Lakota. 5, Casey, Elmwood. 6, Ferris, Evergreen.
152 — 1, Mitchell Lee, Elmwood. 2, Bo Faunce, Gibsonburg. 3, Espinoza, Genoa. 4, Kleman, Lakota. 5, Reiner, Swanton. 6, Miller, Toledo Christian.
160 — 1, Jordan Ackley, Elmwood. 2, Hrabak, Genoa. 3, Shattuck, Cardinal Stritch. 4, Dominguez, Toledo Christian. 5, Artressia, Woodmore. 6, Miller, Northwood.
171 — 1, Wolff, Genoa. 2, Kleman, Lakota. 3, Wolfe, Woodmore. 4, Rogers, Cardinal Stritch. 5, Dominguez, Toledo Christian. 6, Strausbaugh, Elmwood.
189 — 1, Purdue, Genoa. 2, Bayly, Toledo Christian. 3, Ault, Woodmore. 4, Griffin, Elmwood. 5, Hineline, Cardinal Stritch. 6, Froman, Otsego.
215 — 1, Buckner, Woodmore, 2, Aurand, Elmwood. 3, McKibben, Northwood. 4, Steele, Lakota. 5, Widmer, Gibsonburg. 6, McNutt, Swanton.
285 — 1, Southwick, Otsego. 2, Tahy, Elmwood. 3, Bergman, Cardinal Stritch. 4, Smith, Swanton. 5, Repp, Gibsonburg.

Hopefully Sectional Seeds Tonight

Here are links to every sectiona tournament site I could locate:

Division I
At Toledo Rogers
At Oregon Clay
At Dublin Coffman
At Westland
At Austintown Fitch
At Garfield Heights
At Medina
At Midpark
At Lorain Southview
At Centerville I
At Centerville II
At Fairfield I
At Fairfield II
At Wilmington
NO WEBSITES THAT I COULD FIND: North Canton Hoover, Pickerington North.

Division II
At Oak Harbor
At Fostoria
At Shelby
At Watkins Memorial
At Buckeye Local
At Ohio University
At Milton Union
At Goshen
At Eaton
At Meadowbrook
At New Lexington
At West Branch
At Twinsburg
At Lake Catholic
NO WEBSITE I COULD FIND: Medina Highland and North Canton Hoover.

Division III
At Archbold
At Elmwood
At Lima C.C.
At Licking Heights
At Cardington Lincoln
At Richmond Heights
At Ohio University
At Barnesville
At Blanchester
At Clinton Massie
At Covington

NO WEBSITE I COULD FIND: Carey, Plymouth, Rootstown, Brooklyn, Northwestern.


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

A wrestling column

Nothing fancy today.

I’m posting a few news links and my column all about covering the Ohio Wrestling League Tournament last weekend.

Here’s the column that appeared in today’s Courier:

Going to cover the inaugural Ohio Wrestling League tournament sure was a hoot. You just can’t resist making a joke like that when the league’s abbreviation is the OWL.

But for the wrestlers from Arcadia, McComb, Cory-Rawson and Van Buren the new league is far from a joke.

There was a sense of belonging and ownership of their newly-created wrestling league at Northwood High School Saturday. It’s a feeling that the Redskins, Panthers Hornets and Black Knights have rarely felt at the end of the wrestling season.
One of the first things Arcadia assistant coach Dean Kirian, who at one time coached wrestling at Arlington and Leipsic in the BVC, said to me Saturday was that this tournament was a long time coming.

It’s been a long time since the BVC quartet has been able to wrestle for a league championship -- 26 years to be exact. That’s when Arlington and Leipsic decided to disband their programs and the conference no longer sponsored the sport.

Arcadia’s boys had won a total of five BVC championships since the conference was formed 42 years ago. All the headaches of forming the new wrestling-only league were worthwhile when the Redskins’ hoisted the gold OWL trophy Saturday as happy coaches and parents surrounded the team.

League championships in any of the individual sports, such as wrestling, cross country and track and field are the culmination of the regular season.

Winning the conference is the first goal for every prep coach and athletes in every single sport. And the league tournament marks the beginning of the most important part of the season, the OHSAA tournament.

League tournaments are also where lasting memories are made.
“Ask any of these guys here if they’ve ever been a league champion in any sport and they’ll probably tell you no,” said Van Buren coach Jerry Gerken.

“One of the most vivid memories I have is of our wrestling team at Liberty Center winning the NWOAL championship and all of us surrounding the awards stand. That was 20 years ago and I remember that like it was yesterday.”

Maybe someday some of other BVC schools will decide to give their athletes an opportunity to compete for an OWL title. Arlington, Liberty-Benton, Leipsic and Pandora-Gilboa -- the coaches, wrestlers and parents in the OWL would welcome you with open arms.

In fact, Liberty-Benton, the largest school in the Northwest District without a program, has some very good elementary school wrestlers competing already. But since they have no school-sponsored program to compete for, they’ll likely open enroll to other area schools and take their per pupil money allotted by the state right along with them.

Not everyone is athletically gifted enough to play basketball. Wrestling would give those dozens of other kids walking the halls an opportunity to compete also.

All you need for a wrestling team is a coach, a mat and 10 kids who want to be league champions.

I’ll even throw in the mat.

Three Celina wrestlers win WBL titles
Miller is most valuable at NWC Tournament
Shiff wins NOL title for Fostoria
H-L is fourth in the MAL
Brakeman Report Sparks Debate
Mabry wins WBL title for St. Marys

Monday, February 12, 2007

We've hit the motherload!

Boys we’ve hit the motherload.
Here are 27 NW Ohio news stories on wrestling from the weekend. I also decided to put all of the league championship resules from NW Ohio here in this one post so people can find them easily.
Also included below are links to sectional information online. And of course the 2007 Bakeman can be found below.
We’ll post some sectional seeds Thursday night.

Archbold Division III Sectional
Elmwood Division III Sectional
Lima Central Catholic Division III Sectional
Oak Harbor Division II Sectional
Shelby & Fostoria Division II Sectionals should be posted here later in the week

Winning the OWL is a hoot for Arcadia
Calvert is new MAL champions
Alexander, Kapostasy win GBC titles for Findlay
Bluffton pillages NWC Tournament
Archbold wins winner take all NWOAL
Espinoza takes NLL crown
Ashland Crestview takes Firelands Conference crown
Shipp, Beamer win WBL crowns for Wapak
Forfeit costs Bucyrus NCC title
Ayersville gets a 3-peat in GMC
Miller, Gonzalez win WBL titles for Defiance
Galion finishes second in NOL
Whippets capture first NOL championship
Rockets dominate SBC Tournament
Eastwood walks away with SLL crown
Fremont Finishes fifth in GBC
Genoa is second in SLL
Bellevue dominates NOL Tournament
Calvert gets first MAL title
Columbian heavyweight takes NOL crown
Oak Harbor rolls to SBC championship
Eastwood wins SLL crown again
Springfield wins big in SLL
Van Wert wins WBL championship
Whitmer repeats as City League champs

Midland Athletic League Championships
At Mohawk
Team Standings
1, Tiffin Calvert Calvert 172. 2, Seneca East 145. 3, Mohawk 138½. 4, Hopewell-Loudon 91½. 5, Fremont St. Joseph 73½. 6, Carey 62½. 7, Fostoria St. Wendelin 51. 8, North Baltimore 20.
Championship Matches
103 — Mitch Bloom (M) pinned Nicolas Finsel (SW) 2:58.
112 — Mitchell Dandurand (H-L) dec. Darris Correll (Cal) 8-6.
119 — Ben Kuzma (H-L) dec. Eric Phillips (SE) 5-1.
125 — Dillon Kwiat (Cal) dec. Miles Chapman (H-L) 5-4.
130 — Mike Craft (SE) dec. Nick Berryman (FSJ) 5-2.
135 — Tyler Young (SE) maj. dec. Joe Scherger (Cal) 13-0.
140 — Matt Franks (FSJ) maj. dec. Shaen Hoerig (M) 10-0.
145 — Toby Hessick (FSJ) dec. Coty Crapo (SE) 3-1.
152 — Kyle Kwiat (Cal) pinned Kyle Schaffer (SE) 3:09.
160 — Brock Sowers (M) pinned Elijah Eatherton (Car) :31.
171 — Jordan Cartwright (M) pinned Zach Seislove (Cal) :44.
189 — Brock Kirian (M) dec. Jake Mahl (SE) 10-4.
215 — Alek Hughes (SE) pinned Brian Hunt (Cal) 1:48.
285 — John Stover (Cal) pinned Mike Galvan (SW) 4:32.
Consolation Finals
103 — Jeremy Walter (Car) pinned Jordan Foos (FSJ) :28.
112 — Tyler Crapo (SE) maj. dec. Eddie Fredritz (Car) 16-2.
119 — Jon Walter (Car) dec. Travis Fitzpatrick (M) 9-3.
125 — Cody Tanner (SE) pinned Ashton Bjorling (Car) 4:25.
130 — Andrew Keefe (Cal) dec. Joe Szczublewski (SW) 11-7.
135 — Luke Swartzmiller (H-L) pinned Chris Clouse (M) :51.
140 — Jake Scherger (Cal) dec. Aaron Kapelka (H-L) 2-1.
145 — José Degollado (H-L) pinned Dan Schafferly (M) 3:31.
152 — Aaron Arbogast (H-L) dec. Eric Sowers (M) 5-3.
160 — Jarrod Bell (Cal) pinned Josiah Natole (SE) 3:55.
171 — Rick McMillian (SE) pinned Steve Basel (SW) :54.
189 — Zach White (Cal) pinned Jon St. Clair (SW) :46.
285 — Scott Widman (FSJ) pinned Devin Jones (NB) :59.

Ohio Wrestling League
At Northwood
Team Standings
1, Arcadia 172. 2, Toledo Christian 150. 3, Stryker & McComb 124. 5, Cardinal Stritch 113. 6, Northwood 92½. 7, Van Buren 60. 8, Cory-Rawson 54.
Championship Matches
103 — Elchert (A) dec. Bacon (CS), 7-2.
112 — Reidlinger (A) pinned Potteiger (VB), 5:53.
119 — J. Curcio (TC) dec. Meinhardt (N), 7-2.
125 — VanAtta (M) maj. dec. M. Curcio (TC), 15-5.
130 — Schumaker (A) won by forfeit over Gladieux (CS).
135 — Reindel (CS) tech. fall Phelps (TC), 20-4.
140 — Grigson (N) pinned A. Yunker (TC), 1:18.
145 — Hill (M) pinned E. Yunker (TC), 1:18.
152 — M. True (A) tech. fall Wotring (TC), 15-0.
160 — Lehman (A) pinned Bell (S), 3:02.
171 — Brickner (M) maj. dec. J. Perez (S), 8-0.
189 — Bayly (TC) pinned Evans (S), 2:39.
215 — McKibben (N) dec. Bergman (CS), 8-4.
285 — Wiseman (A) dec. Schweigel (S), 4-3.
Consolation Finals
103 — Bloomfield (N) maj. dec. Herrera (M), 9-1.
112 — Lorenc (N) pinned. Schlosser (S), :57.
119 — Williams (M) maj. dec. Lewis (A), 12-2.
125 — M. Perez (S) pinned Mendoza, (N), 3:34.
130 — Whittaker (TC) pinned DeLaCerda (M), 1:32.
135 — Cramer (M) pinned Cleveland (VB), :39.
140 — D. True (A) pinned Spieldenner (VB), 4:21.
145 — Niese (C-R) pinned Vaughn (S), 2:22.
152 — Falk (C-R) maj. dec. Matter (S), 11-3.
160 — Grine (VB) pinned Shattuck (CS), 4:53.
171 — Boss-Hummel (C-R) dec. Rogers (CS), 13-7.
189 — K. Walter (C-R) pinned Word (VB), 3:49.
215 — Clauson (S) pinned Conley (A), 1:59.
285 — St. John (CS) won by forfeit.

Northwest Ohio Athletic League
At Montpelier
Team Standings
1, Archbold 211½. 2, Delta 190½. 3, Liberty Center 182. 4, Bryan 154½. 5, Montpelier 152. 6, Wauseon 144½. 7, Swanton 75. 8, Patrick Henry 66. 9, Evergreen 31.
Final Overall Standings
1, Archbold 16. 2, Delta 15. 3, Liberty Center 14. 4, Bryan 11. 5, Montpelier & Wauseon 8. 7, Patrick Henry 4. 8, Swanton 3. 9, Evergreen 2.
Championship Matches
103 — Aranjo (D)pinned Ferguson (M), :59.
112 — Lopez (PH) pinned Ry. Rayfield (D), 1:05.
119 — Pezzin (S) pinned Reyna (M), 6:35, OT.
125 — Carrizales (D) maj. dec. Almanza (PH), 13-0.
130 — Pfaff (D) dec. Bernath (A), 9-4.
135 — S. Combs (B) dec. Hill (LC), 7-4.
140 — Gombash (D) maj. dec. Rufenacht (A), 8-0.
145 — Burris (A) maj. dec. B. Combs (B), 11-1.
152 — Short (A) dec. Schroeder (M), 12-10.
160 — Yant (D) pinned Tammarine (LC), :53.
171 — Knipp (A) dec. Al. Emans (W), 8-5.
189 — McClory (LC) pinned Godsey (D), 2:59.
215 — Bostelman (A) pinned Wheeler (B), 3:27.
285 — Nowakowski (B) dec. Schwab (LC), 6-2.
Consolation Finals
103 — Ramos (B) dec. Jacoby (A), 11-5.
112 — Perez (W) dec. Pennington (E), 8-5.
119 — Stasa (E) dec. Frey (W), 7-5.
125 — Redd (A) pinned Jimenez (M), :46.
130 — McKenzie (M) dec. Schuette (W), 6-4.
135 — Meyer (A) dec. Roerig (M), 10-3.
140 — Wyckhouse (LC) pinned Conner (W), 2:30.
145 — Baldwin (LC) by default over Keller (M).
152 — Reiner (S) dec. Weber (W), 9-7, OT.
160 — An. Emans (W) pinned Timmons (B), 2:29.
171 — Butler (LC) dec. Fitch (D), 11-5.
189 — Gobrogge (PH) dec. Britenriker (A), 4-3.
215 — Slee (LC) tech. fall Norris (W), 15-0.
285 — Smith (S) dec. Howard (M), 9-5.
Fifth-Sixth Place
103 — Heineman (S) pinned Kaiser (LC), 3:52.
112 — Castillo (M) won by forfeit.
119 — Biddle (LC) pinned Tolson (D), 3:33.
125 — Hall (W) by forfeit over DeWitt (B).
130 — Bezeau (S) maj. dec. Rentschler (LC), 13-3.
135 — Volkman (W) maj. dec. Reese (PH), 9-0.
140 — Boehm (M) dec. Hernandez (B), 16-12.
145 — Ferris (E) pinned Buenger (PH), :35.
152 — Elling (LC) tech. fall Andrews (B), 21-6.
160 — Leininger (A) dec. McCarty (M), 7-5.
171 — J. Hageman (B) pinned Saddoris (M), 1:44.
189 — L. Hageman (B) dec. Yarnell (W), 7-0.
215 — McNutt (S) pinned Wells (M), 1:44.
285 — VanPelt (W) dec. Bialecki (D), 6-4.

Suburban Lakes League
At Gibsonburg
Team Standings
1, Eastwood 232. 2, Genoa 154½. 3, Elmwood 133. 4, Otsego 121. 5, Lake 117. 6, Woodmore 59. 7, Lakota 46. 8, Gibsonburg 9.
Championship Matches
103 — Hahn (Ea) pinned A. Glenn (O), :51.
112 — Baker (Lake) pinned Teneyck (Ge), 5:15.
119 — Flores (Ea) tech. fall Hughes (Lake), 17-0.
125 — Eaton (Ea) tech. fall Alexander (El), 17-1.
130 — Ulinski (Ea) pinned La. Foos (O), 1:52.
135 — Taylor (Ea) tech. fall Vogelpohl (Ge), 17-1.
140 — Fleming (O) dec. Betts(El), 9-3.
145 — Hoffmann (Ea) dec. Heath (Lake), 7-2.
152 — Cubberly (Ea) tech. fall M. Lee (El), 15-0.
160 — Tippey (Lake) dec. Ackley (El), 9-7.
171 — Foster (Ea) dec. Wolff (Ge), 11-4.
189 — Purdue (Ge) tech. fall Ault (W), 18-3.
215 — Buckner (W) maj. dec. Aurand (El), 11-0.
285 — Southwick (O) pinned J. Hummel (Lake), 3:33.
Consolation Finals
103 — S. Traver (Ge) dec. W. Lee (El), 4-2.
112 — LaCourse (Ea) tech. fall Glosser (O), 15-0.
119 — J. Traver (Ge) maj. dec. Kepling (O), 9-0.
125 — Mazza (Ge) dec. Roach (Gi), 5-3, OT.
130 — T. Espinoza (Ge) pinned Hernandez (El), :51.
135 — Johnson (O) pinned Espinoza (Lake), 4:38.
140 — Schneider (Ge) pinned Travis (W), 1:48
145 — McClafin (Lako) dec. Lo. Foos (O), 6-4, OT.
152 — Heigel (lake) dec. A. Espinoza (Ge), 6-0.
160 — Hrabak (Ge) dec. Evans (Ea), 8-6, OT.
171 — M. Kleman (Lako) pinned Wolfe (W), 2:35.
189 — Eschenbrenner (Ea) maj. dec. Griffith (El), 10-2.
215 — Hale (East) maj. dec. Steele (Lako), 12-4.
285 — Tahy (El) dec. Bettenbrock (Ea), 3-0.
Fifth-Sixth Place
103 — Reynolds (W) maj. dec. Carr (Lake), 20-6.
112 — No match
119 — Baer (El) pinned Cooper (W), 2:52.
125 — Whitacre (O) won by forfeit.
130 — Fisher (Gi) maj. dec. Rollins (W), 11-2.
135 — M. Casey (El) pinned Collum (Gi), 2:02.
140 — No match.
145 — B. Casey (El) won by default over Wagner (Ge).
152 — C. Kleman (Lako)tech. fall S. Glenn (O), 21-6.
160 — Breitigam (Lako) tech. fall Artressia (W), 19-4.
171 — Sterling (El) dec. Semple (Lake), 7-2.
189 — Schultz (Lake) dec. Froman (O), 8-6.
215 — Schreuder (Ge) won by default over M. Hummel (Lake).
285 — St. John (W) maj. dec. D’Clute (Ge), 10-0.

Northwest Conference
At Lincolnview
Team Standings
1, Bluffton 167½. 2, Allen East 145. 3, Spencerville 134½. 4, Paulding 107. 5, Delphos Jefferson 87. 6, Lincolnview 85. 7, Lima Central Catholic 77. 8, Columbus Grove 21.
Championship Matches
103 — Beck (L) tech. fall Johnston (B), 29-11.
112 — Begg (B) pinned Freeman (AE), 5:03.
119 — Domer (B) tech. fall White (LCC).
125 — Carnahan (P) maj. dec. Nuzum (B), 11-3.
130 — Clum (S) tech. fall T. Rohrs (P).
135 — Rayl (B) dec. Walters (AE), 9-5.
140 — Falk (B) won by forfeit over Hahn (LCC).
145 — Ford (AE) pinned Porter (P), 5:39.
152 — Lutz (B) dec. Kayatin (LCC), 7-2.
160 — Sneary (AE) dec. Herr (B), 4-1.
171 — Thomasson (LCC) pinned Dues (LCC), 5:47.
189 — Miller (DJ) maj. dec. A. Caudill (S), 16-3.
215 — Swick (DJ) pinned Obringer (S), 3:08.
285 — Binkley (S) dec. Cunningham (L), 6-4.
Consolation Finals
103 — Carr (P) pinned Russell (S), 4:36.
112 — J. Caudill (S) pinned Hanf (L), 1:46.
119 — Wisener (L) dec. Etzkorn (DJ), 10-9.
125 — Fisher (AE) pinned F. Brenneman (S), :54.
130 — Siefker (DJ) pinned Geiger (LCC), 2:27.
135 — C. Rohrs (P) dec. Stanfield (S), 11-5.
140 — Mumma (P) maj. dec. McElroy (DJ), 12-4.
145 — Freeman (B) dec. Andrews (DJ), 3-2.
152 — Holmes (S) pinned Myers (L), 1:43.
160 — Bonifas (L) maj. dec. J. Brenneman (S), 20-8.
171 — Harshman (CG) dec. Wiseman (L), 8-7.
189 — Wise (AE) pinned Oney (CG), 1:55.
215 — Andrews (P) pinned Fields (AE), 2:57.
285 — Osting (DJ) dec. Pryer (AE), 6-0.

MVP: Stuart Miller Delphos Jefferson.
COACH OF THE YEAR: Jeff Kleman, Bluffton.

Greater Buckeye Conference
At Sandusky
Team Standings
1, Napoleon 5-0. 2, Sandusky 3-2. 3, Findlay 3-2. 4, Marion Harding 3-2. 5, Fremont Ross 1-4. 6, Lima Senior 0-5.

Round 1
Napoleon 78, Lima Senior 5
103 — Wright (LS) tech. fall Ward, 18-3.
112 — Lynch (N) pinned Wright 1:20
119 — Heinrichs (N) won by forfeit
125 — Reed (N) pinned Esmonde 1:50
130 — Fisher (N) won by forfeit
135 — Norden (N) won by forfeit
140 — Vocke (N) won by forfeit
145 – Pahl (N) won by forfeit
152 — Drummond (N) won by forfeit
160 — Brown (N) won by forfeit
171 — Flory (N) pinned McClinton 3:42
189 — Gilgenbach (N) pinned Quintana 2:48.
215 — Sanchez (N) pinned Torres 1:02
285 — Pivincka (N) won by forfeit

Sandusky 45, Marion Harding 30
103 — Caston (S) won by forfeit
112 — Towner (S) won by forfeit
119 — Cortez (S) won by forfeit
125 — Vanderhoff (MH) pinned Kirksey 3:14
130 — Countryman (MH) won by forfeit
135 — Webb (S) pinned Ulrey, 3:24
140 — Gushard (MH) pinned Bry. Warren 1:49
145 — Miracle (MH) dec. Vaillant 6-3
152 — Winters (MH) dec. Bro. Warren 3-2
160 — Knapp (MH) pinned Monegan 1:40
171 — Spearman (S) dec. Thomas 8-2
189 — Moore (S) won by forfeit
215 — McDonald (S) won by forfeit
285 — Purcell (S) pinned Williams 5:02

Findlay 42, Fremont Ross 33
103 — Rodriguez (FR) won by forfeit.
112 — Measimer (FR) pinned Jackson, 3:38.
119 — Flores (FR) tech. fall Powell, 18-1.
125 — Mezinger (FR) pinned Castret, 1:10
130 — Busick (F) pinned Esparza, 3:02.
135 — Rojas (FR) maj. dec. Alessi, 19-6.
140 — Perrone (F) pinned Weaver, 1:44.
145 — Beltz (F) won by forfeit
152 — Brubeck (F) won by forfeit
160 — Mi. Alexander (F) dec. Bias, 5-4.
171 — Kapostasy (F) dec. Whitwright, 10-7.
189 — Ma. Alexander (F) pinned Biehler, 1:37.
215 — Metzger (F) won by forfeit
285 — Gates (FR) won by forfeit

Round 2
Napoleon 51, Marion Harding 16
103 — Ward (N) won by forfeit
112 — Lynch (N) won by forfeit
119 — Heinrichs (N) won by forfeit
125 — Vanderhoff (MH) dec. Reed, 12-7
130 — Countryman (MH) dec. Fisher 10-4
135 — Norden (N) pinned Ulrey, 1:49
140 — Gushard (MH) maj. dec. Vocke 12-4
145 — Pahl (N) dec. Miracle 6-3
152 — Drummond (N) dec. Winters 8-2
160 — Brown (N) dec. Knapp 5-0
171 — Flory (N) pinned Thomas 3:05
189 — Gilgenbach (N) won by forfeit
215 — Sanchez (N) won by forfeit
285 — Williams (MH) pinned Pivincka :28

Sandusky 55, Fremont Ross 24
103 — Caston (S) pinned Rodriguez 3:36
112 — Measimer (FR) pinned Towner 1:11
119 — McLaughlin (S) pinned Flores 4:41
125 — Mezinger (FR) pinned Kirksey 1:25
130 — Esparza (FR) won by forfeit
135 — Webb (S) maj. dec. Rojas 12-4
140 — Bry. Warren (S) pinned Weaver, 5:40.
145 — Vaillant (S) won by forfeit
152 — Bro. Warren (S) won by forfeit
160 — Bias (FR) pinned Monegan 5:41
171 — Spearman (S) pinned Whitright 2:44
189 — Moore (S) dec. Biehler 6-3
215 — McDonald (S) won by forfeit
285 — Purcell (S) pinned Gates 1:43

Findlay 72, Lima Senior 6
103 — J. Wright (LS) won by forfeit.
112 — Jackson (F) pinned D. Wright, 4:38.
119 — Powell (F) won by forfeit.
125 — Castret (F) pinned Esmonde, 4:38.
130 — Busick (F) won by forfeit.
135 — Alessi (F) won by forfeit.
140 — Perrone (F) won by forfeit.
145 — Beltz (F) won by forfeit.
152 — Brubeck (F) won by forfeit.
160 — Mi. Alexander (F) won by forfeit.
171 — Kapostasy (F) pinned McClinton, 1:00.
189 — Ma. Alexander (F) pinned Quintana, 2:34.
285 — Metzger (F) pinned Torres, 3:06.
285 — Double forfeit.

Round 3
Napoleon 52, Fremont Ross 17
103 — Ward (N) dec. Rodriguez 17-12
112 — Lynch (N) dec. Measimer 7-0
119 — Flores (N) maj. dec. Heinrichs 11-2
125 — Mezinger (FR) maj. dec. Reed 12-3
130 — Fisher (N) pinned Esparaza 1:33
135 — Rojas (FR) dec. Norden 5-4
140 — Vocke (N) pinned Weaver 2:54
145 — Pahl (N) won by forfeit
152 — Drummond (N) won by forfeit
160 — Brown (N) dec. Bias 7-1
171 — Flory (N) pinned Whitright 2:27
189 — Gilgenbach (N) pinned Biehler 2:58
215 — Sanchez (N) won by forfeit
285 — Pivincka (N) pinned Gates :50

Findlay 40, Sandusky 29
103 — Caston (S) won by forfeit
112 — Jackson (F) pinned Towner 1:13
119 — McLaughlin (S) tech. fall Powell 20-5.
125 — Castret (F) tech. fall Kirksey 16-0
130 — Busick (F) won by forfeit
135 — Webb (F) dec. Alessi 18-11
140 — Perrone (F) pinned Bry. Warren 5:42
145 — Vaillant (S) dec. Beltz 7-4
152 — Bro. Warren (S) pinned Brubeck, 3:05.
160 — Mi. Alexander (F) tech. fall Monegan, 20-4.
171 — Kapostasy (F) dec. Spearman, 3-2.
189 — Ma. Alexander (F) dec. Moore, 9-2.
215 — Metzger (F) pinned McDonald, 2:25.
285 — Purcell (S) won by forfeit.

Marion Harding 54, Lima Senior 24
103 — J. Wright (LS) won by forfeit.
112 — D. Wright (LS) won by forfeit.
119 — double forfeit
125 — Vanderhoff (MH) pinned Esmonde 1:27
130 — Countryman (MH) won by forfeit
135 — Ulrey (MH) won by forfeit
140 — Gushard (MH) won by forfeit
145 — Miracle (MH) won by forfeit
152 — Winters (MH) won by forfeit
160 — Knapp (MH) won by forfeit
171 — Thomas (MH) won by forfeit
189 — Quintana (LS) won by forfeit
215 — Torres (LS) won by forfeit
285 — Williams (MH) won by forfeit

Round 4
Napoleon 54, Findlay 9
103 — Ward (N) won by forfeit.
112 — Lynch (N) tech. fall Jackson, 16-1.
119 — Heinrichs (N) dec. Powell, 12-9.
125 — Reed (N) pinned Castret, 2:34.
130 — Fisher (N) pinned Busick, 2:50.
135 — Alessi (F) dec. Norden, 3-2.
140 — Vocke (N) maj. dec. Perrone, 10-1.
145 — Pahl (N) pinned Beltz, 3:14.
152 — Drummond (N) pinned Brubeck, 2:53.
160 — Brown (N) dec. Mi. Alexander, 3-2.
171 — Kapostasy (F) dec. Flory, 4-2.
189 — Ma. Alexander (F) dec. Gilgenbach, 3-2.
215 — Sanchez (N) dec. Metzger, 8-2.
285 — Pivincka (N) won by forfeit.

Sandusky 56, Lima Senior 15
103 — J. Wright (LS) pinned Caston 3:55
112 — Towner (S) dec. D. Wright 13-9
119 — McLaughlin (S) won by forfeit
125 — Esmonde (LS) pinned Kirksey 5:23
130 — double forfeit
135 — Webb (S) won by forfeit
140 — Bry. Warren (S) won by forfeit
145 — Vaillant (S) won by forfeit
152 — Bro. Warren (S) won by forfeit
160 — Monegan (S) won by forfeit
171 — Spearman (S) won by forfeit
189 — Moore (S) tech. fall Quintana 18-3
215 — Torres (LS) maj. dec. McDonald 13-3
285 — Purcell (S) won by forfeit.

Marion Harding 36, Fremont Ross 31
103 — Rodriguez (FR) won by forfeit
112 — Measimer (FR) won by forfeit
119 — Flores (FR) won by forfeit
125 — Vanderhoff (MH) dec. Mezinger 4-3
130 — Countryman (MH) pinned Esparza 1:30
135 — Rojas (FR) maj. dec. Ulrey 11-2
140 — Gushard (MH) pinned Weaver 1:21
145 — Miracle (MH) won by forfeit
152 — Winters (MH) won by forfeit
160 — Bias (FR) dec. Knapp 8-4
171 — Thomas (MH) dec. Whitright 4-0
189 — Biehler (FR) won by forfeit
215 — double forfeit
285 — Williams (MH) pinned Gates 1:48

Round 5
Marion Harding 36, Findlay 34
103 — Double forfeit
112 — Jackson (F) won by forfeit.
119 — Powell (F) won by forfeit
125 — Vanderhoff (MH) pinned Castret, 2:34.
130 — Countryman (MH) pinned Busick, 5:05.
135 — Alessi (F) maj. dec. Ulrey, 16-4.
140 — Gushard (MH) won by forfeit.
145 — Miracle (MH) pinned Beltz, :52.
152 — Winters (MH) pinned Brubeck, 5:36.
160 — Mi. Alexander (F) dec. Knapp, 10-4.
171 — Kapostasy (F) dec. Thomas, 7-4
189 — Ma. Alexander (F) won by forfeit.
215 — Metzger (F) won by forfeit.
285 — Williams (MH) won by forfeit.

Napoleon 54, Sandusky 19
103 — Ward (N) pinned Caston 2:59
112 — Lynch (N) won by forfeit
119 — McLaughlin (S) won by forfeit
125 — Reed (N) pinned Kirksey 2:53
130 — Fisher (N) won by forfeit
135 — Webb (S) maj. dec. Norden 14-6
140 — Vocke pinned Bry. Warren 1:46
145 — Pahl (N) dec. Vaillant 4-3
152 — Drummond (N) pinned Bro. Warren 2:25
160 — Brown (N) pinned Monegan 3:43.
171 — Spearman (S) dec. Flory, 3-1
189 — Gilgenbach (N) dec. Moore 10-3
215 — Sanchez (N) pinned McDonald 2:13
285 — Purcell (S) pinned Pivincka :09

Fremont Ross 58, Lima Senior 12
103 — J. Wright (LS) pinned Rodriguez 5:15
112 — Measimer (FR) won by forfeit
119 — Flores (FR) won by forfeit
125 — Mezinger (FR) pinned Esmonde, 2:24
130 — Esparza (FR) won by forfeit.
135 — Rojas (FR) won by forfeit
140 — Weaver (FR) won by forfeit
145 — double forfeit
152 — double forfeit
160 — Bias (FR) won by forfeit
171 — Whitright (FR) won by forfeit
189 — Biehler (FR) maj. dec. Quintana 18-6
215 — double forfeit
285 — Gates (FR) won by forfeit

Firelands Conference
At Ashland Crestview
Team Standings
1. Ashland Crestview 175½.. 2. Western Reserve135. 3. South Central 115. 4. Norwalk St. Paul 106½.. Plymouth 99. 6. New London 86. 7. Monroeville 80.
Championship Matches
103 — Steiber (M) def. Winters (AC).
112 — Johnson (M) maj. dec. Tra. Stone (AC) 13-0
119 — Oney (SC) maj. Dec. C. Puder (NL) 13-2
125 — B. Essenmacher (NL) dec. Schafer (M) 7-6
130 — Edgell (AC) dec. McDonald (P) 3-0
135 — Cawley (NSP) pinned J. Chandler (SC) 3:29
140 — Shepherd (SC) pinned M. Swan 1:51
145 — Grys NL) dec. Zaborski (WR) 4-2
152 — Reer (WR) pinned Estep (P) 1:17
160 — Worthington (AC) dec. Boyce (WR) 10-6
171 — Reed (AC) pinned Means (P) 2:07
189 — Endicott (P) maj. Dec. Cheesman (AC) 11-3
215 — Hamilton (SC) dec. Cox (WR) 4-2
285 — Steward (AC) dec. Gregory (NL) 3-1
Consolation Finals
103 — Supeck (WR) dec. McGrail (NL) 8-4 OT
112 — Kerr (WR) pinned Miller (NSP) 1:22
119 — Butcher (WR) dec. Tre. Stone (AC) 7-5
125 — McGinn (NSP) pinned Reinhart (p) 2:54
130 — Ratliff (NSP) pinned Sherck (SC) 1:35
135 — Syverson (M) tech. fall Hedrick (AC) 17-2
140 — Haubiel (AC) pinned Vermillion (NL) 2:00
145 — Hainline (NSP) pinned Smith (SC) 5:14
152 — Howman (AC) dec. Keathley (NL) 15-12
160 — Predieri (P) pinned S. Chandler (SC) 1:31
171 — N. Swan (WR) pinned Rhoad (NSP) 4:06
189 — Welfle (NSP) pinned Hamons (M) :16
215 — Bratton (AC) pinned Harris (P) 2:15
285 — Doughty (NSP) pinned Reinhart (P) :55

Sandusky Bay Conference
At Oak Harbor
Team Standings
1, Oak Harbor 254½. 2, Sandusky Perkins 209. 3, Clyde 183½. 4, Sandusky St. Mary’s 171. 5, Edison 102. 6, Margaretta 85. 7, Huron 58. 8, Port Clinton 43½.
Championship Matches
103 — Stone (OH) by forfeit over Johannsen (PC).
112 — Opfer (SM) maj. Dec. Munafo (SP) 19-7
119 — P. Harrington (SM) dec. Campbell (SP) 4-3
125 — Ohlemacher (SP) dec. Fleetwood (M) 2-1
130 — Mallernee (OH) maj. dec. Baxter (SP) 17-7
135 — McGookey (SP) maj. Dec. McAllister (H) 12-4
140 — Hermes (SM) tech. fall Pisano (SP) 19-3
145 — Tank (OH) dec Michaels (C) 10-8
152 — Baker (OH) dec Schwartz (C) 4-3 2OT
160 — Witt (OH) dec. Thurn (C) 3-1
171 — Magrum (OH) pinned Burns (E) 1:05
189 — Fisher (SP) dec. Lipstraw (OH) 7-4
215 — Scherf (OH) dec. Guerra (SM) 7-2
285 — Hammons (C) pinned Ishmael (OH) 1:37
Consolation Finals
103 — Kilbury (SP) dec. Rawson (Cl) 5-2
112 — Bergman (OH) dec. Majoy (E) 3-2
119 — Banda (OH) pinned Siesel (M) 4:33
125 — Andrews (Cl) dec. Burnworth (OH) 6-2
130 — J. Neuberger (E) dec. Ackerman (M) 2-1 OT
135 — R. Neuberger (E) dec. McCormick (SM) 3-0
140 — Waters (OH) pinned Westgate (M) 4:23
145 — Ortolani (SM) pinned Howard (E) 2:19
152 — Peters (SP) pinned Roelen (PC) 3:59
160 — Wasylik (SM) dec. Geiger (E) 5-2
171 — Ortolani (Cl) dec. Lazarra (SP) 12-8
189 — Andrews (Cl) maj. dec. Bostater (SM) 12-0
215 — Lorcher (SP) dec. Opfer (E) 6-4 OT
285 — Painter (SP) by default over Romick (H)
Fifth-Sixth Place
103 — D. Harrington (SM) by forfeit over Sidoti (M)
112 — Gerber (Cl) pinned Weidenheft (M) :41
119 — Stiffler (Cl) won by forfeit
125 — Corwin (H) won by forfeit
130 — Flores (Cl) pinned Galloway (H) 2:11
135 — Snyder (PC) won by default over Pumphrey (Cl)
140 — Rex (Cl) pinned Roberts (E) 2:59
145 — Meyers (M) dec. Blakely (H) 9-6
152 — Dahs (SM) dec. Steel (M) 13-6
160 — Patti (M) pinned McMurray (PC) 1:59
171 — Blodgett (H) dec. Chamberlain (SM) 6-0
189 — Boyce (E) pinned Jenkins (H) 1:40
215 — Mann (Cl) pinned Adkins (H) 4:08
285 — Bellamy (SM) pinned Bye (M) :48

Toledo City League
At Toledo Rogers
Team Standings
1, Toledo Whitmer 192½. 2, Toledo St. Francis 188. 3, Toledo Start 176½. 4, Toledo St. John’s 174½. 5, Toledo Waite 161. 6, Oregon Clay 134½. 7, Toledo Central Catholic 113½. 8, Toledo Woodward 55. 9, Toledo Bowsher 39½. 10, Toledo Rogers 11. 11, Toledo Libbey 10. 12, Toledo Scott 5.
Championship Matches
103 — Watson (TSJ) maj. dec. Whitt (OC) 11-2
112 — Guerra (TWa) dec. Leedy (TSt) 6-4
119 — Bowman (TWh) pinned Espinoza (TSJ) 3:42
125 — Carmona (TWa) dec. Gramza (TWh) 9-3
130 — Sutter (TSt) dec. Brown (TSF) 3-0
135 — Lopez (TWa) maj. dec. Ondrus (OC) 9-0
140 — Herrick (TWa) dec. Julious (TSt) 7-5
145 — Jones (TSt) maj. De.c Gooden (TWa) 14-5
152 — Roth (TWh) pinned Brubaker (TSt) 1:14
160 — Nino (TCC) dec. Babuder (TSF) 5-2
171 — Harpel (TSJ) dec. Baumgartner (TSF) 9-3
189 — Samson (TWh) dec. McCartney (TSJ) 7-1
215 — Pickerel (TCC) dec. Mueller (TSJ) 9-2
285 — Ernst (TWh) dec. Williams (TWo) 3-0
Consolation Finals
103 — Moore (TWh) dec. Hanus (TSF) 11-7
112 — Cook (TSF) maj. dec. Walters (OC) 12-3
119 — Fuler (Twa) dec. Leedy (TSt) 5-2
125 — Duckett (TCC) maj. Dec. Castilleja (OC) 11-2
130 — Smih (TSJ) dec. Eltatawy (TWh) 9-3
135 — Zapadka (TWh) dec. Dietsch (TSF)
140 — Cullison (TB) dec. Brown (TSF) 10-6
145 — Escamilla (TWh) dec. Orth (OC) 9-2
152 — Ramirez (TSF) dec. Staebler (TCC) 2-0
160 — Mohr (TSJ) dec. Morrissey (PC) 14-12 OT
171 — Eltatawy (TWh) dec. Henderson (TCC) 3-1
189 — Benton (TWa) dec. Cardone (TSF) 5-2
215 — Fedynich (TSF) pinned Lamkin (TL) 2:38
285 — Krontz (TSF) dec. Augustyniak (TSt) 3-1

Northern Lakes League
At Springfield
Team Standings
1, Sprinfeild 191½. 2, Rossford 139 ½. 3, Maumee 131. 4, Anthony Wayne & Sylvania Southview 112½. 6, Sylvania Northview 79½. 7, Bowling Greem 61. 8, Perrysburg 50.
Final Season Standings
1, Springfield 36. 2, Rossford 29. 3, Anthony Wayne 27½. 4, Maumee 26. 5, Sylvania Southview 17½. 6, Sylvania Northview 15. 7, Bowling Green 8. 8, Perrysburg 5.
Championship Matches
103 — Manley (S) maj. dec. Warren (M) 11-1
112 — Schlegel (M) dec. Jackson (S) 7-1
119 — Boileau (SN) maj. dec. Shawn Bryant (R) 16-6
125 — Latham (SS) pinned Smith (S) 5:14
130 — Dennis (S) tech. fall Switzer (AW) 17-1
135 — Espinoza (R) maj. dec. Byers (S) 13-0
140 — Wray (R) dec. Ferguson (S) 5-4
145 — Hendon (BG) pinned Sarno (P) 2:38
152 — Garcia (SS) dec. Myers (AW) 7-1
160 — LaClair (M) dec. Helminiak (SS) 7-6
171 — Zipfel (SN) dec. Zellers (SS) 8-2
189 — Isley (SS) dec. Seely (R) 6-3
215 — Okonski (R) pinned Rippke (M) 1:12
285 — Urban (SN) dec. Holland (S) 4-1
Consolation Finals
103 — Jewell (Ro) dec. Brown (AW) 2-0
112 — Irwin (AW) dec. Jordan (P) 10-1
119 — Cole (S) pinned Mori (P) 4:40
125 — McCulloch (AW) maj. dec. Sharar (SN) 11-0
130 — Miller (BG) dec. Ulrich (Ro) 9-4
135 — Burkhart (P) dec. Olsavsky (AW) 8-3
140 — Bradley (SS) maj. dec. Johnson (M) 11-3
145 — Graves (M) maj. dec. Arthur (S) 20-8
152 — Meel (S) dec. Scott (M) 3-0
160 — Munson (AW) dec. Kirkbride (BG) 7-1
171 — Carter (M) dec. Stone (Rol) 6-4
189 — Guercio (S) pinned Gochenour (M) 3:$1
215 — Krajicek (S) maj. dec. Warnecke (AW) 8-0
285 — Cox (BG) dec. Fleming (R) 3-2

Green Meadows Conference
At Fairview
Team Standings
1, Ayersville 220. 2, Tinora 210½. 3, Fairview 185½ . 4, Edgerton 144½. 5, Hicksville 94½. 6, Wayne Trace 44.
Individual Finishes
103 — Joey Adams (H), Caitlin Rohn (A), Shelyce Brown (T), Katie Clemens (WT).
112 — Jacob Varner (T), Terry Miller (F), Matt Brown (E), Jenn Peabody (A).
119 — Jordan Karnes (E), Joey Bodenbender (T), Bryce Hussey (A), Stephen Dix (F).
125 — Ryan Jacob (F), Louie Albright (A), Chad Zolman (T), Kyle Webb (E), Aaron Matthews (WT).
130 — Derrick Elkins (A), Josh Mangas (T), Ethan Wonderly (F), Dan Boeke (E)
135 — Josh Goebel (E), Mike Jorkos (A), Wes Schooley (H), Bryse Batt (F).
140 — Kreg Levy (H), Chris Combs (A), Tim Fuller (T), Greg Meyer (F).
145 — Frank Krill (E), Tom Blake (T), Zack West (WT), Nate Blevins (A).
152 — Richie Smith (F), Jarred Hageman (A), Jerry Matthews (H), Dakota Sheets (E).
160 — Jeff Meyer (F), Robert Blake (T), Blake Miller (A), Angelo Harris (WT).
171 — Jake Reuille (WT), Sam Wineland (E), Adam Moser (T), Jon Mahany (A).
189 — Justin Snyder (T), Stewart Zachrich (A), Dakota Batt (F), Austin Cape (E).
215 — Chris Riblet (F), Matt D'Angelo (T), Mark Castillo (A); Billy Greutman (E).
285 — Rich Cline (A), Ben Flegal (H), Jared Pendleton (F).

Western Buckeye League
At Lima Shawnee
Team Standings
1, Elida 196½. 2, Van Wert 173½. 3, Celina 151½. 4, Defiance 107½. 5, Wapakoneta 105½. 6, Lima Shawnee 84½. 7, Lima Bath 65. 8, St. Marys Memorial 56½. 9, Kenton 16. 10, Ottawa-Glandorf 5.
Championship Matches
103 — Miller (D) maj. dec. Hunlock (E), 9-0.
112 — Brunk (E) maj. dec. Hurst (D), 15-4.
119 — Gonzalez (D) dec. Diglia (E), 3-2.
125 — Sully (VW) dec. Hefner (LB), 5-4.
130 — Beemer (W) pinned McGinnis (LB), 5:57.
135 — Gray (C) dec., Overholt (E), 3-2.
140 — Mabry (SM) dec. Rider (LS), 6-1.
145 — Dettrow (VW) maj. dec. Leis (E), 12-4.
152 — Davis (C) dec. Hirschy (VW), 7-2.
160 — Fricke (E) maj. dec. Noggle (VW), 14-5.
171 — Shipp (W) dec. Saffle (E), 3-2.
189 — Stoker (C) dec. Custer (VW), 2-0.
215 — McIntosh (VW) dec. Miracle (C), 4-3.
275 — VanVoorhis (E) pinned Thomas (VW), 1:03.
Consolation Finals
103 — Baskett (Cel) dec. Kennedy (W) 6-2
112 — Smith (VW) maj. dec. Croft (S) 8-0
119 — Thees (Cel) pinned Beemer 4:54
125 — Bailey (W) dec. Troyer (E) 4-2
130 — Krinkle (LS) dec. Doner (Cel) 3-1
135 — Wagenhauser (D) maj. dec. Claybaugh (W) 8-0
140 — Swanson (D) dec. Rumbaugh (LB) 7-2
145 — Dues (Cel) pinned Carter (LS) 1:53
152 — Washam (LS) dec. Green 6-3
160 — Long (W) dec. Temple 5-1
171 — Lauth (SM) dec. Roop (VW) 2-1 OT
189 — Wittkamp (E) dec. Painter (LB) 10-4
215 — Brown (SM) pinned Hurlburt (LS) 3:51
285 — Rodriguez (D) dec. Byrne (W) 3-1

Northern Ohio League
At Upper Sandusky
Northern Ohio League Tournament
1, Bellevue 238. 2, Shelby 162. 3, Galion 127½. 4, Tiffin Columbian 121. 5, Norwalk 113½. 6, Willard 88. 7, Fostoria 52½. 8, Upper Sandusky 52.
Championship Matches
103 — John Worthington (S) p. Scott Ackerman (B) :42
112 — Brandon Rumple (G) p. Delian Schneider (TC) 1:29
119 — Taylor Jackson (S) p. Isaac Heiser (F) 1:30
125 — Tyler McClintock (G) d. Chris Hogue (B) 7-1
130 — John Kidd (N) d. JR McDole (TC) 14-7
135 — Dawson Riedy (B) p. Jeremy Butler (S) 3:14
140 — Jeffrey Pelton (B) d. Lawrence Cavello (W) 10-4
145 — Sam Shiff (F) m.d. James Pfeiffer (N) 14-5
152 — Mike Yingling (B) d. Arin Neely (US) 13-7
160 — Chris Johnson (N) d. Dayne Williams (TC) 2-1
171 — Dan Erf (B) p. Aaron Webster (US) 2:41
189 — BJ Taylor (S) d. Jared Torrence (N) 2-1
215 — Matt Clum (G) d. Cory Mathias (W) 5-1
285 — Doug Donna (TC) d. Markie Brooks (B) 6-2 OT
Consolation Finals
103 — Andrew Desjardins (TC) m.d. AJ Olvera (N) 16-5
112 — Shane Justice (B) p. Travis Arnold (N) 3:30
119 — Garrett Moyer (B) p. Dirk Kostoff (W) 2:56
125 — Logan Barnhart (S) p. Martin Fonseca (TC) :40
130 — Dustin Jewell (G) d. Chance Markoff (F) 5-1
135 — Clint Reis (TC) d. Jeff Goines (W) 7-1
140 — Trent Ringle (N) p. Dustin Marwell (S) 2:15
145 — Tony Peña (B) p. Cory Shaw (US) 1:59
152 — Jesse Wolfel (G) m.d. Aaron Head (S) 14-6
160 — Cody Adkinson (B) t.f. Chris Schraedly (S) 15-0
171 — Josh Cook (N) d. Kyle Bailey (S) 5-3
189 — Brandon Kamann (W) p. Zach Ziegler (TC) 4:49
215 — Corey Brooks (B) inj. def. Michael Lund (N)
285 — Gage Tolar (G) d. Nick Brown (S) 5-2

Team Standings — 1, Riverdale 3-0. 2, Bucyrus 2-1. 3, Buckeye Central 1-2. 4, Ontario 0-3.

103 — Yeater (R) won by forfeit.
112 — Nickelso (B) won by forfeit.
119 — Leibengood (B) won by forfeit.
125 — double forfeit.
130 — Shearer (R) won by forfeit.
135 — Cavinder (R) pinned Piatt, 1:33.
140 — Long (B) won by forfeit.
145 — Hepperly (R) won by forfeit.
152 — A. Rodabaugh (R) won by forfeit.
160 — J. Rodabaugh (R) pinned Downing, :47.
171 — Camper (R) pinned Kenny, 1:24.
189 — Zehring (B) pinned Book, :37.
215 — Jackson (B) pinned Shirk, :35.
275 — Charlton (B) pinned Shrider, :45.

Riverdale 42, Ontario 15
103 — Yeater (R) won by forfeit.
112 — double forfeit.
119 — double forfeit.
125 — double forfeit.
130 — Shearer (R) won by forfeit.
135 — Cavinder (R) pinned Row, :29.
140 — double forfeit.
145 — Hepperly (R) won by forfeit.
152 — Rader (O) pinned A. Rodabaugh, 1:45.
160 — J. Rodabaugh (R) pinned Baker, 1:16.
171 — Camper (R) won by forfeit.
189 — Wilson (O) dec. Book, 13-8.
215 — Rickert (O) pinned Shirk, :34.
275 — Shrider (R) pinned Stiving, 3:02.

Riverdale 51, Buckeye Central 12
103 — Yeater (R) won by forfeit.
112 — double forfeit.
119 — Allen (BC) won by forfeit.
125 — double forfeit.
130 — Shearer (R) tech. fall Cole, 17-0.
135 — Cavinder (R) maj. dec. Cole, 19-6.
140 — Nye (BC) won by forfeit.
145 — Hepperly (R) won by forfeit.
152 — A. Rodabaugh (R) won by forfeit.
160 — J. Rodabaugh (R) pinned Stockmaster, 2:45.
171 — Camper (R) won by forfeit.
189 — Book (R) dec. Miller, 11-7.
215 — Shirk (R) won by forfeit.
275 — Shrider (R) won by forfeit.

Bucyrus 35, Ontario 24
103 — double forfeit.
112 — Nickelso (B) won by forfeit.
119 — Leibengood (B) won by forfeit.
125 — double forfeit.
130 — double forfeit.
135 — Row (O) pinned Piatt, 4:59.
140 — Long (B) won by forfeit.
145 — double forfeit.
152 — Rader (O) won by forfeit.
160 — Downing (B) tech. fall Baker 16-0
171 — Kenny (B) won by forfeit.
189 — Wilson (O) pinned Zehring, 3:43.
215 — Rickert (O) pinned Jackson, 5:57.
275 — Charlton (B) pinned Stiving 3:41.

Bucyrus 39, Buckeye Central 18
103 — double forfeit.
112 — Nickelso (B) won by forfeit.
119 — Leibengood (B) dec. Allen 13-6
125 — double forfeit.
130 — Cole (BC) won by forfeit.
135 — Brookes (BC) pinned Piatt, 3:12.
140 — Long (B) dec. Nye, 11-7.
145 — double forfeit.
152 — double forfeit.
160 — Stockmaster (BC) pinned Downing 2:36.
171 — Kenny (B) won by forfeit.
189 — Zehring (B) pinned Miller :55.
215 — Jackson (B) won by forfeit .
275 — Charlton (B) won by forfeit.

Buckeye Central 30, Ontario 24
103 — double forfeit.
112 — double forfeit.
119 — Allen (BC) won by forfeit.
125 — double forfeit.
130 — Cole (BC) won by forfeit.
135 — Brookes (BC) pinned Rowe 5:11.
140 — Nye (BC) won by forfeit.
145 — double forfeit.
152 — Rader (O) won by forfeit.
160 — Stockmaster (BC) pinned Baker 1:06.
171 — double forfeit.
189 — Wilson (O) pinned Miller 1:13.
215 — Rickert (O) won by forfeit.
275 — Stiving (O) won by forfeit.

Team Standings
1, West Holmes 202½. 2, Lexington 190½. 3, Manfield Madison 125½. 4, Orrville 113. 5, Wooster 78½. 6, Mansfield Senior 51. 7, Ashland 50. 8, Clear Fork 37
Championship Matches
103: Gould (L) dec. Strausbaugh (O) 10-6
112: Stentz (A) dec. Jacobs (WH) 5-4
119: Devito (L) dec. McMorrow (O) 3-1
125: McQuillen (L) t.fall Kurzenberger (Wo) 15-0
130: Yetzer (Mad) dec. Maiwurm (O) 11-4
135: Speelman (Mad) dec. Deese (O) 15-2
140: Graszl (Mad) dec. Meenan (Wo) 16-7
145: Hoover (WH) dec. Bishop (L) 10-2
152: Collett (WH) pin Jordan (L) 1:17
160: Sponseller (WH) pin Delong (L) 3:23
171: Lochtefeld (L) dec. VanSickle (W) 11-1
189: Akam (WH) dec. Hudak (L) 10-4
215: McCluggage (WH) dec. Tufts (MS) 6-2
285: Hawkins (WH) dec. Mosier (Mad) 11-6
Consolation Finals
103: Henderson (MS) pin Mullet (Wo) 1:39
112: Speelman (Mad) dec. Gambucci (L) 16-4
119: Cicconetti (Wo) pin Oswalt (CF) 2:25
125: Scheurer (Mad) pin Crozier (CF) 4:01
130: Kerr (Wo) dec. Yerian (WH) :29
135: Yost (Wo) pin Mellot (WH) 0:29
140: Mathie (WH) dec. Brumfield (MS) 5-3
145: Ashbrook (A) pin Stevens (MS) 2:41
152: Raber (O) pin Smetzer (A) 1:13
160: Maiwurm (O) pin Coxe (CF) 3:20
171: Shook (Mad) dec. Kazim (O) 5-1
189: Carozza (O) pin Heuss (Mad) 1:12
215: Pat Farrell (L) pin Cory Dennison (A) 0:39
285: Britt (C) pin Fraley (L) 2:59
Challenge Matches for Second Place
112: Jacobs (Wo) dec. Speelman (Mad) 8-6
135: Yost (Wo) dec Deese (O) 11-4
140: Mathie (WH) dec. Meenan (Wo) 7-5
285: Britt (CF) pin Mosier (Mad) 3:23
League MVP: Colton Collett, West Holmes